Top 11 Benefits of Digital Marketing | Upgrad Campus

Top 11 Benefits of Digital Marketing for Businesses & Students

December 15th, 2022

Top 11 Benefits of Digital Marketing for Businesses & Students

At the cusp of 2023 - well into the 21st Century - there is almost nobody who hasn’t been faced by a piece of Digital Marketing. Be it a blog, a post, an advertisement on Youtube or even on Spotify. Whether you’re privy to it or not - this world is run by Digital Marketing.

Most of you might already know what Digital Marketing is, but for those of you who’re new here - let’s discuss.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the method of marketing products or services using digital platforms and devices. Digital marketing involves the application of techniques and sharing information for the purposes of promoting new products and services and engaging with customers through online platforms. So what does the Future of Digital Marketing look like?

The Future and Scope of Digital Marketing

At the pace at which Digital Marketing is growing, it is predicted that by 2025 there will be zero tolerance for poor Digital experiences. The Covid-19 pandemic really pushed the envelope for a better digital infrastructure - with Traditional Marketing out of the question, every company relied heavily on Digital Marketing.

But that’s not all. Read further to see what are the benefits of Digital Marketing.

Top 11 Benefits of Digital Marketing

Top 11 Benefits of Digital Marketing

By now you may have realised that digital marketing is vital for almost every company, industry, sector. You can no longer solely rely on traditional marketing to reach your audience - especially when you’re aiming for a global reach. If you’re not sold yet - let us show you the 11 best benefits of Digital Marketing.

Reaching a Global Audience

4.83 Billion people use some form of social media. That is more than half the world’s population.Throw in Content Marketing, Email Marketing and Search Engine Marketing and you can easily reach any corner of the world.

Marketing to a niche audience

Using tools like Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing, you can actually ensure that your Ad reaches the audience of your choice.

Increased ROI

ROI is calculated by measuring how much profit the company gained based on the initial investment. Running campaigns on digital platforms like Google Ads, Instagram, Facebook etc. are much more cost effective and ensure a higher view rate.

Trackable and Measurable Results

Using Digital Marketing and the tools that come with it - like Google Analytics - you can effectively track all your campaigns end to end.

Improved Conversion Rates

Since you can specifically target the audience that is interested in your brand, the chances of them actually purchasing your product is higher.

Increase Social Currency

Social media channels allow you to increase your influence as a brand and create a better reputation in the market.

Interactive Marketing

In Digital Marketing there is room for two-way communication between the brand and the consumer.

Scope for A/B Testing

Using Digital Marketing you can split your audience into different groups and test different Ads on these groups to check in one campaign itself - which Ad performs better.

Remarketing Opportunities

You can specifically market your products to the people who have already shown interest in your brand, using Digital Marketing. This technique is also called Rebranding.

Better Customer Experience

Digital Marketing gives you the opportunity to customise your marketing efforts to suit different groups of people. This calls for a better customer experience.

Higher Engagement

Digital mediums allow the brand to engage with the audience one on one.

Benefits of Digital Marketing for Students

Benefits of Digital Marketing for Students

Digital Marketing is one the most in-demand jobs right now making it the perfect time to start your Digital Marketing journey. upGrad Campus offers a holistic Digital Marketing course that can help you kick-start your career in this competitive field. Take a look at a few of the benefits of a Digital Marketing course with us and working in this field:

  • No Specific Educational Background is Required
  • Outrageously High Demand for Digital Marketers
  • High-Paying Jobs
  • Fast-Growing Industry
  • Get Better Job Security
  • Diverse Career Paths
  • Entrepreneurship Opportunities
  • Freelance Job Opportunities
  • You Can Explore Different Sectors
  • Work in a Diverse Environment

If you want a more comprehensive guide of what is the use of doing a Digital Marketing course you can check out our ‘Ultimate guide on Digital Marketing’.

Benefits of Digital Marketing in India

If you think you need to go abroad to flourish in Digital Marketing - you’re mistaken! Digital Marketing is flourishing in India - here are the benefits of digital marketing in India:

  • India is one of the top 4 internet users in the world
  • More than 67% of Indians use Social Media
  • Lucrative Salary packages for Freshers, with an average of 6 LPAs
  • India’s has a stronger tech background compared to countries in the West
  • The estimated market value of Digital Marketing in India is 567 Billion INR

In India the field of Digital Marketing is only going to flourish, as the government itself has been increasing its efforts towards this field.

Indian Government's push for a Digital India

Digital India is a campaign launched by the Indian government, to ensure a better online infrastructure and better online services to the citizens of India. This push for digital literacy is going to increase the demand and scope both for Digital Marketers in India.



We hoped this article helped you understand the importance of Digital Marketing both as a student and as a company. If this article has got you interested in Digital Marketing you can check out our Digital Marketing certification course and kickstart your career in this field.

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