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Rollercoasting as a Freelance Full Stack Developer in India

It’s a rush, isn’t it? Developing that gorgeous front-end interface. Writing clever queries to fetch you the right answers from the database. Or coding a back-end program that pretty much sings to your tunes.

Full stack development, on most days, can satisfy your soul. But opportunities around full stack development may not always feel as such. The competition is huge; the industry needs are diverse and you may have your own constraints when it comes to working in an organisation. 

So you may be thinking about starting on your own as a freelance full stack developer.

But before you take that leap, we have a few questions you should consider:

Who should freelance as a Full Stack Developer?

Who should freelance as a Full Stack Developer?

Freelancing is not everybody’s cup of tea. And for someone who has their first cup after 12:00 pm, freelancing may seem like a better option than working in a 9-to-6 shift. Even so, there are a few qualities a freelance developer must possess:

  • Technical skills: This one is a no-brainer. You cannot start working independently until you possess the necessary expertise. As a freelance full stack developer, you should have a decent grasp of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, front-end frameworks like React and Redux, back-end applications like MongoDB and MySQL.
  • Sticking to deadlines: This is Freelancing 101. Developers gain a bad reputation when they’re unable to stick to timelines. And managing timelines has a learning curve. Once you pick a few projects of your own, you will understand your own limitations and pace and will be able to accurately estimate timelines for a project.
  • Knowing what the market wants: Coding skills alone won’t cut it. You must have a clear idea of what the market is currently on the lookout for. Fortunately, this part isn’t hard. Simply browsing the freelance portals (listed further below) will give you a fair idea about what the market is looking for in terms of skills, domain trends and so forth.
  • An ability to market yourself: We cannot stress enough on the ability to market oneself. You should be able to convince clients exactly why you’re the right person for this project. Luckily, there are a great number of resources out there to help you come up with a good project pitch and communicate it effectively to a potential client. But remember — it can’t be all faff. It has to be backed by genuine work experience, the right credentials and the skills to see your project through.


How much can I make as a freelance full stack developer?

How much can I make as a freelance full stack developer?

We’re sure this must have been the first question on your mind. But we deliberately put it here — for you need to have the mindset and qualities needed in a freelance full stack developer. However, once you have those, you’re in for a fruitful journey.

In India, a freelance full stack developer can start from Rs. 4 lakhs per annum, with less than a year of experience. Since India is the land of start-ups and SMEs, there is a wide range of opportunities for freelance developers to pick up projects. Freelance full stack developers, on average, can earn around Rs. 5.3 lakhs and in a few years, can go on to earn Rs. 24 lakhs.

As a freelancer, a full stack developer has the freedom to work with clients outside India, who usually pay higher, even up to a few lakhs per month.

Can I become a freelance full stack developer without experience?

Can I become a freelance full stack developer without experience?

It’s not particularly hard today to start your career as a freelancer. And here is where your marketing skills come into place. Can you demonstrate to your clients that you have the necessary skillset to build something that makes them money? If so, the project is in the bag.

While most clients prefer their developers to have work experience, some are open to assessing you based on your skills and portfolio. Invest your resources in ensuring you have a body of work. Get a professional certificate course in Full Stack Development

Remember, the millions of pages of educational content that you have gone through will not hold a candle to the credibility that you gain with a professional certificate. So, go through a certification course that proves that you have the necessary skills and will help build your portfolio.

What should my portfolio contain?

What should my portfolio contain?

Having a good portfolio and proof of work is key to attracting clients. Even the most basic portfolio should contain these three projects to attract the big guns:

  1. CRUD Project: Start with a simple application with CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) capabilities. This could be a weight tracker, a tic-tac-toe game or even a diary. CRUD forms the basis of most professional projects, and so, your portfolio should highlight this ability.
  2. E-commerce App: An e-commerce app can truly make your portfolio stand out. Today, practically every business is offering an e-commerce facility for their product or service, and will make you popular with these clients. Including such an app also showcases your understanding of product listings, SEO, analytics, payment systems, among others.
  3. API Project: An API lends the perfect opportunity for you to get creative. Not only are APIs fun, but they also show how well you can interact with other systems and bring to life the results you desire. You can have something basic like a weather widget or even a quirky one like the “What to do when you’re bored” app.

Pro tip: Make sure that you get a professional designer on board who ensures that these projects look good on your portfolio. It wouldn’t do to have a fully functioning application with a lousy, off-putting design.

Where can you get projects for Full Stack Development in India?

Where can you get projects for Full Stack Development in India?

There are several platforms that connect freelancers to potential clients. Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, People Per Hour, are a few, to begin with, and it’s a good idea to keep your portfolio ready in these places. You can also scour them for understanding the market needs and the typical project price. They are also a good place to network with people of other expertise, like designers, UI writers, etc. and collaborate on projects.

Further, you can check out sites like GitHub Jobs, Stack Overflow and Codementor that are specific communities for freelance developers. Not only can you find job opportunities here, but you can also get many of your queries clarified by knowledgeable developers. 

Unlike conventional jobs, freelancing as a developer is a marathon and not a race. It takes a while to find your groove. But once you do, the independence, the monetary rewards and the opportunities you get are quite rewarding.

5 reasons why coding will be India’s most in-demand skill in 2022

The IT industry has seen a lot of ups and downs in the past two decades. First, there was the boom, followed by a short-lived period of lull. With the norm of online shopping, content streaming and social media, it’s back on the rise again. 

Today, more than ever, coding skills are in high demand. So if you’re still uncertain about whether to pursue your passion in coding or not, here are a few pointers that should clarify your doubts:

  1. Pandemic has bumped up the demand for tech. 
Pandemic has bumped up the demand for tech.


The last two years have exposed the shortcomings in every industry – all because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Companies are increasingly recognising the benefit of automating manual processes, which means they need to rely on tech, and by extension, people with coding skills.

Even now, it’s hard to predict accurately what the next few years will look like. But one thing is for certain – tech is here to stay, and so are all the associated job opportunities. As people are getting accustomed to the new normal that the two years of the pandemic have brought on, companies are on a hiring spree to get the ball on tech rolling.

  1. Every industry today has a technological counterpart.
Every industry today has a technological counterpart.

That’s right. Finance now has an associated FinTech field. Education has a corresponding EdTech field; health has HealthTech, and the list continues. And they’re all industries in their own right.

What does this mean? Simply that your job opportunities are not limited to IT companies alone. If you have studied tech but are interested in the business or operational aspects, or vice versa, the right certification program can open several doors for you as a tech consultant in non-tech companies as well.

  1. Our need for cyber security has grown.
Our need for cyber security has grown.

As businesses are increasingly digitising and adopting various payment modes like UPI and digital wallets, monetary transactions have practically exploded all over the world. Brands today are using social media login to set up customer accounts. Further, every organisation today works on a network; and all of these touchpoints are vulnerable to cyber attacks.

In the light of these, data privacy, protection and information security are becoming areas of concern. The stakes have increased to not just safeguarding critical information, but also the company’s reputation.

Cyber security has, therefore, become one of the most in-demand roles in any organisation. And the primary skill that this expertise needs is coding.  

  1. The job landscape has changed dramatically.
The job landscape has changed dramatically.

According to LinkedIn’s Emerging Job Report, Data Science, AI, Full Stack Development and Cyber Security are among the top 10 contenders. Back-end Development made it to a close number 11. All these roles require employees to have knowledge of coding to varying degrees.

As practically every brand is offering its products and services by means of an app, Full Stack Development and Back-end Development have become quite popular, and cover various aspects of coding. Both Data Science and AI require other specialised skills, such as Machine Learning and Data Visualisation, along with knowledge of programming in Python. 

  1. Programming courses are available at all levels.
Programming courses are available at all levels.

That’s the beauty of coding. One can always start from the ground up and work their way to expertise. IT needs and subsequently, opportunities can range from simple website maintenance to developing complex architecture for business applications. For each of these needs, there are courses to help you bridge the gap.

Sure, you can always learn on your own through tutorials and books, but a Certification Program makes all the difference in helping you get specialised knowledge and opportunities in your area of expertise.

It’s unimaginable to think today of any field that doesn’t have any digital or technical presence. Driven by tech, our country has a myriad of opportunities for anyone who wants to pursue their dream job in IT. If you’re someone who is just starting off their IT career, we recommend you to check out our Certification Course on Essentials of Programming and build your skills in two of the top 4 programming languages of the world. 

Full Stack Development Courses, Fees, Admission, Institutes, Syllabus, Jobs And Skills 2021

Choosing Full stack development as a career in 2021 would be the best career decision you might make. This career is trending and has been predicted to be trending in the coming years as well. Full-stack development is a process that includes both the front and back ends of a website or application. The front-end part deals with the user interface and the back-end part deals with system synchronization. Full-stack developers are required in every organization who can work on both sections of web development. 

Full-stack developers are capable of handling every part of the web development process and therefore are in high demand across business organizations. To be a proficient full-stack developer, one must have considerable experience and profound knowledge of software development to contribute effectively to the overall quality of web application development. 

Full-stack developers must have strong skills and in-depth knowledge across online platforms and emerging technologies to be able to address all aspects of web development projects. 

Let’s discuss about full Stack Development Courses, Fees, Admission, Institutes, Syllabus, Jobs And Skills 2021.

Table of Contents

  • Full Stack Development Courses
  • Full Stack Developer Course with Placement Opportunities
  • Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus
  • Full Stack Developer Certification
  • Online Full Stack Development Courses
  •  Full Stack Developer Course Fee

 Full Stack Development Courses

Full-stack developers need to learn basic design and database management skills and must have knowledge of programming languages. Pursuing full-stack development courses help aspiring candidates to learn necessary skills and significantly increase their chances of building a good career in a reputed organization. 

There are a lot of resources available both online and offline to learn the full-stack web development process. They provide the opportunity to learn and stay updated about the latest technologies in web application development. 

Some full stack development courses and certifications are there to serve this purpose of learning and acquire the best skills as required. These courses are specifically designed to teach the most latest and emerging technologies, preferably through project-based learning. They are a proper blend of theory and practice sessions on how to design and develop websites including different web development aspects, debugging, and testing. These courses help to gather all the skills needed to become a full-stack web developer, be it front-end or back-end development.

 Full Stack Developer Course with Placement Opportunities

Full stack developer courses with placement opportunities aim at providing specific skills to aspiring candidates and help them get proper placements in the industry by showcasing their capability and potential. The courses focus on building the capability of students in designing and developing powerful modern web applications which are used extensively in the apps, websites, and systems that have day-to-day applications in businesses. 

The program imparts students some impressive skills and aptitude to handle dynamic situations in web applications. Many courses have placement enabling sessions that include soft skills development, mock interviews, profile enhancement, and interview preparations.

 Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus

The full stack developer course syllabus has been developed by experts who have worked in various projects across industries and have a clear vision of the knowledge and skill requirements of a full-stack developer. The courses are designed to develop the right kind of approach and mindset to successfully apply the skills in real-time situations. 

In general, the full stack developer course syllabus includes the following:

  • HTML, Advance html5 – the foundation of the web and is used widely to create web pages. 
  • CSS, CSS 3 – Along with HTML, it gives an idea about designing
  • BootStrap – Collection of codes written in high-level programming languages
  • Javascript – A language that is used for front-end as well as back-end scripting effectively
  • Node JS – Popular back-end programming language with faster and reliable applications  
  • Python – High-level programming language 
  • Django – Framework for development of websites

Full Stack Developer Certification

The full stack developer certification program will provide all the key skills and technical know-how to start a career as a full stack developer. The program comes with access to classroom training, practice assessments, hands-on projects, and interaction with industry experts. 

This program structure offers ample knowledge as well as hands-on training through projects. You will get to learn the application of the latest tools and technologies that full stack developers need to use in building and managing various front-end and back-end applications. The courses in this program will help to develop a variety of skill sets in areas like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python programming, Databases, SQL, Django, Bootstrap, and more. After completing all the courses in the certificate program one will become an expert in handling various popular technologies and using programming languages in full stack application development.

Online Full Stack Development Courses

There are various full stack developer courses online which are quite popular among the freshers, as well as working professionals. It is suitable for those who are willing to build careers as full stack developers and also looking to expand their skills in web development. 

Some of the full stack developer online courses are as given below: 

  • The complete web development Bootcamp: It is one of the best full stack developer courses that equip you with knowledge of front-end technologies. It helps to create animated applications and responsive landing pages.
  • Full Stack Web Developer Course: It is one of the most preferred courses that help to develop the basic skills needed to build web applications. This program will provide good knowledge on designing and building databases for software applications.
  • Full Stack Javascript Development:  An online course that teaches how to create data-driven websites faster and more efficiently. 
  • Full-Stack Web Development with Angular Specialization: It is a course from Coursera that provides learning on front-end website development with server-side support.
  • Learn to Code:  It is a course from Udacity that gives a basic understanding of the basics of programming using HTML, CSS, and Python. It will help you develop enough knowledge to think and get a logical solution.
  • Web Development Course: It is an online course from codeacademy that will teach how to handle both the front end and back end conveniently. This study site helps to gather adequate knowledge about HTML, JavaScript, and CSS programming required to build a web application.

 Full Stack Developer Course Fee

Complete full stack developer course fee varies from INR 30.000 to INR 50,000. However, there are options to opt for specific modules as a part of the complete program. The course fee depends on the type of expertise required by the candidates and the fees vary from INR 2500 to INR 5000 for basic and specialized learning programs respectively.

Full stack web developers are in great demand in the industry as there is still a shortage of experts in this field as compared to the huge variety of web applications running across organizations. Companies are searching for professionals who can manage both the backend and front end, so there are great opportunities if you take your career to the next level by pursuing the course.

How to become a full stack developer?

Full Stack Development – This might sound a bit overwhelming but it’s not. If you would have searched for this term recently – you must have read the terms like HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL. Full Stack Developers are jack of all trades of the industry where comprehensive programming knowledge is demanded. 

A full-stack developer is a software expert who is qualified and skilled to work on both the front end (which users see) and back end (behind the applications) of websites and mobile applications. The front-end refers to the visible part of the application with which users interact (user interface) and the back-end is where all the actual functioning of the system happens. The combination of front-end and back-end is called the Full Stack. This means full stack developers can be considered as software experts who are equally proficient in front-end (client-side) as well as back-end (server-side) development for online applications. Full Stack Developers have strong skill sets and knowledge bases in the IT domain. They are highly valued by both large companies and small startups.

 Let’s explore more about how to become a full stack developer?

To become a full-stack developer, one has to be familiar with two basic web development concepts. The front-end, also known as the client-side, refers to all the elements of an online application that users directly interact with. Whereas the back-end comprises the entire programming and structure that can compute and analyze data, fulfill user response, and handle real-time information. 

Full-stack developers are expected to be multi-taskers in the sense that they are professionals capable of addressing both the front-end and back-end of web applications. As a part of front-end development, they optimize the visible parts to design a user-friendly and engaging site. On the other hand, in the back-end, they build the structure of internal software that handles databases, servers, and specific software. Full-stack developers make the front-end of applications visually appealing and easily accessible by users, while continuously working on the server-side of the application and exchanging information between the browser and back-end databases to refine and update for better performance. A person who is a full-stack developer is responsible for the development and functioning of a site or application’s front-end and back-end architecture.

Full-stack developers need to have special technical knowledge for combining various components into a packaged application that goes into the making of a software product. They know the functionality of each tool and can manipulate the back-end components accordingly to produce desired results at the front-end. Full-stack developers contribute to the overall quality of the software application and are therefore considered as unparalleled assets in a technical team. The full stack developer job description in an organization generally includes:

  • Working with a website design from start to completion
  • Developing and updating features of websites along with user interface teams
  • Designing better user interactions through robust front-end architecture
  • Managing database, server administration, and Application Programming Interface
  • Communicating with end-users to evaluate product responsiveness

Some key technical responsibilities for an entry-level to experienced full stack developer include studying project requirements and creating solutions by working on databases and servers and using the methodical testing process to debug and modify codes for problem-solving.

Full Stack Development Courses

Full-stack developers need to learn basic design and database management skills and must have knowledge of programming languages. Many full-stack web development courses help aspiring candidates to learn necessary skills and significantly increase their chances of getting hired by a reputed company. Four-year degree programs have proved to be one of the most beneficial paths for aspiring developers. These courses provide comprehensive knowledge and a broad view that enhances the competency of professionals. Additionally, it allows building an impressive portfolio, receiving internships, and improving valuable connections. There are a lot of online courses to provide knowledge about the latest in web application development and keep them updated. These online courses offer classes, tutorials and certifications as per the requirement of working professionals. The courses focus on teaching the most updated technologies through project-based learning.

Knowledge of Web Architecture

Full Stack Developers must have a thorough knowledge of web architecture. Their primary responsibility is to work with software applications from scratch and develop them into a structured form. For this, they need to know how to structure the code, categorize the data in databases, and perform the necessary computational tasks. The web application architecture is a highly responsive medium that facilitates communication between different users and technical interaction between different systems. The full-stack developers apply knowledge of web architecture to design software modules as well as promotion and commercialization of the web application. 

Salary of a Full Stack Developer 

In recent years, the role of the full-stack developer has become significantly important. Employers understand the benefits of having a full stack developer in their team who has an effective contribution to a project for successful implementation. Because of the demand, the full stack developer salary in India is quite high. Full-stack developers in India earn an average salary of around INR 6 lakhs per annum. At the entry-level, the salary starts with around INR 3.75 lakhs per annum. An employee with mid-level experience can secure a yearly package of about INR 5-8 lakhs. Some of the renowned IT firms and MNCs in India offer a yearly package to deserving candidates which are as follows: 

  • Tata Consultancy Services: INR 4.50 lakhs
  • IBM: INR 6.50 lakhs
  • Accenture: INR 5.30 Lakhs
  • Wipro: INR 4.20 Lakhs
  • Infosys: INR 3.35 Lakhs
  • Cognizant Technology Solutions: INR 6.25 Lakhs 
  • GALE partners: INR 8.25 Lakhs 

How to create your own app at home?

What to do next when you get a big killer idea to create an app? Let’s discover how to bring your app ideas to life. 

The ever-increasing application of smartphones for interacting with the Internet has made apps a part of our daily life. All popular brands have a mobile app that can be downloaded and used for excellent business solutions. Apps are predominantly made by businesses to provide service to customers taking advantage of an online platform. For customers, it is a convenient way to access several facilities at their fingertips. Thus the apps are becoming extremely popular for marketing and selling products and services. 

This brings us to a very crucial question – how to create your own app at home?

The making of an app is not an easy process. It involves some steps that need to be followed sequentially to achieve successful results. The planning phase of how to create your own app at home is most important as it forms the foundation. The success of an app depends on how much effort has been put into research, planning, and designing your app. Here are the things that need to be followed to make an app at home.

  1. Conceptualize the idea

Every creation starts with an idea. The same is for making the app. It doesn’t have to be elaborate but should be tangible. One way of generating an app idea is to work on some existing popular apps and give a new look by combining elements from various apps. Another method is generating ideas on how to make an app at home from brainstorming with others, through finding a solution to an existing problem through an app. Write down the idea on pen and paper for better understanding. 


  1.  Do some Market Research 

Before creating your app at home, you should know if the app idea is viable and whether people are really looking for the app that you have conceptualized. This research helps to create the starting point for the features to include in the app.

  1. Feature Set

After conducting thorough research and defining the target audience, you would be able to see the requirements on which you need to focus. Finalize the features on the app based on the basic idea and research outcome which may include the following:

  • The core features of the app
  • The unique features of the app as compared to other apps
  • The features that are missing in other app but are required

It is to be kept in mind that the app has to be as lean and mean as possible which is called a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and it’s the initial and simplest version of the app. 

  1. Designing the App

The next step is to think about how to design an app that is innovative as well as easy to use. It basically involves how the users interact with the app to use its features.  It includes the app icon, main screen, navigation, color scheme, and many others. Some of the design tools that can be used to create a graphic design for the app are Sketch, Figma, or Affinity Designer.

  1. Create the App Landing Page

It is necessary to create a connection between the app and a prospective customer. This requires creating a landing page for the app. Many app developers still consider the Google App Store page as the most preferable channel to market their apps. But there are plenty of other marketing channels available. 

  1. Build your App

This is the step where you actually bring to life your app from the design stage. The app development consists of two stages. The Front-end part of the app includes layout, navigation, graphics, user interface, animation, and data processing. The Back-end part includes database, networking, data storage, and user management. The front-end and the back-end need to be integrated with each other. You have to invest funds into hiring a freelancer to build your app or you can hire an app Development Company to provide consulting services. 

Once the app reaches the real users, you’ll start getting some feedback. Based on the feedback you need to work on improving the app by adding bug fixes, new features, and updates.