How to Get Interview Ready for Dream Job

How to Get Interview Ready for your Dream Job

December 29th, 2022

How to Get Interview Ready for your Dream Job
On a scale of 1 to 10 - how hard do you think it would be to get a call back, scheduling an interview for your dream position? And how harder still, would it be for you to get a call back for the job? Interviews are tricky and can often make or break your career.
Which is why in today’s blog we’re going to talk about how you can prepare for an interview from your dream job.

How to prepare for your interview

When you’re preparing for an interview you should prepare to answer certain questions, and prepare to ask certain questions. This will help the interviewer understand you, and help you understand the company. To dig a little deeper, here are our top tips to prepare for your interview.

1. How you should decide on your dream companies

We all have certain brands, job positions or companies that we would work for in a heartbeat.  But there should be a good enough reason for that. Before you ask us ‘how to get a job at my dream company’ you need to have some dream companies In order for them to become your ‘dream company’ they should meet certain criteria like:
  • The company’s culture fit should match your ideals and morals
  • The company should focus on moving up in the industry
  • The company should have a clear and set organisational structure 
  • The company should have a good working environment for their employees
2. The Do’s and Don’ts of acing an interview
  • During the interview keep your answers crisp and to the point
  • Whenever you talk about your skills, back it up with numbers or examples.
  • Maintain positive body language and groom yourself well.
  • Don’t lie to your interviewer - Ever
  • Do not leave without asking the interviewer a few questions
If you’re interested in knowing more - we have written a blog on how you can improve your interview skills, where we cover how you can give an introduction for job interview and many more topics.

The 4K’s for getting your dream job

The 4 K’s describe everything you should know before the interview. Keeping the 4K’s in mind will help you during your research and interview prep and get you interview-ready.

Know the Organization

When you’re researching a particular company, you should pay close attention to details about the company’s work culture, the company’s values and the employees. There are certain ways you can do this. Glassdoor is a great site for checking company reviews and ratings by current and past employees. It is also best if you can get in touch with people who have worked for that company.

Know your interviewer

There is a chance you might know, before-hand, the person who is going to take your interview. In that case, you should get to know about them and what they’re like. Their Linkedin profile is a great place to start. 

Know your position

You should have a thorough understanding of the role you are applying for. The most important thing you can do is read the job description that was circulated. The job description will mention the skills and requirements the company is looking for in its candidate. 

Know your strengths and weaknesses

Most interviewers will directly or indirectly ask about your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing what to say for that answer is important, the wrong answers could get you eliminated. Head over to our blog - A guide on strengths and weaknesses to crack your interviews - to get a complete breakdown of this question.

Interview preparation tips

Interview preparation tips

When we talk about how to prep for a job interview, we have to delve into these tips that will get you interview readyin a jiffy.

Interview tips and tricks

  • Stay away from the Tunnel Effect. When we take up too much pressure, or we add unnecessary stress to a particular meeting or interaction, we end up making mistakes, even when we’re better than that. To avoid these conscious mistakes, we must practise our skills until they come to us naturally. <br>
  • Mock Interviews for the win. Practise with family and friends if you need to, but get used to the feeling of answering questions asked about your life and skills. Get comfortable talking about yourself. <br>
  • Downplay it. This is in contrast to it being your dream job, but if you’re putting too much pressure on yourself, downplay the importance of the interview - to take the edge off. 
  • Ask questions. To seem truly interested in working there, enquire about the company and your job, during the interview. In your preparatory phase, keep a list of questions or concerns ready, so that you don’t end up asking something silly in the heat of the moment.



Interviews can be really easy to ace if you have prepared well. Professional guidance is also a great way to prepare for interviews. If you want to prepare for your interviews with the help of experienced mentors, you should check out our Placement Plus and Internship Plus Programs. We cover everything from Resume writing, to mock interviews and group discussions and teach you how to get, job and interview ready!

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*The placement figures represent the number of students placed by upGrad. Past record is no guarantee of future job prospects. The success of job placement/interview opportunity depends on various factors including but not limited to the individual's performance in the program, the placement eligibility criteria, qualifications, experience, and efforts in seeking employment. Our organization makes no guarantees or representations regarding the level or timing of job placement/interview opportunity. Relevant terms and conditions will apply for any guarantee provided by upGrad.