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Non-Verbal Communication in Interviews: What Your Body Language Reveals

Non-Verbal Communication in Interviews: What Your Body Language Reveals

Why Is Body Language Important In Job Interviews? 

  1. First Imprеssions  
  2. Confidеncе and Trust 
  3. Engagеmеnt 
  4. Cultural Awarеnеss 
  5. Nеrvousnеss
  6. Ovеrall Imprеssion 

Top 6 Effective Tips For Body Language In Interviews  

  1. Maintain Eye Contact 
  2. Hand Gestures 
  3. Active Listening 
  4. Cultural Sensitivity 

Top 5 Key Aspects of Body Language You Can Work On

Mastering the Art of Non-Verbal Communication in Interviews 

Job intеrviеws arе not just vеrbal еxchangеs; thеy arе a melting pot of words, gеsturеs, and еxprеssions. Whilе what you say is undoubtеdly vital, your body languagе oftеn spеaks volumеs without uttеring a word. 

In this blog, we’ll еxplorе thе intricaciеs of non-verbal communication during intеrviеws. Wе’ll dеlvе into the importance of body language in an interview, offer practical tips for еffеctivе communication, and pinpoint kеy aspеcts of body languagе that can makе or brеak your intеrviеw pеrformancе.


Why Is Body Language Important In Job Interviews?


Body language can say much about you without necessarily being articulated by spoken word at any job interview. Body language reflects the self-confidence, aspirations, and objectives of the candidate. Here are some reasons why body language is intеgral to thе intеrviеw procеss for sеvеral rеasons.

1. First Imprеssions 

Your body languagе forms thе first imprеssion bеforе you spеak. A strong initial impression can sеt a positivе tonе for thе intеrviеw.

2. Confidеncе and Trust

Your posturе, gеsturеs, and еyе contact convеy your lеvеl of confidеncе and trustworthinеss. A confidеnt candidatе is oftеn viеwеd morе favorably.

3. Engagеmеnt

Activе listеning, as rеflеctеd through your body languagе, signals your еngagеmеnt and gеnuinе intеrеst in thе convеrsation.

4. Cultural Awarеnеss

Awarеnеss of cultural nuancеs in body languagе is crucial to avoid misundеrstandings or unintеndеd offеnsе.

5. Nеrvousnеss 

Nеrvous body languagе, likе fidgеting or avoiding еyе contact, can undеrminе your pеrcеivеd confidеncе and suitability for thе rolе.

6. Ovеrall Imprеssion

Your non-vеrbal cuеs collеctivеly shapе thе ovеrall imprеssion you lеavе with thе intеrviеwеr. This imprеssion can influence their decision to move forward with your candidacy.


Top 6 Effective Tips For Body Language In Interviews

Tips For Body Language In Interviews

Whilе prеparing for your intеrviеw, you may not havе thе opportunity to bеcomе a kinеsics еxpеrt. Nеvеrthеlеss, you can allocatе timе to contеmplatе your non-vеrbal prеsеntation. Hеrе arе somе valuablе tips on how to apply your еnhancеd undеrstanding of body languagе to еnhancе your intеraction with thе intеrviеwеr.


1. Maintain Eye Contact 

Show confidence by making proper body contact, like keeping good eye contact. Eye contact avoidance might be taken negatively and signify awkwardness or discomfort.

2. Smile Genuinely 

A genuine smile puts trust and openness that is fundamental in laying the basis for an interview.

3. Open Posture 

An open posture communicates that you are attentive and confident. This can be achieved by sitting or standing openly. Do not cross your arms, as this can communicate defensiveness.

4. Hand Gestures 

Your answers will be more convincing if purposeful and controlled hand gestures are accompanied. Nonetheless, stay away from exaggerated or distracting behaviours.

5. Active Listening 

Show that you are actively involved by listening attentively and responding with nods and facial expressions.

6. Cultural Sensitivity 

Be aware of the differences in non-verbal signs between different cultures. Politeness may mean something different in some cultures.


Top 5 Key Aspects of Body Language You Can Work On 

Mastеring thе art of non-vеrbal communication is crucial in intеrviеws. Undеrstanding thе kеy aspеcts of body languagе can significantly impact thе imprеssion you lеavе on thе intеrviеwеr. Hеrе arе thе top five non-verbal communication examples you can focus on to еnhancе your non-vеrbal communication skills.


  • Facial Expressions: Your face conveys your emotions. Positive connections can be created through openness to others, responsive expressions, and appropriate reactions.
  • Posture: The way you stand speaks of your confidence and activeness. Negative signals are also sent out by slouching or being rigid all the time.
  • Gestures: Movements of hands and body help deliver the message and provide additional context. Make sure your gestures are meaningful but not too interruptive.
  • Tone of Voice: Even though this is included in verbal communication, your tone of voice gives away an emotion or attitude. Most people consider a calm and deliberate voice appealing.
  • Proximity: Your ease and comfort level with another individual in the interviewing process can vary depending on how far away the interviewer is from you. Be polite about respecting your distance, but ensure you are not too distant.

Mastering the Art of Non-Verbal Communication

You could be amazed at how much emphasis your body language in a job interview contributes to getting hired. Use these tips to improve your body language in an interview and land your dream job.

upGrad Campus helps you refine your interview skills through top-notch courses, including Placement Plus Program. These online self-paced courses come with unlimited access, doubt-clearing sessions, certifications, and live interactive classes from top industrial experts. Take a tour to find out how upGrad Campus can help you with your job hunt and work life. 

Related : Stand out in Job Interviews with the STAR Method


Group Discussion Etiquette: Dos and Don’ts for a Winning Performance

Are you preparing for a group discussion? Are you nervous about how you will perform? If yes, then this blog is for you. 

Participating in a group discussion can be understandably anxiety-inducing. A Group Discussion or a GD is a common evaluation method that is incorporated in numerous academic settings, competitive exams and job interviews. This is because it is a form of assessment criteria that evaluates different skills all at once in a comprehensive manner. 

When partaking in a group discussion, it is important to note that a particular etiquette must be followed. Demonstrating proper GD etiquette can thus greatly elevate your chances of putting in a winning performance. 

In this blog, we’ll discover how to start group discussions, some dos and don’ts for acing your group discussion and other group discussion tips for impressing your evaluators. Sooner or later, we will all be a part of group discussions, and so it’s important to stay prepared.

What Is A Group Discussion? 

In the most basic terms, a group discussion is a conversation that involves two or more participants. These conversations typically revolve around a central theme or topic for participants to exchange ideas and opinions. 

Today, group discussions are used in a variety of formal and semi-formal settings to serve as an assessment tool. Group discussions in job interviews or academic exams are structured communication exercises that test the participants’ knowledge, communication skills, leadership qualities, teamwork, interpersonal skills, and ability to defend their opinions. 

The most common types of group discussions are:

  1. Factual group discussions
  2. Case-oriented group discussions
  3. Abstract group discussions
  4. Thematic group discussions
  5. Opinion-based group discussions

Each type of group discussion differs from the other in nuanced ways, but they all try to assess pivotal aspects of an individual’s personality. They require the individual to apply their reasoning skills, analytical skills, logical thinking, creativity, and depth of knowledge to be able to put in a winning performance.

Dos and Don’t of Group Discussions

Now, let’s explore some group discussion tips, especially the dos and don’ts, so individuals can conduct themselves appropriately.

What to Do for a Winning Performance?

What you should do in Group Discussions (GD)

Putting in a winning performance in a group discussion doesn’t necessarily require you to have the best knowledge in the group. While knowledge does play a role, following group discussion etiquette and decorum is equally important to win the debate. 

Here is a non-exhaustive list of what to do to put in a winning performance:

  1. Prepare for the topic or theme of the discussion comprehensively.
  2. Be dressed in smart attire and maintain good posture.
  3. Listen actively to the other speakers and make notes of points you would like to counter. Present these in an organised and easy-to-follow manner.
  4. Introduce yourself briefly before you start your speech, and maintain eye contact with the other participants.
  5. Articulation is key. Express yourself boldly and clearly. Confidence in your abilities is a positive trait.
  6. Always remain calm and composed during rebuttals. Be gracious and acknowledge others when they are speaking.
  7. Support your arguments with relevant factual data and research to add credibility. Figures and citations show that you have done your homework. 
  8. Encourage the participation of group members who haven’t shared as much. This showcases leadership and team-building qualities. 
  9. At the end, offer to summarise the main points discussed briefly.
  10. Always respect time limits.

What Should You Avoid During a Group Discussion?

What should you avoid in Group Discussions (GD)

Knowing what not to do can sometimes be more crucial than doing the correct things during a group discussion. This is because negative impressions are quick to form and hard to change. 

Here are a few things participants should avoid during a group discussion to maintain a good impression and enhance their chances of winning:

  1. Never interrupt others while speaking. The golden rule of group discussions is to wait your turn.
  2. Do not ramble or go off-topic. Be clear and concise in the point you wish to make.
  3. Avoid speaking too softly or too fast. This shows nervousness and can dampen the effect of your speech. 
  4. Refrain from presenting information you aren’t sure about and never share incorrect information or data that hasn’t been factually verified. This can seriously damage your credibility in the discussion. 
  5. Don’t use jargon or over-complicate language. 
  6. Do not dismiss others’ ideas, even if you do not agree with them. This shows a lack of team-building and interpersonal skills. 
  7. Avoid slouching or appearing disengaged in the discussion.
  8. Do not reinforce stereotypes or controversial ideas.
  9. Never steal someone else’s idea to pass it off as your own. Credit the source as needed.
  10. Do not speak to the evaluator/moderator. Instead, focus on the group members and speak directly to them. 

Master a Group Discussion: Key Takeaways for Successful Conversations! 

Acing a group discussion requires a blend of preparation, active listening, leadership skills, effective communication, and respectful behaviour. By adhering to the dos and don’ts outlined in this blog, you can significantly increase your chances of putting in a winning performance. If you wish to discover more such

group discussion tips, visit upGrad Campus and approach any future GDs with confidence and enthusiasm.

Also Read: Success Speaks – True stories from our students!

Top 10 Technical Interview Questions for Digital marketing Freshers

Table of Contents

Digital Marketing is a constantly evolving field with trends changing sometimes by the day, if not in the hour. The only way for recruiters to ensure that you, a digital marketing fresher, can thrive in the company is to check your technical know-how.

Recruiters may ask you several questions on Social Media, Content, Analytics and more. But all they want to answer is one question – do you understand enough about the field to keep up with the recurring changes?

If you’re preparing for a digital marketing interview, then this article is the perfect place to get started.

Interview questions for Digital Marketing

Interview questions for Digital Marketing

The field of digital marketing is vast and wide with many channels. Mastering all the important digital marketing channels before your interview is simply not feasible. Ideally, you should have gained a strong understanding of the field with specialised knowledge in a specific channel.

As the interview draws closer, go through these 10 must-know digital marketing interview questions to make sure you have all your bases covered.

1. Describe the process of setting up and managing an online advertising campaign on platforms like Facebook or Google Ads.

Answer:- Interviewees should explain the steps involved in creating a successful online advertising campaign, including defining campaign objectives, targeting the right audience, selecting ad formats, and setting a budget. They should also emphasise the importance of continuous monitoring and optimization to maximise ROI.

2. How do you measure the effectiveness of a digital marketing campaign?

Answer:- A successful digital marketing campaign relies on accurate measurement and analysis. Interviewees should mention key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, click-through rates (CTR), and return on investment (ROI). Utilising tools like Google Analytics and other marketing automation platforms can provide valuable insights into campaign performance.

3. Explain how Ad Ranks are calculated?

Answer:- Ad Ranks in online advertising determine the position of an ad on a search engine results page. Ad Ranks are calculated based on the maximum bid for an ad, the ad’s quality score, and the expected impact of ad extensions and other ad formats. The formula for calculating Ad Rank is: Ad Rank = Bid Amount × Quality Score.

4. Explain the concept of A/B testing and its significance in digital marketing.

Answer:– A/B testing, also known as split testing, involves comparing two versions of a web page or marketing material to determine which performs better. Interviewees should explain its significance in optimising website elements, email campaigns, and ad creatives to improve conversion rates and user experience.

5. Can you explain the concept of PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising and its benefits?

Answer:- PPC advertising is a model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. It is commonly associated with platforms like Google Ads and allows businesses to bid on specific keywords relevant to their target audience. Interviewees should discuss the advantages of PPC, including immediate visibility, targeted audience reach, and the ability to control advertising costs.

6. What is RLSA, and how does it work?

Answer:- RLSA stands for Remarketing Lists for Search Ads. It is a feature in online advertising that allows advertisers to customise search ad campaigns for people who have previously visited their website. RLSA works by associating specific remarketing lists with search campaigns. When a user on the list performs a search, the associated campaign can be adjusted to show relevant ads or bid differently based on the user’s past interactions with the website.

7. What are the key elements of an effective email marketing strategy?

Answer:- Candidates should outline the essential components of an email marketing strategy, such as building a quality email list, segmenting the audience, crafting personalised and engaging content, and optimising email deliverability and open rates. Mentioning the importance of A/B testing for email subject lines and content variations will showcase a deeper understanding.

8. What is SEO, and how does it impact digital marketing efforts?

Answer:- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimising a website to improve its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). It involves various on-page and off-page techniques, such as keyword research, link building, and content optimization. Candidates should emphasise the significance of SEO in driving organic traffic and enhancing the overall online presence of a brand.

9. How do you optimise a website for better search engine rankings (on-page and off-page SEO techniques)?

Answer:- Candidates should discuss on-page optimization techniques like meta tags, header tags, and keyword placement. Additionally, they should highlight off-page techniques such as link building, guest blogging, and social bookmarking to improve website authority and rankings.

10. How can you use content marketing to generate leads and engage with the target audience?

Answer:- Candidates should describe the process of creating valuable and relevant content tailored to the target audience’s needs and preferences. This content can be in the form of blog posts, videos, infographics, and more. They should also discuss content distribution strategies, including social media promotion and email newsletters.


Conclusion For Digital Marketing Certification Course

Technical interviews can be challenging, especially for freshers entering the professional world. However, with proper preparation and understanding of the key technical interview questions for freshers, you can increase your chances of success.

Moreover, if you want guaranteed success in the field, you can always choose upGrad Campus Digital marketing certification course – our world-class online certification courses and live classes that will help you become job ready.

Resume Guide for Freshers

Table of Contents

First impressions are everything, and a resume can make or break that impression.

For freshers, a well-crafted resume is even more crucial as nowadays recruiters are more interested in the skills you have than simply a college degree. Thus, for your first job, you need to learn to make a resume that highlights your relevancy to the applied job and skills for the same.

In this blog, we will provide valuable tips and insights to help you create an impactful resume that will definitely take you to the interview round.

What is a Resume?

What is a Resume

Simply put, a resume is a document that summarises your education, skills, and achievements. It’s typically the first point of contact between you and a potential employer.

A compelling resume aims to capture the attention of employers and recruiters, encouraging them to consider the applicant for further evaluation.

So what should go in a resume?
✔ overview/summary
✔ any information relevant to the company’s job description
✔ experience on projects, internships, etc.
✔ soft skills and technical skills
✔ extra curricular activities

Not sure how to put all these together? Read on to find out.

Resume Building Tips for Freshers

Resume Building Tips for Freshers

Here are some important tips that will help you create a well-crafted resume and increase your chances of getting shortlisted.

1. Customise your resume as per requirement

Analyse the job description, identify the keywords and skills desired by the employer, and customise your resume accordingly.

For example, if a job requirement places high importance on teamwork, highlight attributes of teamwork in your resume.

This approach shows that you have taken the time to understand the company requirement and will increase your chances of being noticed by recruiters.

2. Open with a good resume headline

A unique resume headline can help you to stand out from other candidates and grab the recruiter’s attention. The headline should be aligned with your full name, contact information, and a professional email address.

We’ve all had that phase when our email IDs showed our quirky sides, like “” – but guess what? It is highly unprofessional and makes the employer form a poor image of you immediately. Instead, use an Email ID that has the same name as your LinkedIn profile and your resume.

3. Write a compelling Summary/Objective Statement

Begin your resume with a concise summary or objective statement that highlights your key qualifications, skills and career goals.

A recruiter receives hundreds of applications in a single day. They might not even have the time to scroll through your entire resume. So instead of writing generic things like “Looking to leverage my skills for new opportunities and initiatives in this organisation and enable its growth”, remove the buzzwords and simply highlight your best skills and experience in just 3-4 lines

Tailor this section to match the specific job you’re applying for, emphasising your relevant skills and experiences.

For example if you are preparing your resume for a Digital Marketing Agency , then you should showcase all the Digital Marketing Skills you know.

4. Be on point

A well-crafted resume should be concise and to the point, using the right keywords and highlighting relevant coursework.

An unstructured, exhaustive resume can significantly reduce the chances of getting shortlisted. Therefore, while drafting a resume keep in mind that it should be precise and crisp.

5. Showcase Internships, Projects, and Extracurricular Activities

If you have completed internships, projects, or participated in extracurricular activities during your studies, include them in your resume. Describe the responsibilities you undertook, the skills you gained, and any notable achievements.

These experiences demonstrate your practical application of knowledge and show your initiative and dedication.

6. Make your resume easy to read

A well-formatted and easily readable resume makes a positive impression. Use a clean and professional font, maintain consistency in headings and subheadings, and use bullet points to organise information.

While creating a resume it is also important to follow the professional ethics of language. Using slang words will kill your chances of getting even considered.

To showcase your professionalism, use appropriate language.

7. Double-check all the information provided

Having a CV with notable achievements is definitely eye-catching. That said – do not fill your CV with fake information. Interviewers nowadays are thorough with the background checks that they conduct on their potential recruits. They’d appreciate your honest and authentic selves a lot more than highly exaggerated claims like scaling Everest with one hand.

8. Make Resume Builder Apps your friend

If you are a fresher and aiming to build a good resume, there are many new sites and apps available for resume building free of cost.
Here are a few sites mentioned which can assist you in resume building.

  • Zety
  • LiveCareer
  • Resume Genius
  • MyPerfectResume
  • ResumeLab
  • Resume Now
  • EnhanCV
  • ResumeHelp

Ideal Length of Your Resume

Ideal Length of Your Resume

For freshers, a resume should be ideally one page long. This is because they have limited work experience and their resume should focus on their education, skills, and any relevant extracurricular activities.

You should avoid including irrelevant information and focus on highlighting only your strengths and achievements.


Conclusion - Online Certification Courses

By following these tips and guidelines, you can create a good resume that will surely get you noticed. But your journey doesn’t end here.

You also need to ensure that you perform well in interviews, are able to stand out in the group discussions and have the necessary soft skills to impress the recruiters. If you’re worried about how to improve these skills, you should check out upGrad Campus’s Placement Plus and Internship Plus programs. Guaranteeing 3 assured job/internship opportunities, these programs are a gateway to your dream career.

Stand out in Job Interviews with the STAR Method

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As the placement season draws near, you may be wondering if you’re fully prepared for all aspects of the interview process. While technical knowledge is important, it’s equally vital to be able to showcase your soft skills during behavioral interview rounds. Especially when you have completed a Digital Marketing Course.

Sometimes, instead of being asked “What do you know?”, you may encounter questions that begin with “Tell me what you will do?”. This type of questioning can make one nervous at times. If you get stuck in this situation, “STAR Method” can be the hero to help you in landing your dream job. In this blog, we will learn about the STAR method and how you can use it to ace your interview.

What is the STAR Method?

What is the STAR Method?

If you are a fresher and going for your first job interview then “Behavioural Interview” might be a new term for you. These interviews are structured to understand your behavioural facets based on your past experiences in the job. But if you are a fresher, you might be judged for the same based upon your past college experiences. Behavioral interviews can throw off even industry veterans, and so, as a fresher, you may naturally feel worried about facing one.

Here comes your best friend, the STAR method. The STAR method is an acronym that stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result.

These four components of STAR method can be used to structure your answers in a behavioural interview, as follows: – 

Situation: – If you are given a hypothetical situation or asked to describe any situation related from your experience, start by analysing the situation and describing it from your point of view. Make sure you are presenting it in a positive way.

Task: – Here you need to be specific about what task you need and will perform in that situation. Also, mention the expectations and how far you were able to meet the expectations.

Actions: – The adage  “Actions speak louder than words” is especially true in behavioural interviews.. Tell them what actions you took and how far it was beneficial to complete your task.

Result: – Here comes the most crucial part, the result of your hard work. In answering any question, you will need to highlight your achievements and the outcomes of your smart work. Do not forget to have a positive take on the result and to put a spotlight on how much you were able to meet the expectations by the end of your work. 

For a better understanding, let’s go through some frequent questions asked in behavioural interviews and how to answer them.

Sample Questions and Ideal Answers for Behavioural Interviews

Sample Questions and Ideal Answers for Behavioural Interviews

To understand more on how the STAR method works, let us go through some practical questions and take ideas for answering those questions.

1. Can you tell me about a time when you had to learn a new skill or technology quickly?

Answer: As part of my final year project, I worked in a team of four to develop a website. We started off by pooling our collective skills to see how we could meet the requirements. We are a little short of development skills. So I chose a part time Full Stack Development Course from upGrad Campus. This experience taught me the importance of updating my skills and developing new ones to meet a diverse career choice.

2. How do you handle feedback or constructive criticism on your work?

Answer: As a fresh college pass-out, I recognize that feedback is essential for professional and personal growth. When receiving feedback, I actively listen to the person’s comments, seek clarification if necessary, and take notes on areas for improvement. I then reflect on the feedback and develop an action plan to address the concerns raised. I appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow from feedback and use it to continuously improve my skills and work performance.

3. Can you describe a time when you had to adapt to a change in a project or job responsibility?

Answer: During my part-time job as a sales associate, I was asked to assist with social media management due to staff shortage. I quickly adapted by learning the necessary software from the Digital Marketing certification course and soon I was able to carry on with my project with a professional approach. This experience taught me the importance of flexibility and adaptability in the workplace.



In today’s competitive job market, it is important to not only have the required hard skills but also to possess strong soft skills and behavioural traits. While you can get hard skills through a Digital Marketing course or a Data Analytics course, you can also use the STAR method to effectively communicate your past experiences and showcase your behavioural skills during an interview.

Essential Soft Skills For Digital Marketers

Table of Contents
  1. What are Soft Skills?
  2. The most in-demand Soft Skills For Digital Marketers
  3. How to identify and improve your soft skills
  4. Conclusion

Soft Skills Matter!

“Soft skills are the hard currency of success in a world where interpersonal skills are more valuable than technical skills.” 
– John C. Maxwell (Bestselling authors of New York Times)

Everybody knows that to get and keep a job you require technical skills. Doctors need to know how to treat patients, However, are they enough? Sure, doctors need to have complete medical know-how to treat patients. But they also need to have a good bedside manner and make patients comfortable.

Likewise Digital Marketers today must not only know how to boost the business digitally, but also possess soft skills to network, communicate and effectively implement their ideas.

Technical skills may open doors, but your soft skills are what makes you approachable and more successful. A strong set of soft skills will make you a valuable Digital Marketer. Additionally, it helps you in transitioning into new roles more easily.

Employers are now seeking a combination of both hard and soft skills to ensure they have the ideal employee for the job. Hard skills may get you the job, but soft skills will take you to the top.

What exactly are Soft Skills?

What exactly are Soft Skills?

Soft skills are a set of personal attributes and abilities that enable individuals to communicate, collaborate, and perform more efficiently and effectively. Unlike hard skills, which are technical and job-specific, soft skills are general and applicable across all profiles as well as valued by employers. Soft skills are essential for personal and professional development, as they help individuals build stronger relationships, manage time more effectively, and become better leaders.

In-demand Soft Skills For Digital Marketers

The Most in-demand Soft Skills For Digital Marketers

While soft skills are important in any field, they play a bigger role in Digital Marketing. Here’s how.

Communication: The ability to convey information succinctly, listen actively, and collaborate with others is mandatory in any workplace. Effective communication is imperative for in-house teams to make user-friendly content on websites or social media.

Adaptability: With growing technology, being able to learn new skills, read core and Meta updates, pivot when necessary, and embrace new ideas is a valuable trait in any job.

Multitasking: Ability to perform multiple tasks – handling multiple Social Media accounts, checking insights, deriving SEO strategies simultaneously is a highly valued skill in today’s fast-paced world, where people often have to juggle multiple responsibilities at once.

Emotional intelligence: Emotional intelligence encompasses skills such as empathy, self-awareness, and relationship-building. Having this trait is especially important when it comes to understanding your target audience and planning campaigns to hit the right note.

Critical thinking: Competence to analyse and evaluate data, think critically, and solve complex problems are highly valued traits. Critical thinking skills are very important for digital marketing in industries such as technology, finance, and healthcare. It’s important because the better you are at critical thinking, the more likely you’ll be able to identify opportunities and solve problems creatively

Leadership: Digital Marketing campaigns are only as good as the teams executing them. And teams need individuals who can inspire, motivate, and guide members to achieve their goals. Leaders have qualities that are unseen in others like – Crisis Management, making your team comfortable even at the time of the biggest mistake committed by a team member, giving credits to team, promoting face as team not as the individual personality, etc.

Creativity: As technology continues to automate certain tasks, the ability to think creatively and come up with new ideas will become increasingly important. This skill is especially valuable in fields such as design, marketing, and advertising.

Creativity imposes Imagination & Visualization of a situation

Time management: With increasing workloads and tight deadlines, the ability to manage time effectively is crucial. Time management skills include setting priorities, making monthly calendars and staying organised.

Collaboration: As workplaces become more diverse and team-oriented, the ability to collaborate effectively with others is becoming increasingly important. This includes skills such as active listening, giving and receiving feedback, and working towards common goals.

Honing these skills can help individuals succeed in their Digital Marketing careers and stand out in this competitive job market.

How to identify and improve your existing soft skills?

How to identify and improve your existing soft skills?

Throughout your education or career, you’ve probably worked in a team. Are you good at teamwork? Would you include it on the skills section of your resume? Not sure? Let’s discuss how to identify your soft skills.

It is hard to identify your own soft skills, so ask your friends, coworkers, and even your past employers. You can ask them about specific examples of your soft skills and when you used them well. You may discover new things about yourself.

Improving soft skills are crucial for personal and professional development. Here are some ways to do so:

Practise active listening: Improve your active listening skills by giving your full attention, asking clarifying questions, and summarising what you’ve heard.

Seek critique: Feedback from colleagues, managers, or mentors on your soft skills will help understand your areas for improvement.

Read and write regularly: Reading and writing can improve your communication skills. You can read books, articles, and blogs etc. and practice writing emails, reports, or proposals.

Attend workshops and training: Attend workshops, training sessions, or seminars on soft skills to gain new insights and techniques to improve your skills.

Practice empathy: You can improve your empathy by putting yourself in others’ shoes, acknowledging their feelings, and responding appropriately.

Learn to manage time: To improve your time management skills, you can create a schedule, set realistic goals, and eliminate distractions.

Join a group or community: Join a group or community that aligns with your interests or goals.

Remember that improving your soft skills is a continuous process. It takes time and effort to develop and maintain these skills, but the benefits are reflective enough in your personal and professional life.

The more you are updated, the more empowered is your potential.


Soft skills are essential to foster a healthy work environment around you. Even though these can be learned through training and development programs, soft skills cannot be excelled in a day as it is a field where you push yourself to be better every day.

Complement your soft skills with our digital marketing certification course online. Our course equips you with all the essential skills necessary to understand and implement digital marketing campaigns with confidence.

Land Your Dream Job with upGrad Campus’s Placement Plus and Internship Plus Programs

Table of Contents

  1. Why is Assistance in Placement or Internship Important ?
  2. upGrad Campus Placement Program for new-age Jobs
  3. upGrad Campus Internship Plus Program
  4. Conclusion

As a college student, you have a lot on your plate. Between attending classes, completing assignments, and preparing for exams, it can be hard to find time to focus on your career goals. That’s where upGrad Campus’s Placement Plus and Internship Plus programs come in. These programs offer interview training, industry expert guidance, internship opportunities, placement assistance, and career guidance to help you land your dream job.

Why is Assistance in Placement or Internship Important?

Why Assistance In Placement or Internship Is Important?

According to a recent survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), the average job offer rate for college graduates was only 67%. This means that more one out of three graduates were unable to secure employment upon graduation. The job market is becoming increasingly competitive, and it’s not enough to simply have a degree. Employers are looking for candidates who have the right skills, experience, and qualities to fit their organisation’s culture and goals. Although around every corner, you can find a Placement agency in India, choosing the right one is really important for you to succeed.

Some of the Advantages of Placement and Internship Assistance

  • Resume Building

Crafting a resume that stands out from the crowd can be a daunting task, but experts can make things easy for you. Personalised assistance to create a professional and unique resume that highlights your skills and experiences. Additionally, providing  tips on how to customise your resume to match the job profile you’re applying for, maximising your chances of landing the job.

  • Mock Interview Preparation

Nervous about your job interview? 1:1 mock interviews, helps you to prepare and get closer to your dream job. You’ll learn how to answer key questions and gain valuable guidance from the network of industry experts who are currently working in the roles you’re interested in. With personalised mentoring sessions, you’ll feel confident and equipped to succeed in your next job interview. Don’t let nerves hold you back – let’s take the next step towards your career goals.

  • Access to Industry Experts

Another major benefit of such a program is the access it provides to industry experts. These experts can help you gain insights into the latest industry trends and best practices, which can help you develop a deep understanding of the industry you’re interested in and position you as a professional in your chosen field.

upGrad Campus Placement Plus Program for New-Age Jobs

upGrad Campus Placement Program for new-age Jobs

Looking for help landing interviews with top companies? Our team of experts offers mentorship and job placement assistance to help you secure three guaranteed interviews. Whether you’re looking for opportunities in the tech industry or other domains, we can provide the guidance and support you need to succeed. With our help, you can gain access to some of the best job opportunities in India and get your foot in the door at your dream company. So why wait? Let us help you take the next step in your career today.

Key Highlights:

  • Duration: 5 months

The Placement Plus program is designed to help fresh graduates and early professionals kick start their careers. The program provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge required to excel in their chosen fields.

  • 10+ Trainers

With multiple trainers, you’ll also have access to a broader range of expertise, as each trainer brings their own unique set of skills and experience to the table. This can help you to develop a more comprehensive skill set, making you more competitive in the job market.

  • 60 hours of Live sessions

The program includes 60 hours of live sessions covering a range of skills, including group discussion training, presentation skills, and aptitude test preparation. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions, deliver effective presentations, and take qualified aptitude tests to help them succeed in exams and tests conducted by recruiting companies.

  • Guaranteed 3 Job Interviews

These job interviews are a significant advantage of the program, as they provide students with a real-world opportunity to demonstrate what they’ve learned and secure a job offer. This can be especially valuable for fresh graduates and early professionals, who may struggle to find job opportunities on their own. 

Our alumni have gone on to work in prestigious companies such as Ola, Microsoft, Amazon, Accenture, HDFC Bank, and Myntra. This is a testament to the quality of education and training that upGrad Campus provides, and to the success of its alumni. With a focus on practical, real-world skills and a commitment to excellence, upGrad Campus is helping students to achieve their career goals and make a real impact in today’s competitive job market.

upGrad Campus Internship Plus Program

upGrad Campus Internship Plus Program

If you are ready to take on the world with your big dreams and aspirations, look no further than upGrad’s Skillternship opportunities! Our Internship Plus program offers up to 3 assured internship opportunities, along with personalised guidance and access to a wealth of resources to help you achieve your dream online internship in India or abroad.

With our program, you’ll receive one-on-one training and mentorship from industry experts, giving you the skills and experience you need to succeed in your field. You’ll also gain exclusive access to industry insights and networking opportunities, giving you a competitive edge in your job search.

Key Highlights:

  • Duration: 2 months

The program runs for 2 months, providing students with ample time to gain valuable work experience in their field of study.

  • Live Projects

Live projects are an essential part of the program, as they provide students with an opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge they’ve learned in a real-world setting. This helps to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical experience, preparing students for success in their careers.

  • 120+ hours of Live sessions

Looking to boost your skills and enhance your career prospects? Look no further than this program! With over 120 hours of live sessions, you’ll receive top-notch training in group discussion, presentation skills, and aptitude tests. Plus, the live projects feature provides hands-on experience to help you turn your internship into a “skillternship”! 

  • 3 Assured Internship Opportunities

These internship opportunities are an excellent way for students to build their professional network, gain practical experience, and enhance their resumes. You may also be led to future job opportunities, as many interns are offered full-time positions upon completion of their online internship in India.



In the corporate world, employers seek individuals who possess not only technical skills but also strong soft skills. Soft skills are essential for employees to work effectively with others, communicate well, and adapt to changes. What’s more –

  • A recent survey conducted by LinkedIn reveals that 92% of hiring managers reported that soft skills are as crucial, if not more important than technical skills. Unfortunately, many freshers lack these critical skills, making it difficult for them to succeed in the corporate world.
  • According to a study by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, only 43% of employers believe that recent graduates have sufficient communication skills, while 27% believe that graduates lack the ability to work in a team.

These numbers suggest that there is a significant gap between the skills freshers possess and the skills required by employers. This highlights the need for programs like Placement Plus and Internship Plus, which offer participants an opportunity to upskill and gain valuable work experience in a competitive job market and there is no need to rely upon any placement agency in India for getting jobs or online internship in India. We at upGrad Campus are dedicated to ensure that students are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their chosen fields.

Overall, the Placement Plus and Internship Plus programs are a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to take their career to the next level. With upGrad Campus’ commitment to quality education and career development, participants can rest assured that they are in good hands.

How to Get Interview Ready for your Dream Job

On a scale of 1 to 10 – how hard do you think it would be to get a call back, scheduling an interview for your dream position? And how harder still, would it be for you to get a call back for the job? Interviews are tricky and can often make or break your career.
Which is why in today’s blog we’re going to talk about how you can prepare for an interview from your dream job.

How to prepare for your interview

When you’re preparing for an interview you should prepare to answer certain questions, and prepare to ask certain questions. This will help the interviewer understand you, and help you understand the company. To dig a little deeper, here are our top tips to prepare for your interview.

1. How you should decide on your dream companies

We all have certain brands, job positions or companies that we would work for in a heartbeat.  But there should be a good enough reason for that. Before you ask us ‘how to get a job at my dream company’ you need to have some dream companies In order for them to become your ‘dream company’ they should meet certain criteria like:

  • The company’s culture fit should match your ideals and morals
  • The company should focus on moving up in the industry
  • The company should have a clear and set organisational structure 
  • The company should have a good working environment for their employees

2. The Do’s and Don’ts of acing an interview

  • During the interview keep your answers crisp and to the point
  • Whenever you talk about your skills, back it up with numbers or examples.
  • Maintain positive body language and groom yourself well.
  • Don’t lie to your interviewer – Ever
  • Do not leave without asking the interviewer a few questions

If you’re interested in knowing more – we have written a blog on how you can improve your interview skills, where we cover how you can give an introduction for job interview and many more topics.

The 4K’s for getting your dream job

The 4 K’s describe everything you should know before the interview. Keeping the 4K’s in mind will help you during your research and interview prep and get you interview-ready.

Know the Organization

When you’re researching a particular company, you should pay close attention to details about the company’s work culture, the company’s values and the employees. There are certain ways you can do this. Glassdoor is a great site for checking company reviews and ratings by current and past employees. It is also best if you can get in touch with people who have worked for that company.

Know your interviewer

There is a chance you might know, before-hand, the person who is going to take your interview. In that case, you should get to know about them and what they’re like. Their Linkedin profile is a great place to start. 

Know your position

You should have a thorough understanding of the role you are applying for. The most important thing you can do is read the job description that was circulated. The job description will mention the skills and requirements the company is looking for in its candidate. 

Know your strengths and weaknesses

Most interviewers will directly or indirectly ask about your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing what to say for that answer is important, the wrong answers could get you eliminated. Head over to our blog – A guide on strengths and weaknesses to crack your interviews – to get a complete breakdown of this question.

Interview preparation tips

Interview preparation tips

When we talk about how to prep for a job interview, we have to delve into these tips that will get you interview readyin a jiffy.

Interview tips and tricks

  • Stay away from the Tunnel Effect. When we take up too much pressure, or we add unnecessary stress to a particular meeting or interaction, we end up making mistakes, even when we’re better than that. To avoid these conscious mistakes, we must practise our skills until they come to us naturally. <br>
  • Mock Interviews for the win. Practise with family and friends if you need to, but get used to the feeling of answering questions asked about your life and skills. Get comfortable talking about yourself. <br>
  • Downplay it. This is in contrast to it being your dream job, but if you’re putting too much pressure on yourself, downplay the importance of the interview – to take the edge off. 
  • Ask questions. To seem truly interested in working there, enquire about the company and your job, during the interview. In your preparatory phase, keep a list of questions or concerns ready, so that you don’t end up asking something silly in the heat of the moment.



Interviews can be really easy to ace if you have prepared well. Professional guidance is also a great way to prepare for interviews. If you want to prepare for your interviews with the help of experienced mentors, you should check out our Placement Plus and Internship Plus Programs. We cover everything from Resume writing, to mock interviews and group discussions and teach you how to get, job and interview ready!

If you liked this blog, leave us a comment below!

What is effective communication? Skills you need to skyrocket your career

Possessing effective communication skills is a must in this competitive world as it enhances the overall personality of an individual and opens several career opportunities, leading to a brighter future. Individuals gain confidence as they develop skills at conveying their thoughts and engaging in impactful interactions, which include verbal communication, body language, and attentive listening.

In this blog, we will discuss the benefits and significant features you must consider in improving your communication skills. 


What Is Effective Communication? 

The process of sharing ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and information that results in a clear and purposeful message is known as effective communication. Individuals can talk calmly and simultaneously listen to the other person with entire concentration and revert appropriately.


What are the benefits of effective communication skills?

What are the benefits of effective communication skills?

Effective communication solves and actually prevents a lot of misunderstandings from happening. This is true for both your personal and professional life. These are the 5 key benefits of communication:

  1. It fosters better relationships – Effective communication speeds up problem solving and boosts productivity.
  2. Better conflict-management – Reaching common ground during disagreements is a lot easier when all parties can make their side of the story heard.
  3. Builds Empathy – One of the main facets of communication is active listening. When we actively listen to people we can empathize with them more.
  4. More Self Awareness – When we start actively participating in social interactions, we start to gain a better understanding of our likes and dislikes as well.
  5. Trust Builder – Healthy and open communication will allow you and the person to develop a sense of trust.

What are the principles of effective communication?

Effective communication requires some amount of effort from both the speaker as well as the listener. Now that we have looked at the benefits of effective communication, let’s take a look at what is the purpose of effective communication.


Become an engaged listener  – There is a difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is the act of receiving the other person’s voice – but in order to register, perceive, understand and formulate a reply of your own, you need to listen and pay attention during the conversation.

Pay attention to nonverbal signals – Effective communication is a combination of both verbal and nonverbal cues. It’s easy to keep track and listen to the verbal cues of the other person, but you also need to keep an eye out for a person’s nonverbal cues or body language. You can check out our blog – the importance of body language in communication – to know more about nonverbal communication.

Keep stress in check  – When we get stressed, we end up getting more absorbed into our own narrative or view point and stop listening to what the other person is trying to say. This leads to more miscommunication and misunderstandings.

Assert yourself  – Being assertive during a conversation will help you back your view point and stand your ground. While we have mentioned the importance of understanding the other person’s point of view, it is also important to learn how to be assertive when you’re right.


Also Read : Non-Verbal Communication in Interviews: What Your Body Language Reveals


4 Major Benefits of Effective Communication Skills 

By taking a professional course, you can access the key benefits of effective communication skills:


1. Empathetic Communication 

Effective communication with people will lead you to foster improved relations with your colleagues, seniors, and junior employees, building understanding, trust and empathy between individuals.


2. Conflict Resolution 

Effective communicators can resolve issues amicably. In various settings, they can neutralise flared situations, identify common areas, and sustain healthy relationships.


3. Career Advancement 

Effective communication is a must in the corporate world. Good communicators frequently progress in their careers as they can express their ideas, interact with others, and manage teams excellently.


4. Better Decision-Making Power 

In the corporate world, having effective communication with clients leads to a greater chance of consensus and collaboration leading to better decisions. This allows for a more seamless execution of ideas and initiatives.

The Characteristics of Effective Communication

The Characteristics of Effective Communication

The characteristics of communication are basically the components that make up effective communication. Keep in mind that these characteristics do not change according to the different forms of communication. So let’s take a look at what makes up effective communication:

  • Clear – Any form of communication – be it written verbal or nonverbal – should convey the message clearly. 
  • Concise – Time is money in any business. Your message should be crisp and to the point so the reader can understand it quickly.
  • Concrete – Do not make up anything. Your message, argument, statement – should all be well-backed by data. 
  • Coherent – Every conversation you have should have a logical chronological order – so that the other person can follow along easily. Going off on a tangent mid-conversation can confuse the other person. 
  • Courteous –  All business dealings take place on the formal side of things. To maintain that atmosphere, be polite and avoid getting informal as it may be considered rude. 
  • Listening for Attention – A conversation always takes place between two people, where they both go from being speaker to listener. As the listener you have to pay attention to what is being said to carry forward the conversation. 
  • Focus – In most conversations you would have to go back and forth with the other person. In such situations, you could lose focus and say something you weren’t supposed to say. So always focus on the conversation. 



Elevate Your Career Growth with Effective Communication Skills

For personal and professional growth, pursuing effective communication skills is essential. There are a lot of parameters that you need to keep in mind to become an effective communicator. These mainly include active listening, conveying your message clearly, and maintaining a two-way flow of conversation. 


To accomplish effective communication skills – especially in interviews and placement rounds, students must enroll in a professional course. At upGrad Campus, we offer Placement Plus. The goal of this course is to get you 3 assured interviews with our 300+ Hiring Partners. Additionally, this program improves effective communication by targeting resume writing skills, interview skills, and other essential soft skills. Visit upGrad Campus today and build a strong foundation for your career enhancement.


How to improve Effective Communication Skills

After reading this you might feel like there is a LOT that has to be done in order to achieve effective communication. But you don’t need to worry – we’ve got you covered! Our Placement Plus Program are built around making our students job-ready! In this Program, we’ll work on your communication skills, resume writing skills, interview skills and more.



Effective communication is one of the most vital skills you can work on, both in your personal life as well as professional life. There are a lot of parameters that you need to keep in mind to become an effective communicator. These mainly include active listening, conveying your message clearly and maintaining a two way flow of conversation.


1. What are the 5 basic communication skills? 

The 5 essential communication skills are listening, speaking, reading, writing, and non-verbal communication.


2. What is effective communication in a career? 

Effective communication in a career refers to the skill to convey information, ideas, and messages appropriately. It can lead to better collaboration, problem-solving, relationship-building, and professional success.


3. How to improve communication skills? 

To improve your communication skills, practise active listening, enhance vocabulary, work on non-verbal cues, provide constructively and seek feedback, practise public speaking, and read and write regularly.


4. What are 3 positive communication skills? 

The three positive communication skills are empathy, active listening, and clarity.


5. How are communication skills important in the workplace? 

Communication skills are vital in the workplace as they foster collaboration, resolve conflicts, and enable effective leadership. Clear communication with colleagues and clients ensures success, while strong skills are essential for career growth and innovation, making them indispensable in any professional setting.

How to succeed at your first job search as a fresher

Table of Contents

This is the ground reality, folks. Nobody tells you how to get your first job. Not your classmates. Not your teachers. Definitely not parents. If you’re lucky and have a good Placement Cell, you can perhaps rely on their network to get placed in a good company. Otherwise, the road can get a little dark.

Luckily, we have put together this short, definitive guide on how to get a job for freshers.

How to get a job

How to get a job

There is no single best way to find a job. There are a series of steps you need to take to get that interview and the final congratulatory call. Now you can get just about any job without putting much thought into it. But if you want to get your dream job, then you have to go about it the right way.

So let’s look a little closer at the starting steps on how to apply for a job.

Step 1) Reflect on your career aspirations.

Trust us, we cannot emphasize enough on the importance of this step. You have to know what you want, right from the start.

So start right. List down answers to important questions:

  • Why do you want to get into this line of work?
  • What interests you the most about it?
  • How do you wish to grow in this career path in the next 5 years?

Answering these questions will not only give you the much-needed clarity at the start of your career, but will also help you when you sit for those interviews.

Step 2) Research potential industries and job roles.

The next step is to understand which are the companies that will give you an opportunity and exposure to your career goals. Now, just because you want to get into Tech, doesn’t mean you have to join an IT company. You may benefit more from working in a product company that employs tech. So your list of organizations and industries will be varied. Even the job roles you’ll find in each industry might vary accordingly.

Step 3) Build the right skills for the job you want

This step is key to the ever-running question in your mind – “How can I get the job?” And the answer in a word is skills. You need to build the right skills for the job you want. The easiest way to do so is by signing up for an online course that gives you the skills you need. These days, it is very simple to find a course like this. But you may want to consider these aspects before signing up for one:

  • Is the course in line with the industry trends?
  • Does it provide enough hands-on experience?
  • Will my doubts be cleared?
  • Will I be able to finish the course?

If you’re looking at one of our job-ready certification programs, the answers to all the above questions is resounding YES!

Once you have acquired the skills, that is when to start applying for jobs.

Step 4) Build your Social Media presence

In today’s hyper-digital world, having an online presence is a must. It builds credibility with the employer and also gives them a peek into your work ethic, interests and values in general. So whether it is your first job search or a shift in your career, having an online presence is pretty smart. For most types of jobs, a Linkedin profile works. But depending on your specific industry, you may want to decide which platform works best for you. For example, if you’re a digital marketer, you must have a good online presence on social media channels. If you’re a developer, then you should have a Github profile.

Step 5) Conduct Informational Interviews

Informational interviews are something you conduct with the people of the company/field in which you are interested in getting a job. Remember our Step 1? With informational interviews, you can understand if your career goals are aligned with what the organization or the industry has to offer. You simply need to connect with an employee in the company/field via Linkedin and ask them a set of prepared questions.

If your informational interview is going satisfactorily, the employee can also give you tips from their experience on how to get a job in the company/field of your choosing.

Step 6) Tailor your resume and cover letter

Even if you’re a fresher, your resume for the first job plays a very important role. While there are many templates of resumes for freshers looking for their first job, we strongly recommend you to go through this Masterclass recording which shows step-by-step on what your resume and cover letter should look like.

Did we also mention that our Placement Plus program and Internship Plus program covers a course on crafting the perfect resume for your first job?

Step 7) Prepare for your interview

With your strong preparation and a stunning resume, we are sure you will get that interview call. But this is no time to slack off. You should practice for a set of standard questions that all interviews cover. You must do your research and due diligence on the employer. You have to dress well. And if the interview is a virtual one, make sure you have a steady net connection and are audible and visible at all times.

Step 8) Send a Thank You Email

If you think it’s done and dusted after the interview, you’re wrong. So what is the last step before getting a job? It is thanking the company. Irrespective of whether or not your interview went well, you must thank the employer for devoting their time to connect with you. Whether or not you get the opportunity, it makes a positive impression on your interviewer, and definitely boosts your chances of getting the job.



With these effective strategies, we are sure you now have a general idea of how to get a job. But like we said earlier, to get the right job you need to put concentrated efforts in many directions. For example, mock interview preparation, vocabulary building and other soft skills. These are available as a part of the upGrad Campus Placement Plus and upGrad Campus Internship Plus programs that guarantee you 3 job and internship opportunities, respectively. As per students, it is the best way to find a job.

If you need more information on the programs, let us know in the comments below.

*The placement figures represent the number of students placed by upGrad. Past record is no guarantee of future job prospects. The success of job placement/interview opportunity depends on various factors including but not limited to the individual's performance in the program, the placement eligibility criteria, qualifications, experience, and efforts in seeking employment. Our organization makes no guarantees or representations regarding the level or timing of job placement/interview opportunity. Relevant terms and conditions will apply for any guarantee provided by upGrad.