Ace Digital Marketing and Data Analytics Interview at upGrad Campus

Stand out in Job Interviews with the STAR Method

April 25th, 2023

Stand out in Job Interviews with the STAR Method

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As the placement season draws near, you may be wondering if you're fully prepared for all aspects of the interview process. While technical knowledge is important, it's equally vital to be able to showcase your soft skills during behavioral interview rounds. Especially when you have completed a Digital Marketing Course.

Sometimes, instead of being asked "What do you know?", you may encounter questions that begin with "Tell me what you will do?". This type of questioning can make one nervous at times. If you get stuck in this situation, “STAR Method” can be the hero to help you in landing your dream job. In this blog, we will learn about the STAR method and how you can use it to ace your interview.

What is the STAR Method?

What is the STAR Method?

If you are a fresher and going for your first job interview then “Behavioural Interview” might be a new term for you. These interviews are structured to understand your behavioural facets based on your past experiences in the job. But if you are a fresher, you might be judged for the same based upon your past college experiences. Behavioral interviews can throw off even industry veterans, and so, as a fresher, you may naturally feel worried about facing one.

Here comes your best friend, the STAR method. The STAR method is an acronym that stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result.

These four components of STAR method can be used to structure your answers in a behavioural interview, as follows: - 

Situation: - If you are given a hypothetical situation or asked to describe any situation related from your experience, start by analysing the situation and describing it from your point of view. Make sure you are presenting it in a positive way.

Task: - Here you need to be specific about what task you need and will perform in that situation. Also, mention the expectations and how far you were able to meet the expectations.

Actions: - The adage  “Actions speak louder than words” is especially true in behavioural interviews.. Tell them what actions you took and how far it was beneficial to complete your task.

Result: - Here comes the most crucial part, the result of your hard work. In answering any question, you will need to highlight your achievements and the outcomes of your smart work. Do not forget to have a positive take on the result and to put a spotlight on how much you were able to meet the expectations by the end of your work. 

For a better understanding, let’s go through some frequent questions asked in behavioural interviews and how to answer them.

Sample Questions and Ideal Answers for Behavioural Interviews

Sample Questions and Ideal Answers for Behavioural Interviews

To understand more on how the STAR method works, let us go through some practical questions and take ideas for answering those questions.

1. Can you tell me about a time when you had to learn a new skill or technology quickly?

Answer: As part of my final year project, I worked in a team of four to develop a website. We started off by pooling our collective skills to see how we could meet the requirements. We are a little short of development skills. So I chose a part time Full Stack Development Course from upGrad Campus. This experience taught me the importance of updating my skills and developing new ones to meet a diverse career choice.

2. How do you handle feedback or constructive criticism on your work?

Answer: As a fresh college pass-out, I recognize that feedback is essential for professional and personal growth. When receiving feedback, I actively listen to the person's comments, seek clarification if necessary, and take notes on areas for improvement. I then reflect on the feedback and develop an action plan to address the concerns raised. I appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow from feedback and use it to continuously improve my skills and work performance.

3. Can you describe a time when you had to adapt to a change in a project or job responsibility?

Answer: During my part-time job as a sales associate, I was asked to assist with social media management due to staff shortage. I quickly adapted by learning the necessary software from the Digital Marketing certification course and soon I was able to carry on with my project with a professional approach. This experience taught me the importance of flexibility and adaptability in the workplace.



In today's competitive job market, it is important to not only have the required hard skills but also to possess strong soft skills and behavioural traits. While you can get hard skills through a Digital Marketing course or a Data Analytics course, you can also use the STAR method to effectively communicate your past experiences and showcase your behavioural skills during an interview.

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