Career Services Policy - upGrad Campus


Table of Contents

Subject Page No.
Index 1

Chapter 1 - Introduction

  • Aim of the Policy
  • Applicability of the Policy
  • Career services to be provided by upGrad Campus
  • Abbreviations

Chapter 2 - Eligibility and Debarment of upGrad Learners

  • Eligibility of the learners
  • Registration Process
  • Skill Set details and Job Profile Preference
  • Learner Contact Details & Communications
  • Placement Kit
  • Dress Code
  • Recruitment Process
  • Type of Offers
  • Participation in Drives
  • Multiple Offers
  • Post-Offer Processes for Joining and Reporting in Companies
  • Misconduct and Penalty
  • Withdrawal from the career services
  • Types of drive defaulters and penalty clause
  • Consequences of withdrawal and disqualification
  • Completion of career services
  • Disclaimer

Chapter 3 - General Guidelines for the Learners


Annexure I: Application Form for Exit from Career Services


1.1 Introduction

Building a career in the industry and alignment of career with role, brand and package is an important goal of professional education. Along with ensuring overall learning and development, professional education should also facilitate the process of career advancement of learners. Moreover, it has been seen that right placement happens as much because of individual brilliance and aptitude as because of strategic preparedness. upGrad Campus visualizes its role as a facilitator to bring about a radical change in the employability of its learners. Consequently, a comprehensive policy has been framed keeping in mind the aspirations of the learners, their parents, and expectations of the industry.
The career services of upGrad Campus will be available to those learners who opt to avail them and commit to abide by the requirements thereof.

1.2 Aim of the Policy

  1. To inform learners regarding the terms and process of career services provided by upGrad Campus.
  2. To create steps and processes regarding taking part in placement/internship processes and job offers.
  3. To monitor the expected conduct of learners during the processes.
  4. To lay down provisions, procedure, and process for accepting job/internship offers by the learners.
  5. To lay down guidelines for joining of learners and related rules.

1.3 Applicability of the Policy

This Policy shall be applicable to all learners who have opted for Placement Plus programs offered by upGrad Campus. The Policy will be applicable to the learners till 3 months from the completion of their respective batches.

1.4 Career services to be provided by upGrad Campus

All eligible learners can apply for relevant and domain-specific internships/ placements (termed as “placement opportunity”) to companies via upGrad Campus. The placement opportunities will depend upon the skill set and job interests submitted by the learners.

To assist you in getting placed, upGrad Campus will also provide you with the following career services:

  1. Resume building service;
  2. Mock interview preparation;
  3. Additional content and assignments to get you interview ready;
  4. 1 on 1 mentorship by an upGrad Campus mentor; and
  5. Employability tests

1.5 Abbreviations

  • CGPA – Cumulative Grade Point Average
  • RT – Recruitment Training
  • CTC – Cost-to-Company
  • CV – Curriculum Vitae
  • GD – Group Discussion
  • JD – Job Description
  • LPA – Lacs per annum
  • OJT – On-Job Training
  • PPO – Pre-Placement Offer


2.1 Eligibility of the learners

The learners shall be required to fulfill the following criteria to be eligible to receive career services:

  • Learners must achieve minimum 70% attendance in the live online sessions in the certification program and the placement program (“Program”).
  • Learners must complete 100% of online recorded modules.
  • Learners must score a minimum of 60% in the online Program.
  • Learners must score a minimum of 60% in all the evaluations and employability tests.

2.2 Registration Process

Learners shall be required to follow the following pathway for completing the process of registration into career services after enrolment into the placement program:

  1. An online form will be circulated to the learners for registration
  2. While filling the information learners must carefully verify / fill all details including:
    1. Learner’s Email id and Mobile number;
    2. Parent’s Email id and Mobile number;
    3. Details of all previous qualifications (Percentage, Batch Year and Board/University, etc.).
    4. LinkedIn Profile Link
    5. Study Gap after 10th /12th /Diploma/Graduation etc.
    6. GitHub/Kaggle or any relevant link as mentioned in the format
    7. Previous employer/employment details, if any.
  3. Uploading of Updated CV

The learners are expected to share all relevant and factually correct information within 48 hours of receiving the notification.

The career services shall commence only on receipt of the required personal information.

2.3 Skill Set details and Job Profile Preference

After successful registration into career services, learners will be asked to fill in details of the skills that they possess and choose the job profiles of their interest and skills pertaining to their discipline. The skill set details can be updated, appended, or deleted at any given time.

2.4 Learner contact details and communication

  1. Learner mobile numbers and email IDs (although can be updated by learner anytime) changes shall be avoided as this information is frequently shared with prospective recruiters
  2. upGrad Campus shall not be responsible for any loss of communication due to phone nos./e-mail IDs not reachable. The information filled in the registration form shall be treated as the primary source of communication.

2.5 Placement Kit

Offline Mode:

The learners must maintain a placement kit in a prescribed folder containing the following documents and must be available with learners.

  1. 5 copies of their latest resume
  2. 5 passport size photographs with light background (both ears visible)
  3. All relevant testimonials/certificates in original (and 2 photocopies of each)
  4. Govt. issued photo-ID proof (original and a photocopy)
  5. A copy of the project report(s)/ training/ certifications and reports thereof undertaken by the learner during the professional academic program.
  6. Executive Folder to carry all documents
  7. Notepad, pen / pencil.

online Mode:

All above mentioned documents must also be available with learners in online mode (in mail or Google drive etc.) at all times.

2.6 Dress Code

All learners registered into career services should follow a prescribed uniform during the recruitment process (and any other corporate interaction/event) unless otherwise stated. Defaulters may not be allowed to participate the corresponding activities/events

  1. Neatly cut hair of reasonable size for non-Sikh learners. Male learners not sporting regular beards are required to come clean-shaven.
  2. Well-polished Black formal shoes are essential.
  3. Girl learners should consider wearing only essential jewelry item(s), if they want to sport any jewelry and only formal footwear. The make-up and cosmetics should be simple, decent and to be kept to bare minimum.
  4. There are some organizations where having a visible tattoo or body piercing is unacceptable and may eliminate/bar you as a candidate.
  5. Some companies may also prescribe a dress code (e.g. Hospitality dress-code, Sports- wear, etc.) relevant to the job profile for which the candidates are being addressed. Candidates participating in such processes must adhere to this specific dress code (if any).

2.7 Recruitment Processes

The recruitment process (drive) for a company starts with registration of the learners for that drive and culminates with final selection. The process may include several intervening stages/rounds like CV/portfolio shortlisting, written/online tests, interviews, GDs etc.

Recruitment Process may be classified as one of the types as listed below:

  1. Online Placement Drive: A placement process which is facilitated by upGrad Campus where the entire selection process is held in a virtual manner.
  2. Offline Placement Drive: For few of the rounds and in some of the cases, learners may be asked to travel to the company location.
  3. Internship / Training Drive: It is a selection process which leads to generating an internship offer for learners which may or may not convert to a placement offer. Depending on the nature of the program and requirement of prospective recruiters, internships can vary from a few months to a year.

Note: Keeping the hiring company’s convenience in view, sometimes when selection process (complete or specific rounds) takes place in any city/town outside university premises, the learners may be required to travel and attend the same making their own arrangements (at their own expenses) as per reporting schedule communicated by upGrad Campus.

2.8 Types of Offers

  1. Job Offer means final selection in a company through a placement drive whose result may be declared either during the process orally or by way of a subsequent communication either made directly to the learner or mediated through upGrad Campus. The oral communication shall invariably be followed up in writing as a pre-placement offer or a job
  2. Pre-Placement Offer (PPO) is a job offer made to the learner as a follow up or during an internship/training/project etc. done by the learner with a company.
  3. On Job Training (OJT) is a special privilege created to facilitate the learners to gain practical exposure and enhance their career prospects if selected by a company at any stage. The learner selected for OJT is considered placed with a respective recruiter and hence is not eligible for any more placement opportunities.
  4. Internship Offer means the offer of training/internship which does not confirm job placement of the learner with the prospective recruiter. Some internship offers may be converted to a pre-placement offer subject to individual learner’s performance during internship and company requirements.

2.9 Participation in Drives

  1. A learner enrolled and active in career services can participate in placement drives subject to meeting any drive specific eligibility criteria.
  2. Any learner who registers for the drive must participate in the drive and complete all rounds for which the candidate is shortlisted. The learners are not permitted to reschedule any interviews.

2.10 Multiple Offers

“One Learner – One Offer” policy: upGrad Campus follows the principle of “One Learner - One Offer”. Thus, in ordinary circumstances, after the learner secures an offer through an upGrad Campus facilitated drive, the learner will not be eligible to appear in any other recruitment drive. The learner is expected to join the company for which he/she has secured the offer through upGrad Campus.

Under exceptional circumstances, upGrad Campus may allow the learner to avail only one more offer if the final package or the stipend offered is at least 2 times of the previous offer.

The candidates pursuing OJT/ Internship are not eligible for any other subsequent offer.

2.11 Post-Offer Processes for Joining and Reporting in Companies

  1. Offer Acceptance: A learner who gets an offer through upGrad Campus or independently, during the program should share the offer letter with upGrad Campus via an email to [].
  2. Surrendering/rejecting an offer: In exceptional circumstances (apart from due to multiple offers generated through upGrad facilitated drives), if the learner wants to surrender placement/internship offer generated through upGrad Campus, the learner will be required to do so in writing within 24 hours of the offer generation by keeping the student mentor in CC. In such a case, the learner will not be eligible for any further opportunity from upGrad Campus.

2.12 Misconduct and Penalty

Misconduct is any act on part of the learner which may be covered under one or more of the following:

  1. Registering for a process and then skipping it or arriving late for the process or not following the prescribed norms of dressing.
  2. Furnishing incorrect details in the registration form.
  3. Leaving the process at any stage of the recruitment drive
  4. Interacting with company officials unless otherwise permitted or trying to establish contact with company officials.
  5. Sending any communication/request to company officials/company either directly or indirectly through parents/siblings or any other acquaintances with a view to seek concessions/information/influence decision etc.
  6. Disobedience of any directions or general instructions.
  7. Not following the decorum during or after the process.
  8. Misbehavior with any company officials or upGrad officials involved in the process.
  9. Criticizing or adversely commenting about upGrad or any part/process thereof in any media/public/social media or before company officials.
  10. Making derogatory remarks for Company UpGrad batch mates.
  11. Not attending the Preparatory sessions, tests, workshops, or any other activities scheduled for learners in general or specific to a recruitment process.
  12. Doctoring the content in the resume against correct and verifiable information.
  13. Using mobile phones or other electronic gadgets in the vicinity of Test Venue/GD
  14. Approaching Company Officials for revaluation of any recruitment step/process.
  15. Telling Company officials that the learner does not want to join; during the placement drive in the midway process even when the things were clarified in the Pre-Placement talk and the learner was having an option of quitting the process there and then.
  16. Deliberately jeopardizing any other learner’s chances of getting selected.
  17. Complaint by the hiring company against the learner’s unprofessional behavior.
  18. Not providing responses to hiring company’s communications, showing up late for interviews, not submitting assignments or submitting them late, and not providing documents or follow up as expected by hiring companies.
  19. Negotiating salary with Company officials; unless the announcement/notice specifies that the salary is negotiable.

These are the general guidelines, depending upon severity of the issue / misconduct the consequences may vary and can also lead to disqualification from the career services. The learner shall be given a written notice for any misconduct. upGrad Campus’s decision regarding action to be taken against the learner in case of misconduct shall be final.

2.13 Withdrawal from the career services

A learner shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the career services if:

  1. He / she does not furnish the requisite personal details within 5 days of receiving the notification and subsequent reminder.
  2. He / she does not register for more than 3 unique and relevant job opportunities
  3. He / she intimates of his intention to withdraw to upGrad Campus in writing in the format prescribed under Annexure I.

2.14 Types of drive defaulters and penalty clause

Drive Defaulters
Drive Defaulter Type I: Not attending the drive after having final status as “Registered” for the drive.
Drive Defaulter Type II: Not attending any of the drive rounds for which learner is shortlisted
Drive Defaulter Type III: Plagiarism, use of unfair means during Drive
Drive Defaulters
Type of default Penalty/ Consequence
Type-I & II default (each instance) Debarred from next 5 drives by upGrad Campus
Type- III default Disqualified from upGrad career services permanently

2.15 Consequences of withdrawal and disqualification

Upon withdrawal or disqualification from career services at any point of time, the learner (whether placed or not placed) will not be entitled for any refund / reimbursement / adjustment / waiver of fee. Further, any offer that may have been extended to the learner may be rescinded.

2.16 Completion of career services

The career services shall be deemed successfully concluded in the following circumstances:

  1. The learner receives one offer, regardless of whether the offer is accepted or not. In rare cases, the learner will be eligible to avail only one more offer if the final package or the stipend offered is at least 2 times of the previous offer.
  2. The learner is deemed to have withdrawn from the career services as per this Policy
  3. On completion of 3 months from the end of the Program.

2.17 Disclaimer

  1. Learners are required to note that the placement service is a facility offered by the upGrad Campus and cannot be taken as a guarantee of a job offer. The decision regarding making job offers is left to the discretion of the hiring companies.
  2. While upGrad Campus endeavors to provide placement opportunities matching the skill set and job interests of the learners, there can be no assurance for the same.
  3. The terms and conditions in the Policy may be reviewed from time to time and may be modified by upGrad Campus as per the situation and demands. upGrad Campus reserves the right to change/ modify any point of the policy as deemed appropriate by upGrad Campus.
  4. In case of any issue arising out of this policy and interpretation thereof; decision regarding any point not covered under this policy; and in case of any provision/decision being changed, modified or overridden, the decision of upGrad Campus shall be final.
  5. Learners are required to carefully read this Policy and related policies before opting for the career services.


General Guidelines for the Learners

  1. Profile building – You will be required to provide all relevant profile details, including but not limited to educational qualifications, number of years of work experience, companies worked for, salary details, current location and locations where you are willing to relocate. upGrad Campus will attempt but does not guarantee in getting relevant openings in your preferred location.
  2. Resume Service - A resume review service will be provided to you. You are expected to make use of it and circulate only those resumes which are created with the template provided, during your job search.
  3. Career prep - You are required to complete all the elements of the Program related to career preparation including, but not limited to, mock interviews, employability tests and career content.
  4. You will have to apply for openings with the companies by filling an interest form, job portal or any other mechanism for applying, as may be communicated to you by upGrad Campus.
  5. During the entire Program duration, a student mentor will be assigned to you who will guide, help and motivate you to achieve your career goal. You are expected to follow the instructions as and when given by the mentor.
  6. You will have to clear the interview process to receive an offer from the company.
  7. Since most of the job roles are available in metro cities, you should be willing to take up a job in a metro city.
  8. You are expected to accept an offer within 48 hours of receiving it from a company. It is mandatory to mark your student mentor in the response to the company while accepting the offer.
  9. In case you choose not to join an organization after a company has issued an offer, you are expected to keep the upGrad student mentor informed.
  10. You should be willing to travel to the company premises at a short notice on your own and on weekdays, even if it is in another city, at your own expense.
  11. You must inform the student mentor; in case you take up an employment/consulting role outside of the purview of the career services of the Program.
  12. You are expected to be on your best behavior in every interaction with any company representative you are getting in touch with. You are expected to represent the best interest of the Program in every interaction.

Resume Based Hiring

In a scenario when upGrad Campus shortlists a few resumes to be sent to companies, then these evaluation results would be extensively used, and shortlisting will be based on the chosen parameters only. The parameters will be decided as per the profile and company requirement.

If you do have any clarifications that you would like, please reach out to us at [] and we’d be happy to address any query.

*This Policy is subject to revision and is applicable only until further notice.

Annexure I: Intimation for withdrawal from career services

Learner Name:

Program, Name:

Cohort ID:

Reasons for exiting career services: (You can select more than 1 reason)

S. No. Please select the reason from the list below: Tick
1 I wish to focus on my academics, projects and/or dissertation only.
2 I am planning for higher Studies.
3 I have been offered employment from some other organization, and availed an independent offer.
4 I have chosen a different career for placements. (e.g. Doing B. Tech and want to get placed in MBA Profile)
5 I have medical reasons that prohibit my participation.
6I have developed interest in Entrepreneurship Plans.
7I am preparing for competitive examinations to join Government Services.
8Personal / Family Reasons
9Other (please give details):

Undertaking by the learner


, bearing email id

wish to withdraw from career services provided by upGrad Campus.

I understand that once I exit from career services, I cannot stake claim at attending any placement process and preparatory sessions.

I understand that I will still be liable to pay any pending program fee due against me and that I will not be entitled to seek refund / reimbursement / adjustment of any program fee already paid by me.


Learner’s Signature

*The placement figures represent the number of students placed by upGrad. Past record is no guarantee of future job prospects. The success of job placement/interview opportunity depends on various factors including but not limited to the individual's performance in the program, the placement eligibility criteria, qualifications, experience, and efforts in seeking employment. Our organization makes no guarantees or representations regarding the level or timing of job placement/interview opportunity. Relevant terms and conditions will apply for any guarantee provided by upGrad.