How to become a Full Stack Developer? upGrad Campus

How to Become a Full Stack Developer: Required Skills and Responsibilities

November 30th, 2022

How to Become a Full Stack Developer: Required Skills and Responsibilities

Table of Contents

  1. Roles of a Full Stack Developer
    i) Front-end Programming Languages
    ii)Back-end Programming Languages
    iii) Databases
  2. What comes under Full Stack Development?
    i) MERN Stack
    ii) LAMP Stack
    iii) MEAN Stack
  3. How to become a Full Stack Developer?
    i) Full-Stack Developer Internship
    ii) Full-Stack Developer Bootcamp
    iii) Full-Stack Developer Certificate

Close your eyes and imagine your favourite app.  Which was it? Swiggy? Spotify? Instagram?  Now imagine how amazing it would be to build one of your own.  If you’re stoked by the idea, then Full Stack Developer is definitely the career path for you. In this blog, we will discuss the step-by-step guide on how to become a Full Stack Developer, starting with what is a Full Stack Developer’s role, what to learn to become a Full Stack Developer, and finally the road to Full Stack Developer career.

Who is a full stack developer?

Who is a full stack developer?

When you navigate easily through a website or see those interactive designs on apps, a Full Stack Developer is at work to make every experience easy for you. Before we learn how, let us first understand what “full-stack” means. “Full-stack” refers to technologies and products that form the technical ecosystem needed to build and operate the application. A stack typically includes a database, an application framework, a runtime platform and client-side web application framework. Each of those components are crucial to getting a web application working.  A Full Stack Developer must be able to handle all the components of a stack to ensure they work together efficiently. They must able to work on:
  1. Front-end Programming Languages
    This is the interface of the application that is visible to the user. It includes the GUI (graphical user interface), navigation menu, the text that appears, images, videos, autoplays, etc. The languages used in the frontend are HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc.
  2.  Back-end Programming Languages
    This is the actual functionality of the application, which includes fetching data from the server/database and performing certain actions (like booking an order, playing a song, etc.). The languages used in the backend are Java, .Net, Python, etc.
  3. Database
    This is where the data is actually stored, and it is the Full Stack Developer’s responsibility to ensure that the right data is being fetched/displayed/updated correctly even when multiple users are trying to access it.
Since a Full Stack Developer needs a variety of skills, they are in high demand and are one of the most well-paid professionals today.

What should I learn for Full Stack Web Development?

What should I learn for Full Stack Web Development?

As discussed earlier, a Full Stack Developer must have the working knowledge of the stack. There are a variety of full-stacks in the market today:
  • MERN Stack
    • MongoDB
    • Express.js
    • React.js
    • Node.js
  •  LAMP Stack
    • Linux
    • Apache
    • MySQL
    • PHP
  •  MEAN Stack
    • MongoDB
    • Express.js
    • Angular.js
    • Node.js
One of the most widely used stacks in most organisations and highly recommended to learn is the MERN stack. As shown above, the MERN stack includes:


MongoDB is an open-source document-oriented database that is designed to store a large scale of data and also allows you to work with that data very efficiently.


Express.js, or simply Express, is a back-end web application framework for Node.js. It is designed for building web applications and APIs.


React.js is an open-source Javascript framework for building interactive user interfaces and web applications more quickly and efficiently than you would with plain JavaScript.


Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that lets developers use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side scripting (back-end).
In order to work on the MERN stack, a full stack web developer must also know these programming languages:


Java is an object oriented programming language extensively used to develop mobile apps, web apps, desktop apps and more.


The HyperText Markup Language, or HTML is the standard markup language to structure web content through headings, sub-headings, paragraphs and more.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used to apply styling rules to HTML content; for example - font, background colour, and more.


JavaScript is a scripting language that lets you control multimedia, animate images and implement dynamic behaviour on the client side (front-end). Now that you know which are the required skills to become a Full Stack Developer, let us see how you can acquire them.

How to become a Full Stack Developer?

How to become a Full Stack Developer?

Now that you know about the most important skills for a full stack web developer, let us see how you can acquire those skills:

You don’t have to invest in a full-fledged degree to become a Full Stack Developer. Even without a tech background, there are ways to acquire the necessary Full Stack Development skills.

Full-Stack Developer Internship

If you have a decent knowledge of even one of the main programming languages (Java/C/C++/Python), you can start your career as a Full Stack Development intern, and pick up working knowledge of the other skills. There are many companies that offer internship opportunities. But if you’re struggling to find one, you can always sign up for upGrad Campus’s Internship Plus program which provides you 3 assured internship opportunities with their hiring partner.

Full-Stack Developer Bootcamp

There are many online bootcamps available that equip you with the programming skills you need as a beginner. There are bootcamps designed for specific skills like Java bootcamp, React.js bootcamp, etc. Before you select a bootcamp, make sure to pick the one that gives you hands-on experience in the same.

 Full-Stack Developer Certificate

This is one of the most effective ways to kickstart a career in Full Stack Development. A Full-Stack Developer Certificate gives you the right skills with hands-on practice, showcases your knowledge to recruiters and builds a project portfolio for you. One such example is upGrad Campus’s Full Stack Development Course. This course covers all the skills listed above and more. The entire curriculum is designed for beginners, so you need not have any coding background to take up this course. You will get plenty of hands-on experience with assignments, bootcamps, hackathons and 6+ projects.



We hope that this article clarifies all your doubts and apprehensions on becoming a Full Stack Developer. As you can see, all you need are the right skills and there is no one way of acquiring them. Pick an option that works for you, invest 6 months and build your dream app for your dream company!

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