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In-Depth Analysis of Predictive Modelling in Business Analytics


In-Depth Analysis of Predictive Modelling in Business Analytics 

Understanding Predictive Modelling in Business Analytics 

Types of Predictive Modelling in Business Analytics  

  1. Linear Regression 
  2. Logistic Regression 
  3. Decision Node 
  4. Random Forest 
  5. Neural Networks 
  6. Support Vector Machines (SVM) 
  7. Time Series Analysis  
  8. Naive Bayes  

Impact of Predictive Modelling in Business Analytics  

  1. Forecast Trends 
  2. Optimise Resource Allocation 
  3. Improve Marketing Strategies 
  4. Boost Financial Planning 
  5. Streamline Operations  
  6. Determine Fraud and Security Risk 
  7. Improve Customer Experience  

Deciphering Future Career: Transformative Power of Predictive Modelling in Business Analytics 


  1. Why is business analytics reliant on predictive modelling?  
  2. What are the offerings of predictive modelling used in upGrad Campus’s business analytics online course?  
  3. What kinds of professional prospects can one obtain with competence in predictive modelling?  
  4. After finishing the business analytics online course at upGrad Campus, is placement assistance offered?  


In the dynamic business analytics landscape, predictive modelling is a cornerstone, forecasting trends and encouraging informed decision-making. Its significance lies in extracting actionable insights from data, driving strategic choices. 

Staying updated on such advancements is imperative for professionals, making a business analytics online course essential. This course ensures mastery in predictive modelling by offering students the expertise needed to navigate the evolving realm of business analytics effectively.

This blog will explore the basics of predictive modelling, essential factors, and its significance in business analytics.


Understanding Predictive Modelling in Business Analytics

Predictive modelling is an effective data analysis technique that uses statistical models and mathematical algorithms to forecast future events. Businesses can use historical data to find patterns, correlations, and trends to predict future events or behaviours. 

By comprehending predictive modelling, organisations can gain a competitive edge, enhance operations, and make well-informed decisions. This analytical method is essential for strategic planning and risk management in several industries, including marketing, finance, healthcare, and more.


Types of Predictive Modelling in Business Analytics


Types of Predecttive modelling in business analytics


Let’s uncover the kinds of predictive modelling you will learn in a business analytics online course.


1. Linear Regression

Linear regression predicts numerical numbers by establishing a linear link between the input and output variables.


2. Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is functional in classification problems because it forecasts the probability of an event occurring and is well-suited for binary outcomes.


3. Decision Nodes 

Decision nodes are arranged hierarchically and utilised for regression and classification, giving decision-making a clear visual depiction.


4. Random Forest 

A collective learning technique that lessens overfitting in predictions and increases accuracy by combining several decision trees.


5. Neural Networks 

It consists of interconnected nodes that function as networks to reflect complex data linkages and generate precise predictions, much like the structure of the human brain.


6. Support Vector Machines (SVM)

SVM is perfect for classification jobs since it can choose the best hyperplane to divide data points into groups. 


7. Time Series Analysis 

It is essential for anticipating trends throughout time since it focuses on projecting future values based on historical data.


8. Naive Bayes 

Text categorisation frequently uses the Bayes theorem to estimate the possibility of an event occurring given the presence of another event.


Also Read : The Power of Data Visualisation in Business Analytics


Impact of Predictive Modelling in Business Analytics 

Impact of predective modelling in business analytics

Enrolling in a business analytics certification course empowers you to use complex algorithms and historical data. Let’s understand the impact of predictive modelling in business analytics. 


1. Forecast Trends 

By detecting patterns and trends in data, predictive modelling helps companies to anticipate changes in the market, consumer behaviour, and industry.


2. Optimise Resource Allocation 

Businesses can deploy resources more effectively by employing predictive modelling to forecast demand, manage inventories, and optimise production schedules.


3. Improve Marketing Strategies 

Predictive modelling improves marketing tactics by evaluating consumer behaviour, enabling tailored campaigns, and forecasting the efficacy of different marketing channels.


4. Boost Financial Planning 

Predictive modelling is used to manage risks, estimate financial results, and choose wisely among investments. 


5. Streamline Operations 

As a business analytics expert, you will operate supply chain management and customer service that helps to optimise for greater efficiency and lower costs.


6. Determine Fraud and Security Risks 

Industries such as cybersecurity and banking use predictive modelling to identify patterns and anticipate possible fraudulent activity, improving security protocols.


7. Improve Customer Experience 

Businesses can better satisfy their customers by customising products and services depending on their knowledge of their preferences and needs.


Also Read : Top Business Analytics tools used by professionals


Deciphering Future Career: Transformative Power of Predictive Modelling in Business Analytics 

In the business analytics online course, predictive modelling serves as a compass for businesses in the era of data-driven decision-making. Its adaptable applications strengthen operations, rethink tactics, and provide the way to success. 

By obtaining a business analyst course with placement, you can set yourself up for success in a lucrative career in business analytics by mastering predictive modelling.

Kick-start your journey of becoming an expert in business analytics. Contact upGrad Campus and make prudent choices that will influence your future career possibilities. 




1. Why is business analytics reliant on predictive modelling? 

By deriving insightful conclusions from data, predictive modelling allows firms to foresee trends, make wise decisions, and obtain a competitive edge.


2. What are the offerings of predictive modelling used in upGrad Campus’s business analytics online course? 

At upGrad Campus, the business analytics online course covers predictive modelling approaches in great detail, offering practical experience and real-world applications to improve functional abilities.


3. What kinds of professional prospects can one obtain with competence in predictive modelling? 

A strong foundation in predictive modelling can lead to employment opportunities in various fields, including data science, business intelligence, and data analysis.


4. After finishing the business analytics online course at upGrad Campus, is placement assistance offered? 

upGrad Campus enables students to get placed by linking them with industry partners and offering career advice to improve their chances of finding employment.

How to Introduce Yourself in an Interview: Examples & Tips

How to Introduce Yourself in an Interview: Examples & Tips 

Significance of Strong Self Introduction In an Interview 

Essential Considerations of Self Introduction In an Interview  

  1. Name and Past Events  
  2. Professional Background  
  3. Strengths and Skills 
  4. Relevance to the Job  
  5. Motivation and Enthusiasm  
  6. Alignment With the Organisation’s Core Values  
  7. Final Thoughts  

6 Common Mistakes to Avoid in an Interview  

  1. Excessive Detailing  
  2. Lack of Enthusiasm or Confidence  
  3. Not Addressing the Criteria of the Interviewer  
  4. Hurrying Through the Introduction 
  5. Complex Language  
  6. Non-Verbal Cues  

5 General Interview Questions With Answers  

Question 1. What are your areas of strength and weakness?  

Question 2. How do you respond to circumstances where you are under pressure?  

Question 3: What makes working for our company appealing to you?  

Question 4: How do you resolve disputes at work?  

Examples of Self Introduction in an Interview  

  1. Candidate at Entry Level  
  2. Mid-Career Candidate  
  3. Experienced Candidate  

Crafting Lasting Impressions with Strong Self-Introductions in an Interview  


  1. In an interview, how lengthy should my self-introduction be?  
  2. Should my self-introduction contain any personal information?  
  3. Is it necessary to modify my introduction for various interview styles?  
  4. What does it mean to include the company values in my self-introduction?  

An interview is one of the crucial events of one’s life, with several components that require significant concentration to make a solid and impactful impression. And the introduction is what potentially shapes the course of the interview. 

Strong preparation to introduce yourself in an interview significantly influences the interviewer’s perception and sets the tone for the entire interaction. In this blog, you will learn the significance and essential factors to consider while preparing to introduce yourself in an interview.


Significance of Strong Self Introduction In an Interview 


A strong self introduction in an interview is essential to open various career opportunities. It acts like a vocal business card, leaving an impression on interviewers. It creates your identity, showcases your accomplishments, and aligns your skills. 

An effective self-introduction indicates your confidence, preparation, and comprehension of the company’s requirements. It establishes the tone for the entire interview, attracting attention and leaving a favourable impression.


Essential Considerations of Self Introduction In an Interview 

Self Inroduction an Interview

Here are the necessary elements you must consider to effectively introduce yourself in an interview.


1. Name and Past Events 

When you introduce yourself in an interview, you must ensure clarity and confidence in your speech. Start by articulating your qualifications and effortlessly transition to a concise overview of your educational background. 

This approach establishes your competence and offers a well-rounded introduction, setting a positive tone for the interview.


2. Professional Background 

Remember to include your professional experience, focusing on roles directly relevant to the position at hand. Additionally, illuminate accomplishments and responsibilities that vividly showcase your expertise and knowledge. 


3. Strengths and Skills 

Clearly express your primary skills and strengths. This gives the interviewer a clear picture of what you will bring to the corporation and why you are a great candidate.

Read More : Guide On Strengths and Weaknesses To Crack Your Job Interviews


4. Relevance to the Job 

Connect your background and abilities to the job needs explicitly. Show how your unique qualifications make you an excellent fit for the position.


5. Motivation and Enthusiasm 

Introduce yourself in an interview by demonstrating genuine enthusiasm for the job and the organisation. Explain why you’re applying and why you’re enthusiastic about the opportunity.


6. Alignment With the Organisation’s Core Values 

Demonstrate your understanding of the company’s principles and mission. Explain how your professional aspirations connect with the organisation’s aims, stressing shared values.


7. Final Thoughts 

Finish your introduction with a confident and optimistic statement. This can explain why you believe you are the best fit for the position or a thank you for the opportunity to interview.


6 Common Mistakes to Avoid in an Interview 

When you introduce yourself in an interview, it is critical to avoid common mistakes that can ruin your positive first impression.


1. Excessive Detailing 

Avoid presenting excessive details that could overwhelm the interviewer. Keep your introduction brief and focused on the most critical details.


2. Lack of Enthusiasm or Confidence

A flat or unenthusiastic tone can detract from the impact of your opening remarks. You must project confidence and excitement to communicate a positive and proactive attitude.


3. Not Addressing the Criteria of the Interviewer 

Your introduction should go beyond presenting your qualifications and address how your skills and experiences fit the criteria of the post. 

By effortlessly integrating your expertise with the position requirements, you effectively introduce yourself in an interview and establish a strong foundation for a meaningful conversation.


4. Hurrying Through the Introduction

Speaking too hastily in the introduction can make it challenging for the interviewer to take everything in. You must move slowly and steadily to ensure clarity and comprehension.


5. Complex Language 

Avoid employing complex language that could confuse someone inexperienced with your field. Make sure that your communications are clear and concise. 


6. Non-Verbal Cues 

Pay attention to your body language and facial expressions. You should maintain eye contact, avoid fidgeting, and confidently convey an open demeanour.

Also Read : Effective Ways on How to Improve your Interview Skills and Get Placed


5 General Interview Questions With Answers

Interview Questions with answers

Be sure to customise your answers to the specific requirements of the position you are applying for and your experiences. Here are four vital interview questions, along with acceptable solutions.


Question 1. What are your areas of strength and weakness? 

Answer: I possess strong problem-solving skills, a key strength crucial for [relevant to the work]. I excel at [name another strength, like effective communication]. However, I’m always trying to improve at [name a skill you’re working on, like time management]. I’m committed to honing my abilities and think self-improvement is possible.


Question 2. How do you respond to circumstances where you are under pressure? 

Answer: I performed well under stress and frequently met deadlines in my prior position at [Previous Company], so I learned to manage my time and set priorities effectively. I keep my composure and concentrate while dividing everything into manageable sets. This strategy ensures the delivery of high-quality work even in challenging, time-sensitive situations.


Question 3: What makes working for our company appealing to you? 

Answer: [Explain a positive quality, like innovation] is what attracts me to [Current Company]. Your dedication to [name a particular goal or ideal, like sustainability] is consistent with my work ethic. I am thrilled to offer my expertise to a business that shares my values, for example, collaboration at [name a company value].


Question 4: How do you resolve disputes at work? 

Answer: I approach confrontation, intending to find solutions. When disagreements emerge, I comprehend all points of view, pay attention, and then cooperate to find a solution. In a prior position, I resolved a dispute between teammates and promoted a happier, more productive work environment.

Read More : 5 unconventional questions you may get asked in an interview – and how to answer them

Examples of Self Introduction in an Interview

Here are a few examples you can consider for self introduction in an interview.

1. Candidate at Entry Level 

Hello, I am [Your Name], a recent [Your Field] graduate. I am excited to offer my new perspective and dedication to [Current Company], contributing to [particular contribution], having developed my [Key Skill] during my internship at [Previous Company].


2. Mid-Career Candidate

Hi, I’m [Your Name]. I have [X] years of expertise in [Your Industry] and led [Key Achievement] at [Previous Company] with success. Using my experience in [Your Field] to further innovation and expansion at [Current Company] inspires me a lot.


3. Experienced Candidate 

Good morning, I’m [Your Name], an experienced leader with a proven track record of [Industry] organisation transformation. At [Previous Company], my strategic leadership produced [notable outcome], and I’m excited to use my knowledge and experience to advance [Current Company’s].

Also Read : Things To Do Before and After the Interview Process


Crafting Lasting Impressions with Strong Self-Introductions in an Interview 

To effectively introduce yourself in an interview, you must require strategic planning and implementation. An introduction conveys credentials and shows you are excited about the opportunity to work for the organisation. Mastering the art of self introduction in an interview ensures a solid foundation for a positive and memorable interview experience, laying the framework for future career success. 

Elevate your professional journey with confidence and authenticity. Contact upGard Campus to embrace your skills and enhance your job prospects for a concise future.

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1. In an interview, how lengthy should my self-introduction be? 

The ideal length for a self introduction in an interview is approximately 1-2 minutes. Aim to convey essential information about your graduations, experiences and enthusiasm concisely. 


2. Should my self-introduction contain any personal information? 

A personal touch can make your introduction more authentic but keep most of your attention on business-related facts. Relate personal tales to the work and culture of the organisation.


3. Is it necessary to modify my introduction for various interview styles?

It does demonstrate versatility to adjust your introduction to several formats (virtual, panel, one-on-one). Content must be customised to meet each environment’s unique dynamics and standards.


4. What does it mean to include the company values in my self-introduction? 

Answering the firm’s ideals shows that you share the company’s culture. It indicates that you have thoroughly researched the company and want to add its culture.

Also Read : Stand out in Job Interviews with the STAR Method

Why A Financial Modelling and Analysis Course Is Your Key Career Starter?

Why Financial Modelling and Analysis Course Is Your Key Career Starter?

Understanding Financial Modelling and Analysis 

Key Features of Financial Modelling and Analysis Course 

  1. Excel Knowledge
  2. Accounting Principles
  3. Forecasting Skills 
  4. Analysis of the Financial Statements
  5. Valuation Methods 
  6. Risk Evaluation and Management 
  7. Interpretation and Analysis of Data 
  8. Analysis of Situations 
  9. Understanding of Business and Industry
  10. Communication Skills
  11. Attention to Details

10 Benefits of Obtaining Financial Modelling and Analysis Course

  1. Development of Skills 
  2. Credibility and Acceptance 
  3. Opportunities for Employment
  4. Competitive Advantage 
  5. Elevate Industry Standards 
  6. Opportunities for Networking
  7. Assistance With Placement
  8. Global Reputation
  9. Professional Advancement 
  10. Decision-Making Confidence 

Job Opportunities With Financial Modelling and Analysis Course

  1. Corporation Finance 
  2. Banking on Investment 
  3. Venture Capital and Private Equity
  4. Property Investment 
  5. Risk Management
  6. Startups and Entrepreneurship
  7. Consulting  
  8. Non-Profit and Government Organisations 
  9. Educational and Training Establishments 

Mastering Financial Modelling and Analysis Course: A Gateway Career Excellence in Finance 


  1. Why is certification in financial modelling vital for my career? 
  2. How much time should I spend weekly on the financial modelling and analysis program at upGrad Campus? 
  3. What role does financial modelling play in strategic decision-making?
  4. Can I get financial modelling certification while working full-time?

An in-depth understanding of financial tracking is vital for a business to make effective financial decisions. Financial modelling is the tool that drives business expansion by analysing and estimating its financial growth. It involves future trends, past performance, and risk evaluation. 

A financial modelling and analysis course is ideal for students aiming to set a strong base for their future career stability. In this blog, we will understand the critical financial modelling factors, benefits, and job prospects that obtaining a financial modelling course with placement can offer.

Understanding Financial Modelling and Analysis 

Financial modelling and analysis are critical in the business, serving as the foundation for educated decision-making and strategic planning. Financial modelling offers accurate forecasting by meticulously analysing historical data and market patterns, helping firms to set realistic goals and expend resources efficiently. 

Key Features of Financial Modelling and Analysis Course

By obtaining a financial modelling and analysis course, you will uncover the essential components and skills required for efficient financial modelling.

1. Excel Knowledge 

A Financial modelling and analysis course with placement enables you to employ complex Excel features and tools to analyse data, create formulas, and design models.

2. Accounting Principles 

Accounting principles include understanding financial statements, knowledge of accounting laws, and proficiency in analysing financial data appropriately.

3. Forecasting Skills 

Enrolling in a financial modelling and analysis course equips you with skills to comprehend future financial performance through historical data and market patterns. Forecasting entails making income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow projections.

4. Analysis of the Financial Statements 

Financial modelling relies heavily on the interpretation and analysis of financial statements. Based on financial records, this involves determining a company’s profitability, liquidity, and solvency.

5. Valuation Methods 

The financial modelling and analysis course will enable you to determine a business’s or investment’s value, which necessitates employing various valuation methods, including discounted cash flow, comparable company analysis, and prior transactions.

6. Risk Evaluation and Management

A financial modelling and analysis course helps you to identify and incorporate risks into financial models. You will examine the potential impact of uncertainty and adopt appropriate risk-mitigation measures.

7. Interpretation and Analysis of Data 

Evaluating and analysing enormous amounts of financial and non-financial data is critical. This ability aids in data-driven decision-making and improves the accuracy of financial models.

8. Analysis of Situations 

Obtaining a financial modelling and analysis course enables you to evaluate various scenarios and their impact on financial outcomes. Scenario analysis allows you to test the model’s durability under diverse conditions.

9. Understanding of Business and Industry 

It is vital to understand the business and industry replicates thoroughly. This knowledge ensures that the financial model appropriately reflects the relevant context’s unique characteristics and dynamics.

10. Communication Skills

Effectively communicating is essential for financial model outcomes to stakeholders with varying levels of financial expertise. It facilitates better decision-making through clear and concise communication.

11. Attention to Details 

In financial modelling, precision is crucial, as minor errors can have serious repercussions. Thus, rigorous attention to detail is imperative to create accurate and dependable models.

Also Read : Excel at Financial Modelling and Analysis with Our Step-by-Step Guide

10 Benefits of Obtaining Financial Modelling and Analysis Course  

Choosing a financial modelling and analysis course with placement provides many advantages that can substantially impact your career development.

1. Development of Skills 

A financial modelling and analysis course gives in-depth training, preparing students for the specific skills and knowledge necessary in the finance business. This involves Excel skills, forecasting, valuation, and risk management.

2. Credibility and Acceptance

A financial modelling certification validates a person’s skill set. Employers and clients recognise professionals having undertaken rigorous training, ensuring better confidence in their skills to perform financial modelling duties effectively.

3. Opportunities for Employment 

A financial modelling certification gives access to more excellent job prospects. Many organisations prefer applicants with recognised certificates, opening doors to positions in investment banking, corporate finance, consulting, and other fields.

4. Competitive Advantage 

A financial modelling and analysis course with placement gives you a significant advantage in a competitive work environment. It indicates a dedication to professional development and promotes individuals as proactive learners with hands-on experience.

5. Elevate Industry Standards

A financial modelling and analysis course adheres to industry best practices and standards, ensuring individuals can access the latest tools and processes. This makes them more relevant and adaptive in a quickly changing financial market.

6. Opportunities for Networking 

A financial modelling and analysis course with placement assists you in building a professional network that can lead to mentorship, collaboration, and prospective job referrals, enhancing your long-term career possibilities.

7. Assistance With Placement 

A financial modelling and analysis course with placement provides an ideal opportunity to match graduates with jobs in several industries. This additional assistance can hasten the transition from education to a job.

8. Global Reputation 

A financial modelling certification offers global recognition that will improve mobility and employment globally. This is valued by employers worldwide, making it easier for credentialed professionals to explore opportunities overseas.

9. Professional Advancement 

Aside from the apparent advantages, a financial modelling online course features possibilities for continuous professional development. This ensures that individuals stay current on industry developments and continue to hone their abilities throughout their careers.

10. Decision-Making Confidence

Extensive training in financial modelling and analysis instils trust in decision-making. Certified professionals are better competent to assess financial data, build robust models, and contribute to strategic decision-making processes inside their businesses.

Job Opportunities With Financial Modelling and Analysis Course 

 Financial Modelling and Analysis Course Job Opportunities

Here are some significant possibilities that demonstrate the broad reach of financial modelling.

1. Corporation Finance 

Financial modelling has become prevalent in corporate finance for budgeting, forecasting, and strategic planning. It assists in the analysis of financial statements, the evaluation of investment prospects, and the optimisation of capital structure.

2. Banking on Investment 

Financial modelling is essential in investment banking activities such as mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings, and valuations. Analysts use models to evaluate the financial effects of transactions and give recommendations to customers.

3. Venture Capital and Private Equity 

Financial modelling is an essential component of private equity and venture capital businesses. It is for due diligence, valuation of new investments, and portfolio performance monitoring.

4. Property Investment 

Real estate experts use financial modelling to examine the feasibility of property investments, perform cash flow analysis, and determine the financial viability of development projects.

5. Risk Management

Financial modelling is essential in risk management because it assists firms in assessing and mitigating financial risks. Scenario analysis and stress testing are two methodologies commonly used in financial models to evaluate the impact of uncertainties.

6. Startups and Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs and startups use financial modelling to build business plans, forecast future financial performance, and attract investors. It contributes to the financial viability of commercial undertakings.

7. Consulting

Consulting firms use financial modelling for client projects, market research, and strategic planning. Models aid in the analysis of market trends, the assessment of competitive landscapes, and the provision of data-driven insights.

8. NonProfit and Government Organisations

In the public and non-profit sectors, financial modelling is for budgeting, resource allocation, and long-term planning. It aids in efficiently using cash and the organisation’s long-term financial viability.

9. Educational and Training Establishments 

Financial modelling and analysis courses with placement are becoming increasingly popular in educational institutions, offering students and professionals the necessary skills for a career in finance. Financial modelling training is in high demand because it is relevant in today’s work environment.

Also Read : Financial Modelling and Analysis Course | Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Mastering Financial Modelling and Analysis Course: A Gateway to Career Excellence in Finance 

Obtaining a financial modelling certification is a critical step toward professional success. With the changing financial landscape, acquiring these skills through an online financial modelling course is valuable and essential to remaining competitive and accessing different prospects in the dynamic financial business.

Take a step ahead in career enhancement today. Contact upGrad Campus to enroll in a financial modelling certification course for a future inspired by learning and potential.


1. Why is a certification in financial modelling vital for my career? 

Financial modelling certification boosts your credibility, confirms your talents, and opens the door to various professional finance, investment, and strategic planning options.

2. How much time should I spend weekly on the financial modelling and analysis program at upGrad Campus? 

At upGrad Campus, you can access study materials, including lecture videos, every week. You can study from them at your own pace and convenience, but you should dedicate at least 2-3 hours daily to self-study. If you have questions, you can attend the weekly 2-hour doubt-clearing session and ask teaching assistants directly. 

In addition, every weekend, they hold two 2 hour live sessions with subject matter experts from PwC India and other industry experts who will discuss the ideas in detail.

3. What role does financial modelling play in strategic decision-making? 

Financial modelling is a structured technique for analysing data, evaluating situations, and making informed decisions, which are critical for strategic planning and corporate performance.

4. Can I get financial modelling certification while working full-time? 

Yes, financial modelling online courses allow you to balance your existing career while learning vital financial modelling skills.

Disclaimer: The success of job placement / interview opportunity depends on various factors including but not limited to the individual’s qualifications, experience, and efforts in seeking employment. Our organization makes no guarantees or representations regarding the level or timing of job placement / interview opportunity. Relevant terms and conditions will apply for any guarantee provided by upGrad.

*The placement figures represent the number of students placed by upGrad. Past record is no guarantee of future job prospects. The success of job placement/interview opportunity depends on various factors including but not limited to the individual's performance in the program, the placement eligibility criteria, qualifications, experience, and efforts in seeking employment. Our organization makes no guarantees or representations regarding the level or timing of job placement/interview opportunity. Relevant terms and conditions will apply for any guarantee provided by upGrad.