What are the Effective Communication Skills? upGrad Campus

What is effective communication? Skills you need to skyrocket your career

December 27th, 2022

What is effective communication? Skills you need to skyrocket your career
Possessing effective communication skills is a must in this competitive world as it enhances the overall personality of an individual and opens several career opportunities, leading to a brighter future. Individuals gain confidence as they develop skills at conveying their thoughts and engaging in impactful interactions, which include verbal communication, body language, and attentive listening. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits and significant features you must consider in improving your communication skills.   

What Is Effective Communication? 

The process of sharing ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and information that results in a clear and purposeful message is known as effective communication. Individuals can talk calmly and simultaneously listen to the other person with entire concentration and revert appropriately.  

What are the benefits of effective communication skills?

What are the benefits of effective communication skills? Effective communication solves and actually prevents a lot of misunderstandings from happening. This is true for both your personal and professional life. These are the 5 key benefits of communication:
  1. It fosters better relationships - Effective communication speeds up problem solving and boosts productivity.
  2. Better conflict-management - Reaching common ground during disagreements is a lot easier when all parties can make their side of the story heard.
  3. Builds Empathy - One of the main facets of communication is active listening. When we actively listen to people we can empathize with them more.
  4. More Self Awareness - When we start actively participating in social interactions, we start to gain a better understanding of our likes and dislikes as well.
  5. Trust Builder - Healthy and open communication will allow you and the person to develop a sense of trust.

What are the principles of effective communication?

Effective communication requires some amount of effort from both the speaker as well as the listener. Now that we have looked at the benefits of effective communication, let's take a look at what is the purpose of effective communication.   Become an engaged listener  - There is a difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is the act of receiving the other person’s voice - but in order to register, perceive, understand and formulate a reply of your own, you need to listen and pay attention during the conversation. Pay attention to nonverbal signals - Effective communication is a combination of both verbal and nonverbal cues. It’s easy to keep track and listen to the verbal cues of the other person, but you also need to keep an eye out for a person’s nonverbal cues or body language. You can check out our blog - the importance of body language in communication - to know more about nonverbal communication. Keep stress in check  - When we get stressed, we end up getting more absorbed into our own narrative or view point and stop listening to what the other person is trying to say. This leads to more miscommunication and misunderstandings. Assert yourself  - Being assertive during a conversation will help you back your view point and stand your ground. While we have mentioned the importance of understanding the other person’s point of view, it is also important to learn how to be assertive when you’re right.   Also Read : Non-Verbal Communication in Interviews: What Your Body Language Reveals  

4 Major Benefits of Effective Communication Skills 

By taking a professional course, you can access the key benefits of effective communication skills:  

1. Empathetic Communication 

Effective communication with people will lead you to foster improved relations with your colleagues, seniors, and junior employees, building understanding, trust and empathy between individuals.  

2. Conflict Resolution 

Effective communicators can resolve issues amicably. In various settings, they can neutralise flared situations, identify common areas, and sustain healthy relationships.  

3. Career Advancement 

Effective communication is a must in the corporate world. Good communicators frequently progress in their careers as they can express their ideas, interact with others, and manage teams excellently.  

4. Better Decision-Making Power 

In the corporate world, having effective communication with clients leads to a greater chance of consensus and collaboration leading to better decisions. This allows for a more seamless execution of ideas and initiatives.

The Characteristics of Effective Communication

The Characteristics of Effective Communication The characteristics of communication are basically the components that make up effective communication. Keep in mind that these characteristics do not change according to the different forms of communication. So let’s take a look at what makes up effective communication:
  • Clear - Any form of communication - be it written verbal or nonverbal - should convey the message clearly. 
  • Concise - Time is money in any business. Your message should be crisp and to the point so the reader can understand it quickly.
  • Concrete - Do not make up anything. Your message, argument, statement - should all be well-backed by data. 
  • Coherent - Every conversation you have should have a logical chronological order - so that the other person can follow along easily. Going off on a tangent mid-conversation can confuse the other person. 
  • Courteous -  All business dealings take place on the formal side of things. To maintain that atmosphere, be polite and avoid getting informal as it may be considered rude. 
  • Listening for Attention - A conversation always takes place between two people, where they both go from being speaker to listener. As the listener you have to pay attention to what is being said to carry forward the conversation. 
  • Focus - In most conversations you would have to go back and forth with the other person. In such situations, you could lose focus and say something you weren’t supposed to say. So always focus on the conversation. 
Watch: https://youtu.be/7BgRcw6TPOM?si=K1NrB0j7rCwFWwPO  

Elevate Your Career Growth with Effective Communication Skills

For personal and professional growth, pursuing effective communication skills is essential. There are a lot of parameters that you need to keep in mind to become an effective communicator. These mainly include active listening, conveying your message clearly, and maintaining a two-way flow of conversation.    To accomplish effective communication skills - especially in interviews and placement rounds, students must enroll in a professional course. At upGrad Campus, we offer Placement Plus. The goal of this course is to get you 3 assured interviews with our 300+ Hiring Partners. Additionally, this program improves effective communication by targeting resume writing skills, interview skills, and other essential soft skills. Visit upGrad Campus today and build a strong foundation for your career enhancement.  

How to improve Effective Communication Skills

After reading this you might feel like there is a LOT that has to be done in order to achieve effective communication. But you don’t need to worry - we’ve got you covered! Our Placement Plus Program are built around making our students job-ready! In this Program, we’ll work on your communication skills, resume writing skills, interview skills and more.


Conclusion Effective communication is one of the most vital skills you can work on, both in your personal life as well as professional life. There are a lot of parameters that you need to keep in mind to become an effective communicator. These mainly include active listening, conveying your message clearly and maintaining a two way flow of conversation.


1. What are the 5 basic communication skills? 

The 5 essential communication skills are listening, speaking, reading, writing, and non-verbal communication.  

2. What is effective communication in a career? 

Effective communication in a career refers to the skill to convey information, ideas, and messages appropriately. It can lead to better collaboration, problem-solving, relationship-building, and professional success.  

3. How to improve communication skills? 

To improve your communication skills, practise active listening, enhance vocabulary, work on non-verbal cues, provide constructively and seek feedback, practise public speaking, and read and write regularly.  

4. What are 3 positive communication skills? 

The three positive communication skills are empathy, active listening, and clarity.  

5. How are communication skills important in the workplace? 

Communication skills are vital in the workplace as they foster collaboration, resolve conflicts, and enable effective leadership. Clear communication with colleagues and clients ensures success, while strong skills are essential for career growth and innovation, making them indispensable in any professional setting.

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