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Things To Do Before and After the Interview Process

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How to write a Profile Summary

i) What to include in a Profile Summary
ii) Tips to write the perfect Profile Summary

How to write a Acceptance letter


In our previous blog, we discussed the typical process for job interviews, but here are two important steps that almost always get overlooked by freshers. If you think your job interview only involves the face-to-face interview, think again!

Your job interview starts the minute you send in your resume. However there is a crucial step between writing your resume and sending it out. We’re talking about writing a Profile Summary! Similarly there is a step freshers don’t count, between getting an offer and starting work. Did you guess it? 

It’s a Job Acceptance Letter! So the next time you’re preparing to crack your interview, between learning the correct communication skills for your or the answers to patterned interview questions, don’t forget to add these steps too!

How to Write a Profile Summary for Freshers – Before the Interview

How to Write a Profile Summary for Freshers - Before the Interview

For those of you who are hearing this for the first time, a Profile Summary is a brief explanation of your qualifications, skills and relevant accomplishments. Think of it as a short paragraph that summarizes your entire CV, to give interviewers an idea of what you’re like. Make sure to customize your CV along with the Profile Summary based on the job description.

So what should you include in your Profile Summary?

  1. Qualifications –  Add all your qualifications, including any additional certifications or courses you may have taken. Take care to read the job description, if there are specific requirements – like ‘proficiency in Java’ – take special care that you mention these (provided you meet them of course).
  2. Experience – If you have any work experience, add that. For freshers however, any relevant internship experience or projects you may have completed in the past will count as your experience. Mention them in a sentence or so.
  3. Your most stand-out quality – This can be a soft-skill such as ‘public speaking’ or a hard skill such  as ‘experience in C++’ – anything that you do best and can make you standout. Only add this if the quality is relevant.
  4. Expertise – Again going back to the job description, if you are an expert or are good at something the company has listed as a requirement, make sure to highlight that and give it special attention. If the role requires you to communicate with a lot of external teams, make sure you mention your expertise by saying, for example, ‘I headed the marketing department in our college fest. One of the many tasks I accomplished was dealing with various external parties to get xyz work done’.
  5. Accomplishments – If you have any relevant awards or achievements in your name, don’t forget to add them here! If you’re applying for a programming job, add any hackathons you won or any coding competitions you participated in.

A few tips to keep in mind

Keep your profile summary short, crisp and to the point. Do not add irrelevant details, if you have any accomplishments or skills that are not required for this job do not bother adding them. Cooking as a skill bears no relevance to a coding job. Give your hard skills preference over your soft-skills. That’s not to say soft-skills do not matter, but if you have experience in coding, mention that instead of your interpersonal skills. Remember, you have an entire Resume left to add the remaining of your soft skills. And lastly, read the job description very carefully and understand everything about this position/vacancy. 

Now that you know what to prepare before your interview, let’s take a look at what comes after the interview. 

How to write a Job Acceptance Letter – After the Interview

How to write a Job Acceptance Letter - After the Interview

Let us assume that you wrote the most amazing CV, got a call back for an interview, prepared everything for your upcoming interview (from communication skills for an interview to the correct body language), gave the best interview of your life and even managed to get a call back from the company with a job offer waiting for you. Now what? You got the job offer you fought so hard for, are you going to accept it with just a single thumbs up emoji (for ref:👍) ? 

The short answer is no. Absolutely not. You need to write a formal Job Acceptance Letter to your recruiters. Whether you send it physically or via email is up to you. 

First time writing one? We’ve got you covered.

What is a Job Acceptance Letter? To put it simply, after the selection process, your recruiter will send you a formal job offer. You need to accept the same to confirm that the job is yours. An acceptance letter also acts as proof that you agree with all the terms and conditions that come with your offer (Work timings, leave policy, overtime policy etc.)

So how do you go about writing one?

  1. Review your offer letter once more and check if you actually agree with everything about this position/vacancy. We know it’s tedious, but you have to read any contract thoroughly before agreeing to it.
  2. Add a Subject line on top if you’re writing an email – (Job Acceptance Letter – <Your full name>)
  3. Add a date on the top Right corner.
  4. If you’re sending a physical letter, write the subject line here (Subject – Job Offer Acceptance – Full Name)
  5. Add the correct greetings and salutations (Greetings of the day / Dear, Sir/Madam or Mr./Ms./Mrs. <name of the person>)
  6. Thank them for extending this offer to you. (I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you, for offering me the position of XYZ at your company.)
  7. Accept the offer. (After reviewing the offer, I would like to formally confirm my acceptance.)
  8. Along with the offer, accept the terms and conditions. (I understand that my annual CTC of xyz and that my joining date would be x/y/z)
  9. End the body of the letter by expressing your excitement to join their company. (I look forward to being a part of your team and this company. Should you require any further further details from my end feel free to contact me. My Contact details are +91xyz.)
  10. Sign off or add your signature (Thanks again/Thanks and Regards/Warmest Regards, – Your Full Name.)



Learning to write your Profile Summary and Acceptance letter should definitely make it your list of important student interview skills. Writing a Profile summary correctly is important because companies get hundreds of job applications for the interview, and your resume has to get selected in a literal glance. Think of the Profile Summary as the written answer to the popular interview question ‘walk me through your resume’. On the other hand, your Acceptance letter is binding, and needs to be treated formally. 

If you’re worried about cracking your interviews, upGrad Campus offers robust placement support that you can opt for with our courses, Placement Plus and Internship plus cover everything you need to or can know about the complete interview process. Sign up for Placement/Internship Plus with one of our courses and get 3 assured interview opportunities with top indian and global companies.

If you found this article helpful, let us know in the comments below!

Guide On Strengths and Weaknesses To Crack Your Job Interviews

Almost every interview you sit for is going to eventually lead you to discuss your strengths and weaknesses. There is simply no way out of this situation, and like with any other question, you get to put your greatest strengths in the limelight and get to show how much you are willing to grow with your weaknesses.

Everybody has strengths and weaknesses we know about ourselves, but not all those are interview appropriate. The key to answering questions of this kind is balance.

Read this blog to learn how to answer this question, why you are asked about your strength and weaknesses in job interviews and what are some strengths and weaknesses examples you can give when posed with this question.

Before we jump to this question, let’s first understand how to answer and ace interview questions as a whole.

Scripting – the key to self-introduction for interviews

Scripting - the key to self-introduction for interview

This may come as a surprise for some of you, and we bet y’all are wondering should we be scripting our answers?

And the answer to this question is a resounding YES!

By scripting we mean, preparing or pre-writing an interview answer. You absolutely should be scripting answers to standard questions for your interviews beforehand. And the question “what are your strengths and weaknesses” are as standard as they come. In fact, answers to any question that will provide an introduction to yourself to the interviewer should be scripted prior to the interview.

What we don’t recommend however is trying to memorise these scripted answers word-for-word. This will just lead you to sound rehearsed when instead you want to sound candid – one of the most common mistakes freshers make during their interview. Scripting your answers beforehand will help you organise your thoughts beforehand. It will give you a rough flow of points from start to finish, so that you can tie up the end of your answer neatly and not end it haphazardly.

So how do you script answers better? These are our top tips:

  1. Prepare a list of the most frequently asked questions in the field you’re applying to. And script answers for those select few questions, since they have a higher chance of being asked.
  2. Once you script your answer, practise them out loud to see how naturally they’re flowing for you. And go back and make any changes required to the answer.
  3. As we mentioned above DO NOT memorise these answers, this will throw you off if the answers you memorised are not asked.
  4. In order to check how you sound, you could also record your answers and go back and check how well your answers are flowing.
  5. When it comes to the actual interview, just make up an answer as you go – based on the main points of the answer you scripted.
  6. If you want to go a step further you can also schedule a mock HR interview with an interview coach. This way you’ll be much more comfortable answering questions in a foreign environment.

Now that we understand how to script better answers, let’s go back to addressing your strengths and weaknesses in an interview.

Interviewer’s favourite – What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Interviewer's favourite - What are your strengths and weaknesses?

The topic of strengths and weaknesses may seem daunting to most and it certainly is tricky to talk about them. However interviewers ask about your strengths and weaknesses often to evaluate a few things about you:

  • How well do you know yourself
  • Based on your answer, whether you’re fit for the team
  • Whether or not you assess yourself
  • What your approach is, to make up for your weaknesses
  • What new skills and traits will you bring to the team

As you can see there is a lot you have to keep in mind when you answer the question – “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”

How to answer – What are your strengths?

How to answer - What are your strengths?

To answer this question, it is important to put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer. What strengths do you think the interviewer is looking for? You will get a general idea of this by reading the description of the job role you’re applying for. Depending on what you come up with, you can then align your strengths to match their expectations.

For example, if you’re looking to apply for the role of Product Manager, organisational ability is a skill you’d like to showcase.

When you answer this question, be confident. This is your chance to highlight positive traits. However, refrain from bragging about how good you are at xyz tasks. It’s never a good look and unless your interviewer is equally pompous, they are least likely to get impressed. Instead be straightforward and humble, talk about strengths and provide scenarios where you used them.

A sample response for this question would look like this:

“One of my greatest strengths is my organisational skill. I learned this through [story of how you developed this], and this allowed me to [example of what you achieved using this strength] at my current/previous job/experience.”

As you can see this format is a bit direct and straightforward, however it gives you the leeway to add a personal touch in the form of a story or an experience. You should always follow up your strengths with an example of a situation where you put them to use and what the resulting outcome was.

If you’re having a hard time pointing out your strengths, we’ve put together a list of possible strengths, and you can pick one or two (we’re generous like that) and elaborate on them.

A list of possible soft skills you can use as Strengths:

  • Detail-oriented
  • Accuracy
  • Time Management
  • Good at negotiation
  • Flexible
  • Quick to Adapt
  • Quick study / Fast learner
  • Empathetic
  • Disciplined
  • Excellent at communicating
  • Innovative
  • Creative
  • Problem solver
  • Open to criticism
  • Persuasive
  • Interpersonal skills / a Team player
  • Strong work ethic
  • Leadership

Apart from these soft skills, you should definitely add hard skills or technical skills that are relevant to your field and back it up with some credible work experience like projects, etc.

How to answer – What are your weaknesses?

How to answer - What are your weaknesses?

We all have weaknesses and flaws – just a part of being a human being.

But our ability to recognise these weaknesses and work upon them is what differentiates us from each other. And ultimately this is what recruiters are looking for – how do you overcome your shortcomings.

Similar to your strengths, the key to talking about your weaknesses is combining self-awareness with an action and the resulting outcome.

  • Talk about the weakness – what is it?
  • What you did overcome this weakness – with a story.
  • How did that improve your weakness (result)

It’s important to note that recruiters don’t always ask this question so directly.
Instead they may ask you:

  • If you could change something about yourself what would you change?
  • What does the ideal version of yourself look like?
  • How do you bounce back after mistakes?
  • If your current mentor had to name a weakness of yours, what would they say?

Owning up to your weaknesses is a sign of growth in itself and is more attractive to your hiring managers, rather than saying you have no flaws. So when posed with this question, this should be the outline of your answer:

“During my career I would often struggle with [weakness]. I have come a long way after I did X activity to improve myself. [Follow up with a story of how you managed your weakness.]”

When you script an answer for this question, ensure that you pick a weakness that allows you to demonstrate your growth and your fervour to keep learning from your mistakes

In case you’re stuck coming up with a weakness you can elaborate on, we have a few listed for you. Pick the ones that you can elaborate on with a story of improvement:

  • Self-critical
  • Insecure
  • Disorganised
  • Prone to procrastination
  • Uncomfortable speaking in front of a crowd
  • Uncomfortable with task delegation
  • Risk-averse
  • Competitive
  • Sensitive to criticism
  • Extreme introversion or extroversion
  • Limited experience in a particular skill or software

When you pick a weakness, make sure you pick one where you have shown improvement, so that you can demonstrate your growth to your hiring manager.



Your strengths and weaknesses matter to recruiters, because from these answers they can assess whether or not you are a suitable candidate and whether or not you’ll be a good fit for the team. They also like to see whether or not you’re capable of assessing yourself.

When choosing a strength or weakness, choose one that allows you to elaborate in the form of a story on how you either used that particular strength or overcame your weakness

If you want to learn more about HR interview questions like this, upGrad Campus offers Placement Plus and Internship Plus with all its courses. You can expect complete career guidance, from Resume building to mock HR interviews, making you100% ready for your first job.

Effective Ways on How to Improve your Interview Skills and Get Placed

We understand that job interviews can be quite nerve-wracking. But they’re also the gateway to your dream career! Whether you’re new to the job market or looking to switch careers, honing your interview skills is key. In this blog, we’ll show you tips and tricks on augmenting your abilities and skills, and help you ace common interview questions so you can make a great impression and increase your chances of getting your dream role. 

Follow this article, and no matter the interview questions, you will be able to successfully crack your job interview

What are the successful strategies to crack job interviews?

What are the successful strategies to crack interviews?

As a fresher, interviews can be painfully stressful. Especially when there’s no one to guide you through the insane amount of preparation you’re stuck with the day before. To make your life easier, we’ve noted down the most important strategies and interview tips for freshers before the D-day.

  1. Research about the company

    Research is one of the most important interview skills you must develop. You have to research about the company you are applying to and about the position they are offering you. Things you should keep in mind when researching for a new job interview or considering a prospective offer:

    • Your goals and expectations v/s the roles and responsibilities of the position you’re applying for.
    • Salary, this is very important. Your future employer has to match or come in a reasonable range of what you’re asking for.
    • If the position has had a high turnover rate, i.e many people leaving the role, then try to find out why that is the case and more about this position. Sites like Glassdoor are great places to check the company’s rating.
    • You should browse through these sites to get an overall idea of what the company culture is like. If possible, reach out to existing or ex-employees and ask more about the company.
    • Now if you’re sure you want to apply for this job role, your next step should be to not just research but to also learn about the company and its products/services/new launches.
    • Going further to learn about the company, check for any news about the company and go through their social media pages. The more you know about the company the more it will impress your future employers. And higher the chance of you having the best interview of all time.
  2. Utilise the STAR method

    When it comes to answer situational questions (like how have you handled conflicts in projects) during your job interview, the STAR method will help you structure your answers better. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result. Explain the Situation, list down your Responsibilities or Tasks, then talk about the Actions you took and finally the Result of your actions.

  3. Dress to impress

    Or as we like to call it dress well – test well. This obviously doesn’t mean you go out of your budget for the interview. But on the day of your interview ensure you’re well groomed and presentable by the company’s standards.

  4. Appear Confident

    Dressing well is only the first step to impressing your interviewers, if you don’t appear confident, all your prep is going to fall flat. Your confidence should be reflected not just in your answers, but also in your body language.

  5. Ask questions

    Once your interviewer is done questioning you, ensure you ask questions about the company or your job or your team. Asking the right questions is one of the most important interview skills you could teach yourself. The interviewer will feel that you actually care about the job and you’ll get to learn about your prospective team well in advance. It’s a win-win.

  6. Follow up

    After your job interview, it is possible you won’t hear back from the company on the promised date; in that case follow up with them. Either via email or via call if you have the number. If they haven’t made a decision on the position yet, you will definitely be at the forefront of their potential candidates.

    Also Read : Resume Guide for Freshers

Common Interview Questions (with answers too!)

Common Interview Questions (with answers too!)

It is hard to predict the exact questions your interviewer will ask you during your interview, so if we had to, we would place our bets on these commonly occurring interview questions for students and freshers. Answer these well and you’ll learn how to crack interviews for sure!

  1. Tell us about yourself.

    This is a very commonly asked interview question for students, and this is how you should answer it.

    Start by sharing a few details about where you’re from and what your background has been, where you studied etc. Then slowly transition into what your past work experience has been and what you have worked with in the past. Don’t add irrelevant details and drag the question on. It will create a bad impression on your part.

    Interview Hack: Use the Present Past-Future Rule to answer this question.

    • Start with what you’re currently doing in your career and add some examples or quantifiable details of your work.
    • Refer back to your Past and show your recruiter how it shaped your decisions.
    • Before you end the answer, throw in a bit about what your future aspirations are and how the company can help you get there.

    Another alternative interviewers take to ask this question is “Walk me through your resume” in which case you should talk less about your personal life and elaborate more on the achievements you’ve added on your resume.

Also Read : Guide On Strengths and Weaknesses To Crack Your Job Interviews

  1. Why do you want to work for this company?

    Remember all that research we asked you to conduct in the earlier section?

    Use that to answer this question! Talk about how the company can help you achieve your goals or how your vision/goals align with the company’s goals. You can also add what work of theirs impressed or fascinated you. If they have published research work, talk about what aspects you liked about it. If you have friends within the company, you can talk about how you heard about the company’s culture and ethics and how you would want to be a part of it.

    However, don’t go overboard with the praises and make it come across as fake (should you choose to fake it till you make it).

  2. Tell me about a time you overcame a challenge.

    This is the most perfect opportunity you can find to demonstrate your skills through a story.  Use the STAR method we spoke about earlier to give an added punch to your answer.

    • Situation

      Talk about a situation you faced in your previous job or in college. Did you ever work with super tight deadlines? Brownie points if it’s a team project.

    • Task

      How were you responsible for the project? What was your role in the story?

    • Action

      What measures did you (specifically) take to ensure that your project met the deadline? How did you make a difference?

    • Result

      Finish with the resulting outcome. Now ideally your story should end positively, however if it didn’t have a positive outcome talk about the lesson you learnt in the process.

    You can use this method to answer other differently worded questions like, “Can you work under pressure?” Or “talk about a setback or failure you faced.”

  3. Will you be able to work overtime or relocate should we ask you to?

    This is a very tricky answer with no “correct” answer. But our advice would be to answer truthfully and not say ‘yes’ to simply please your employers. Answer ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or even ‘Maybe’ based completely on your preferences and your situation. Just be sure to back up your answers with legitimate reasons.

  4. What are your Salary expectations?

    Another very important but very tricky question that you will be asked. And there is no doubt about this, at some point you will have to discuss your salary expectations with your future employers. These are the ways you go about this conversation:

    • You can ask your interviewer what their budget is and what they would be willing to offer you, to better understand the situation.
    • Take into account your living expenses, any other financial goals of yours before you agree to anything.
    • Don’t just quote a random figure, take into account your experience, how much the average person in your field makes, etc. If you have any other invaluable qualities then take that into account as well.

    This is a difficult situation to navigate, especially if you aren’t used to talking about compensation or money in general. But you have to remember that you are a hundred percent within your rights to ask for a fair salary that meets your needs.

    You should be covered with the above questions, but go the extra mile to prepare for any unconventional interview questions the interviewer could ask you. You’ll thank yourself later!

Also Read : List of 10 best paying jobs in India

Types of Interviews

Types of Interviews

Depending on the company you apply for, there is a set pattern for the way interviews are conducted. These are possible types of rounds you could have during the entire interview process:

  • Personal Interview

    Your personal interview concerns all things you! You can expect questions about your life, your past career experiences, projects you might have worked on, the skills or tools you’ve picked up and so on and so forth. In the previous section, we have covered the different types of questions you could be asked.

  • Group Discussion

    In places where multiple candidates are interviewed for the same role, they hold group discussion rounds to test public speaking skills, confidence, general knowledge, and other soft skills. If the group discussion is domain-specific, they would also be looking out for your subject matter expertise.

  • Technical Round

    This is also carried out one-to-one or sometimes in larger organisations, an entire panel of interviewers take interviews. In the technical interview, they will purely test your domain knowledge in a particular subject. So be sure to prepare relevant subjects before your interview. If your field of choice requires domain expertise, you will not get the job without it.

There are other interview rounds as well, but these three are the most commonly occurring ones. In either case, remember to centre your answers around the company and their needs along with small anecdotes about yourself.

Final Thoughts (and tips)

Final Thoughts (and tips)

Mastering interview skills is a crucial milestone. With the right preparation and mindset, you can turn interviews from anxiety-inducing experiences into opportunities to shine! Remember, every interview is a chance to showcase your unique skills, personality, and potential. Just be confident in yourself and your interview skills.

If you would like more help, check out our Placement Plus Program! This can help you crack job interviews and help in perfecting your interview skills through mock interviews, resume building workshops and more. Your dream job is waiting for you! 

Also Read : Things To Do Before and After the Interview Process

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. What is one of the best ways to improve your interview skills? 

A: One of the best ways to improve your interview skills and crack job interviews is through repeated practice. Practise mock scenarios with your colleagues, friends or family to get feedback and refine your responses. This practice will help you become more comfortable with the interview process and better articulate yourself in stressful situations. 


2. How to improve your interview skills and beat the competition? 

A: To improve your interview skills and stand out from the competition, you should, firstly, research the company thoroughly. This will aid you better prepare for common interview questions that are likely to be asked. Then you can showcase your soft skills, such as communication and problem-solving. Moreover, dress professionally and maintain good posture while answering. Lastly, try out mock interviews as they are really helpful in upskilling yourself and feeling more confident in your capabilities.  


3. Why is it important to improve your interview skills ? 

A: Improving your interview skills is vital because job interviews are the gateways to career opportunities. A strong interview performance can be the deciding factor in securing a job offer. 


4. What is the purpose of an effective interview?

A: The purpose of an effective interview is to assess a candidate’s qualifications, skills, and fit for a specific job and company. Employers use interviews to determine if an applicant has the right expertise and personality for the job.

Importance of Body Language in Communication

You know what really is a universal language, not just for humans but for animals too?

Body Language. 

We’ve used body language since the dawn of time to effectively survive the wild. We might be in a concrete jungle now but the rules of effective communication remain the same. We are constantly judged based on our body language, so it’s safe to say that positive body language is a very powerful tool that will get people to understand you and make a good impression on them. Especially when it comes to cracking those interviews, the effective use of body language can make all the difference.

But first let’s explain body language, starting with the definition of body language.

What is body language in communication?

What is body language in communication?

Bodies speak volumes about their owners and are oftentimes the key to discovering the other person’s intentions, emotions and state of mind. Our bodies often perceive the opposite person’s body language sub-consciously and react automatically. If someone is being increasingly aggressive towards us, we tend to assume a defensive stance without putting much conscious effort. This is because we are hardwired to feel threatened in such situations and our body feels a strong urge to protect itself. 

On the other hand, if you’re in the position of the aggressor, you will find your face flushed red – due the increase in heart rate, you will start to breathe more deeply to increase air intake, your fists will clench in anticipation of a fight and you will start to speak in a higher volume. These traits have been passed down to us through evolution. And all of these symptoms have a definite purpose in preparing our bodies for a fight. Although this much aggression is unlikely to occur in our workplaces (unless your boss is truly terrible or maybe you’re the truly terrible boss 🙃). 

These were just some of the examples of how we make use of body language in communication – you might recognise some of them as signs you’ve witnessed in yourself or in the people around you. 

The role of body language in communication

Science has proven that more than tone of voice and choice of words, people pick up on our body language. Humans are hardwired to catch unspoken cues from the body language of the person opposite us. Just because the person opposite you is talking in a loud voice, you won’t automatically take it as a threat, probably because their body language is telling you that they are being open and friendly. 

Even if you aren’t someone who is used to looking out for vital information in other people’s body language, keep in mind that other people are looking at your body language all the time. Keeping a check on your body language will greatly improve your perception in other people’s eyes – people including your future recruiters and managers (should you land the job). 

For example, we all know confidence is the key to acing any interview. And while we are confident in what we speak, we often fail to appear confident overall – which doesn’t bode too well with future recruiters who are used to keeping an eye out for leg bouncing, defensive and closed postures, guarded or nervous expressions, even clenched fists will alert them to any inconsistencies in our communication.

When our body language becomes our enemy

When our body language becomes our enemy

Effective body language is the key to successful communication, but sometimes over-communication is also a bad thing. We have to find a balance, so that we don’t reveal too much. Here are some examples of what negative body language includes:


  • Unfocused vision or staring into space
  • Tapping or drumming your fingers
  • Doodling or writing random things
  • Hand on cheek 


  • Leg bouncing
  • Clenched fists
  • Furrowed brow
  • Closed or tight body language (hunched shoulders, arms crossed)


  • Clenched fists
  • Raised eyebrows
  • Flared nostrils
  • Flushed cheeks
  • Tense body language over all

Other negative body language signs

  • Nail biting
  • Rapid blinking
  • Locked ankles

How to develop positive body language

How to develop positive body language

Earlier we mentioned that a lot of our body language is subconscious and takes place without us noticing. But not all is lost. The only reason they go unnoticed is because we aren’t used to controlling them. Once we become aware of what we are doing, we can immediately put a stop to it. That’s not all. Apart from controlling our negative body gestures, we can consciously maintain a positive body language to reinforce feelings of trust, safety and interest in the other person. 

Once you start gaining more self awareness, you can actually work on our positive body language skills in the long run. Positive body language is effective in reassuring the other person and making them feel secure enough to drop their guard and have an open conversation with you. 

Here are some positive body language examples you can apply in specific situations:

Meeting someone for the first time

  • Keep an open posture and avoid crossing your arms
  • Give a firm handshake to greet the other person (don’t crush the other person’s hand though 😬)
  • Maintain direct eye contact with the other person (with adequate breaks to not freak them out).
  • Do not touch your face while answering any questions (you may come across as dishonest)
  • If you’re standing close, make sure to keep some personal space (don’t be creepy).
  • Most importantly, smile!

For Effective Public Speaking

  • Maintain a confident posture (head held high, shoulders dropped, arms not crossed, overall open body)
  • Use your hands gestures to communicate 
  • Keep your back straight and don’t slouch (this will help you with voice modulation as well.)
  • Look over at your audience when addressing them

Body language around the world

Body language around the world

We live in a global community with opportunities in every part of the world. Moving out and starting over is hard enough but with the added layer of communication problems – life does not feel kind. If you’re planning to ever apply for a job outside your home country, you have to be all the more mindful of your hand gestures.

Hand gestures are universally accepted as one of the key aspects of body language. They have been used for communication since the time of evolution, and are diverse as the number of cultures that have come into being. Positive gestures that signify one thing in your culture or your part of the world can mean something entirely different in other regions. In some cultures, bowing your head is considered the appropriate way to greet someone, opposed to the typical firm handshake followed in many western cultures. 

It is important to know about the cultural impact certain hand gestures have in certain places. Using incorrect or sometimes inappropriate gestures can lead to misunderstandings or maybe lead the other person to even take offense.

Have a look at some of the craziest differences in hand gestures around the world. 

  • In Russia, it is customary to count numbers starting with your palm open, counting down with the pinky first. So the number 5 is represented with a closed fist.
  • Peace signs have taken over the world. However, in the UK, there is only one acceptable way to make one, with the inside of your palm facing outwards. Holding two of your fingers up and showing the back of your hand is considered a very rude gesture.
  • Doing a thumbs up in Iran is considered very offensive and most definitely won’t convey the message of everything being alright. 

And these were just the tip of the iceberg. There are millions of body language gestures around the world in different cultures. It is virtually impossible to know all of them beforehand. But taking some time to learn about these things could help you fit in easily, were you to ever travel to a different country or meet someone from a different cultural background.



Effective communication is composed of both verbal communication as well nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication or body language takes into consideration facial expressions, posture, hand gestures, eye contact and much more, and these are just as vital (if not more) than what we have to say. With effective body language, we can avoid misunderstandings, create a positive impression and even make a lasting connection in our personal and professional lives. 

All it needs is some practice and self-awareness 🤭

Hope you found these tips on positive body language useful. If you’d like us to cover more examples of body language in communication, let us know in the comments below.

A guide to your first payslip

We all get thrilled at the prospect of earning our first salary, but we often forget to consider the technicalities mentioned in the fine print of our offer letters. At least until we are presented with our first pay cheque and it’s too late to rethink our salary structure.

It’s safe to say that as we enter the next phase of adulting and start our careers, we must take a good look at the fine print of our offer letter and salary slip. 

So read along so that you can be thoroughly prepared and give a resounding “Yes!” when you inevitably land your first job.

Don't (Salary) Slip up

Did you know that it is compulsory for employers to provide a salary slip to their employees? 

Under the Minimum wage Act (1948) –A wage slip in Form XI shall be issued by every employer to every person employed by him at least a day prior to the disbursement of wages.” 

But why is it important for you to receive your salary slip, you ask? There are a couple of reasons.

Firstly, your salary slip acts as a legal proof of wage for you. It also provides a legal proof of association with the employer or the firm you work for. You require proof of wages especially when you’re applying for loans of any kind.

Secondly, your payslip also contains a complete breakdown of your salary, including all the deductions made on it. It can help you evaluate the amount you have to pay in taxes. Furthermore, it will help you estimate your tax refunds if any.

And lastly, your old salary slips can be used to negotiate a better offer with any new organisation you’re planning on working with.

What your payslip looks like

What your payslip looks like

Your salary slip, as you can see, comprises 2 main sections – Earnings and Deductions

We will look into each of these in detail, but before we go any further however, there is one term you should be familiar with.

CTC stands for cost-to-company. Your CTC won’t be mentioned on your payslip, but you will hear the word thrown around a lot during your salary negotiation. It is important to know that your CTC is not the same as what you will get in-hand.
Income or Earning side

All these components make for your total Earnings on the payslip.

  • Regular or Basic Earnings

    As the name suggests this component is the base of your salary. It should make up for around 35-50% of your total earnings. It is the fully taxable component of your earnings, and is subject to income taxes. Your employers will usually keep your Basic salary to a minimum, so that you don’t end up overpaying your taxes.
  • Overtime

    You probably already know what overtime stands for. It’s the compensation an employee gets for working past the determined work hours. Most companies have fixed overtime rates on a per hour basis. Make sure you are aware of what your overtime pay will amount to before you put in all those extra hours!
  • Dearness Allowance

    DA is given to match the high costs of living. It is fully taxable as well and makes part of your take-home pay. DA varies in different places, depending on how high the inflation is over there.
  • House Rent Allowance

    HRA is meant to compensate for your rent, only if you’re renting a house at the time. It typically comprises 50% of your pay in large metropolitan cities where rent is high, whereas 40% is more typical in smaller cities. The maximum you can claim is based on the extent of your actual rent however, since it is an reimbursement. 
  • Medical Allowance

    A lot of established companies provide their employees with Medical Insurance. You can claim this allowance by supplying the company with proof of a medical treatment needed during your employment.
  • Conveyance Allowance

    Also known as Travel allowance, this component makes up for all your travel expenses, between your home and office. It forms a part of your take-home salary and is not taxable until a certain limit. 
  • Variable Component

    Most jobs split a portion of your Salary into Fixed and Variable. The variable is given as an incentive or bonus to motivate their employees to deliver consistent good work. It is also based on your performance. 
  • Other Allowances

    Any additional allowances given to employees is mentioned here. For example, some companies offer meal coupons that get added here. 

Like the Earnings side, the Deductions side is also made up of a few components:

  • Provident Fund (PF)
    PF is the mandatory contribution an employer or employee makes towards the employee’s pension. By law an employer must deduct 12% of the basic salary every month. The employer must then submit a similar amount towards the employee’s PF. Your PF is an investment and gains interest every year and is meant for post retirement purposes. It is also completely exempt from further taxation.
  • Gratuity
    Gratuity is a form of thanks an employer gives their employees. It is deducted from the basic salary and added to the Gratuity fund. Employees can claim this amount, however they need to complete a tenure of 5 years to be eligible.
  • Professional Tax
    Most states in India tax this amount from self-employed or salaried employees and it is collected by the Government of India. It is an allowance paid towards the State Government to practice your profession. It differs from state to state, however the maximum amount payable is Rs.2500/- per annum. 
  • Income Tax or TDS
    TDS stands for Tax Deducted at Source. The income tax is the final deduction made to your Salary after considering all the exemptions that apply to the respective Tax Slabs individuals fall under (e.g., if your annual income is less than Rs. 2.5 lakhs, then you won’t be charged an income tax. If it is between Rs. 2.5 lakhs and Rs. 5 lakhs, you will be charged 5%).

    You can reduce the amount paid as income tax by declaring your investments and tax saving portfolios like various insurance policies, provident fund or any loans taken. 

That makes up the total of the deductions made on your Salary. 

Not quite done yet

We’ve covered all the important aspects that you should know about, but to give you a clearer picture, let’s take a look at the additional components as well. 

Under the Earnings and Deductions, your Net Pay after all the necessary calculations will be displayed, along with the Authorised Signatory and Company Stamp.

Understand that there your salary slip format will differ slightly according to the organisation you work for, however the main components should remain the same. 

We hope this blog helps you prepare you for the Job World and helps you negotiate better for your first salary. 

If you have any queries or any notes to add, leave them in the comments below.

5 unconventional questions you may get asked in an interview – and how to answer them

Cold sweats. Shortness of breath. Flushed cheeks. And high nervous energy. This is a good form to be in after you have hit the gym; not before or during a possibly life-changing interview. However, come placement season, this is usually the mode most college students are in. And we can’t blame them. An interview can be scary – especially if it’s for your dream job.

While there are many resources out there to help you in preparing for your job interview in the placement season, we have put together these googly-ball questions that come out of nowhere and leave you stumped.

  1. You don’t have any experience. Why should we hire you?

If we’re honest, this is not really an unconventional question. As a fresher, you will be asked this question time and again, especially if you’re planning to apply for a job outside the college campus placement system. Though it’s an expected question, many freshers fail to answer this appropriately, believing that they have nothing to offer, or end up rambling about some summer job experience they may have had in school.

When companies call freshers for interviews, they do not expect them to have any experience. What they are looking for is the ability to take initiative, a willingness to learn and a passion for the industry. Tailor your answer to demonstrate these characteristics, and you’ve one answer definitely nailed down. 

You don't have any experience. Why should we hire you?
  1. How would you describe the mission of our company?

Fresh in your career, it’s understandable if your biggest priority is to get a job. However, employers want to know if you’re the right fit for them. And whether you are going to treat this opportunity as just a run-of-the-mill job or are truly passionate about finding your place and making a difference in the workplace. If it’s the latter, then they expect you to do your homework and learn about the company. 

Take some time to research the company, its beginnings, its work culture, and the change it strives to bring about in the world. Learning these answers beforehand will convince your prospective employers that you know the company and just as importantly, you know your own mind for having chosen this company.

  1. How would you communicate bad news to a client?

This is a question few employers ask, but those who do are pretty serious about hiring you. At this point, they want to know if you can handle any issues that come up in the workplace. Sure, you may be a beginner, but being able to rise up to unexpected challenges and thinking on your feet are abilities that employers value a lot.

This question also answers an important criterion for them – what is your value system like? Can you say hard things? Are you a team player? How do you balance these attributes? Or do you engage in the blame game? Tailor your answer to show yourself as an honest person who can take ownership of mistakes, and is determined to make them right.  

How would you communicate bad news to a client?
  1. What was your best mistake?

A guise of the much-dreaded question – “Describe your weaknesses”, this question is a more nuanced version of the same. It checks for your weakness from a practical experience standpoint, and more importantly, has it deterred you from getting back on the horse and on to work? 

As a fresher, you may not have a workplace mistake to share. Or you may not really know about your professional failings, just as yet. Don’t worry. Talk about your personal experiences – education, teamwork, even friendships are all fair game – as long as you can demonstrate that you are willing to learn from your mistakes and turn your weaknesses into strengths. 

What was your best mistake?
  1. What are some of the trends in our industry that might disrupt our work? How do you suggest we go about meeting these changes?

This question may feel like a tough one for a fresher to crack, but it really isn’t. Here, your prospective employer cares about two things – preparation and perspective. 

In terms of preparation, how well do you know the industry you are about to enter? Have you caught up on the trends of the same? How well have you researched the company that you’d like to join?

Moreover, if an employer is looking for people without experience, it’s quite likely that they are looking for a fresh perspective and new energy on the board. So, showcase these aspects. Don’t worry if your ideas seem too impractical at this point or if your interviewer challenges them. They want to know if you care enough to actively study the industry and come up with new ideas.

What are some of the trends in our industry that might disrupt our work? How do you suggest we go about meeting these changes?

At the end of the day, employers are looking for someone honest, humble, confident and driven. And that’s why they pose the questions this way, to get an insight into how you work and play in the team. Knowing this from the get-go should put your mind at ease and help you steer your answers in the right direction.

Every interview is different and you really can’t prep for every single question. Further, there are no right or wrong answers to these 5 unconventional questions. But keeping your answers ready for them will help you cover your bases in terms of industry, company, clarity of thought and confidence. Of course, some additional preparation can do you plenty good. upGrad Campus’ Placement Plus program sets the ground for your interview rounds. From resumé building to 1:1 mock interviews and GD rounds, this program has 60 hours of live sessions that give you the edge you need. So check it out if you need help in specific areas.

What are some of the unconventional questions you have been asked in an interview? Let us know in the comments section below.

How to ace an interview

Whenever someone applies for a job either as a fresher or for a senior role, there has to be a face-to-face interview round with the potential employer. It’s a usual part of the selection process before receiving a job offer. A job interview gives a chance to show the qualities and make a good impression on the recruitment team. The candidate has to perform at his best during this important interaction. Here we will discuss how to ace an interview with big companies, including job interview tips for common job interview questions and the best interview answers. However, there is no standard rule and it all depends on how one presents his capabilities and potential in front of the interview board.

How to Crack Interview with Flying Colours!

To increase the chances of getting success in a job interview one needs to take time to prepare before meeting with the hiring team. Research about the topics they are likely to discuss, find ways to position yourself as a strong candidate, and opportunities to make a positive impression on the interview board. Here are some job interview tips to keep in mind while preparing for a successful job interview.

  1. Research potential employer: 

Before the interview, get sufficient knowledge about the organization; about its values, culture, goals, and mission. Get updates on the recent announcements and recent news about the organization to study its latest achievements and future goals. More information gives more confidence to face the interview.

  1. Review the job description: 

Study the job profile you are applying for, and prepare for the job’s roles. Pay attention to required skills and experience, and focus on the responsibilities that a successful candidate needs to handle. Consider how your qualifications align with the job description so you can produce relevant examples during the interview.

  1. Practice answering interview questions: 

The interview may include several company-related or job-specific topics. However, most interviews include a few standard questions that one needs to practice how to answer. Focus on the questions and be ready with appropriate responses relevant to the organization, the position, and your qualifications and goals. 

  1. Dress appropriately for the interview: 

The dress code also helps to make a pleasant impact on the interview board and reflects your personality and choices. A formal outfit one is expected to wear in an interview. The interview attire must look professional as well as comfortable. 

  1. Follow up after the interview: 

At the end, candidates can show their interest in the job and company by asking informed questions. Show your interest in corporate culture and organizational goals as well as opportunities for professional development and growth. Express thanks to the interview team, reiterate your interest in the position and express your pleasant experience for the interview. 

Apart from the job-related and professional questions, there are always some questions that are being asked mostly in job interviews to judge the behavioral and thinking pattern of the candidate. One has to be prepared to answer such common interview questions. Below are some of the common questions one is likely to receive in a job interview.

  • Can you tell me about yourself? (Interviewers often start with this question to learn about the background of the candidate)
  • What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? (To assess how much you are aware of areas you can contribute and where you could improve)
  • Why do you want this position? (To determine what is your understanding about  the job and the company)
  • Why should the company hire you? (Expect you explain why you are the best candidate for the job)

Job Interview Tips and Tricks to Prepare Effectively!

Based on experience and research, experts recommend some best answers to interview questions that are generally appreciated and help to create a good impression on the hiring team. Interesting and witty answers always highlight the personality and attitude of a candidate.

The candidate is expected to tell about himself at the beginning of the interview. But don’t just memorize the CV and use it as a reference point to add something interesting or key events other than what your CV tells. It is preferable to mention current roles and achievements before briefing about your career path. These tactics help to establish his professional journey and other important milestones.

While responding to questions about weakness, the best interview answers aim at highlighting the area where you have already taken steps to improve. Using this strategy one can add a positive aspect to a question by indicating the weakness as an indirect strength about the job.

Last but Not the Least!

One has to look confident and not panicked even if he faces some unexpected or tricky questions. The profile is selected means you have some plus points above others. Be honest, and focus on your positive outlook. It will benefit even if one is unemployed and utilizes the time for learning new skills and preparing for job openings. An appropriate answer reflects one’s ability to handle a challenge towards fruitful results. If you wish to learn more or need guidance to prepare for your upcoming interview, you can enrol yourself into a job-oriented course from upGrad Campus and become interview ready too!

List of 10 best paying jobs in India

Money has always been the main motivating factor when someone chooses a career path to equip him with the necessary knowledge and skills that lead to a better job opportunity. Best paid and most reputed job is a dream for all of us and the sectors which provide high remuneration opportunities are always considered preferable. But there has been a rapid change in the scenario in India, in terms of job opportunities and job seekers approach. 

Earlier, students generally used to opt for specific careers or best government jobs that lead to high salaries as well as the most reputed job. Now, technology and globalization have changed the scenario to a great extent. Jobseekers are not only confined to traditionally followed options like the best government jobs but search for various careers in which they can develop the skills and get high-demand jobs. One must have an idea about the prestigious as well as best job certification course that will help them to decide on the direction to follow and find the best jobs in India. Here is a list of the 10 best-paying jobs in India

1. Doctors and Medical Professionals

Medical professionals receive immense respect and reputation. This profession is amongst the top salary jobs in India. Having a doctor in the family is seen as something very prestigious. But apart from being designated as a noble profession, it is now considered as one of the best government jobs that provides huge earnings. Considering the population of India, there is still a shortage of doctors, so it is considered as a top salary job in India. It is one of the most sought-after professions in India. Doctor’s job is one of the professions that never faces recession. Most of the doctors are associated with some hospitals or nursing homes which provide a steady earning for treatment and consultation. But doctors also work for personal clients after their jobs which also help them increase their earnings a lot. The earning of medical professionals varies according to the specialization stream. Generally, over 25% of medical professionals can earn an annual income of 20 – 30 lakhs per annum.

2. Data Analysts 

In the list of top salary jobs in India, data scientist or data analyst is another high-paid and most reputed job that has been in demand for the past few years, mainly because of huge technological advancements and growth in these years. Data scientists are analytical experts who are professionally responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting raw data and finding solutions to various business problems. Companies need data analysts to help in making data-driven business decisions for improved productivity. A recent report showed that there are about 1 lakh data analytics job openings in India. Highly experienced professional data analysts who have taken the best job certification course draw a salary of around INR 60 lakhs per annum making this one of the 10 best paying jobs in India. But this huge market in India also demands profound skills especially in the field of IT and Industrial domains.

3. Civil Services Professionals

A job in the civil services and administrative services under the government of India is one of the most profound and significant professions in India. It is one of the best government jobs in India.This is the reason why this is one of the most sought career choices in India. IAS is the highest and top administrative post amongst the services like IPS, IFS, etc. Government civil service jobs are highly prestigious with attractive salaries, high security, and other benefits. They enjoy high salaries along with perks like TA, DA, and other benefits. The basic per month salary of a cabinet secretary rank official can reach up to Rs.2.50 lakhs.

4. Full-Stack Developer

Full-stack web developers are computer programmers who work with both the front and back ends of a website, building user-friendly websites, developing servers and databases for website functionality, and coding for mobile applications. They even work on projects during the planning and implementation phase. Web developers have a great demand in the job market and is one amongst the top salary jobs in India. A full-stack developer with early-level experience and best job certification course earns an average salary of around 5 lakhs annually and with mid-level experience of 5-10 years can secure a compensation package of about INR 12-14 lakhs per annum.

5. Chartered Accountant

Chartered Accountant (CA) is another most reputed job. There is a high demand but also a shortage which makes this a highly paid profession. From small firms to large organizations or in the best government jobs, the need for a CA is everywhere. One of the reasons that this profession is  in top salary jobs in India is companies and organizations hire chartered accountants to handle their financial portfolios to stay profitable. The starting salary after taking the best job certification course can be an average of 7-8 lakhs and can increase up to Rs. 30 lakhs per annum as per the experience. Certain international firms offer salaries up to Rs. 75 lakhs per annum making this one of the 10 best-paying jobs in India.

6. Machine Learning Experts

A few years ago, the words ML (Machine Learning) and AI(Artificial Intelligence) would have sounded unfamiliar but today these technologies are making a major impact all over the world. Today it is one of the top salary jobs in India as machine learning and artificial intelligence experts help companies to step up with technology for greater success. It is very much in demand in current as well as future scenarios. Leading companies are offering lucrative benefits and remuneration to deserving candidates who have enrolled in the best job certification course. For professionals with 10-12 years of experience, salaries can go up to Rs. 20 lakhs per annum. Certain statistics suggest that the Indian machine learning and artificial intelligence sector will have about 34% annual growth between 2018 and 2023. This profession is one of the 10 best-paying jobs in India.

7. Digital Marketing 

With the rise of social media and the wide use of digital platforms for marketing and advertising, digital marketing has become an immensely popular field that offers high-income opportunities. Digital marketing provides opportunities for marketing using the internet and other means of digital communication such as email, social media, and web-based applications. Because of the diversity and creative freedom offered by the best job certification courses, there are a variety of roles available within the digital marketing field such as content writers, SEO analysts, social media managers, brand marketing managers, etc. which don’t even need any technical skills or expertise and this is why it is ranked in  top salary jobs in India.

Taking advantage of the demand for online transaction facilities, blockchain technology is another field that is gaining increasing popularity. Digital payments have taken tremendous momentum in India especially with lockdowns and blockchains are key innovators in the digital space. The digital marketing industry is experiencing rapid growth because of the increased dependency on the internet. The way people communicate and consume information has developed the need for online marketing tools and techniques. Those with over ten years of experience can enjoy earnings of Rs.15 lakhs – Rs. 22 lakhs per annum making this one of the top salary jobs in India.

8. Investment Banker

The primary role of investment bankers is to take care of their client’s financial assets and help them invest in a potentially growing market that can maximize returns. Investment bankers also act as financial advisors to corporate organizations and involve in research for mergers and acquisitions as well. There has been tremendous growth in banking and financial services in the country today as it’s also one of the best government jobs as well and is expected to grow in the coming years. The demand for skilled investment bankers is increasing as new financial companies are entering the market. Investment banking has one of the highest average salaries in the market and is one of the top salary jobs in India today. Candidates with entry-level experience can expect a salary ranging from Rs. 4 lakhs to Rs. 12 lakhs per annum and with experience, this figure can go up to Rs. 40 lakhs per annum. 

9. Management Consultant

Many organizations appoint management consultants to seek solutions to business problems while maximizing growth and profit. These experts help their clients to eliminate their bottlenecks and grow while dealing with the operations of the company. They analyze the management structure and strategy and come up with recommendations for changes that need to be implemented. 

This is the most reputed job and there are consultancy firms that provide expert consultation on various areas like, law, healthcare, education, employment, and finance. There is a growing demand for consultancy in large organizations to scale up the business with greater efficiency and cost control. Consultants charge high fees for their expertise and value addition to company operations. The current annual growth rate for the management consulting industry is around 30% as there is a constant demand for excellent management consultants in the market today which makes it one of the 10 best-paying jobs in India.

10.  C-Suite

In entire business industries, the highest-paid roles are in the C-suites which means, the position of CEO, CFO, COO, etc. It also refers to the positions at the director level like managing director, executive director, and other senior leadership roles like the vice president, senior vice president, etc. These high-profile jobs require the most knowledgeable and experienced professionals in the industry. Depending on the structure and vastness of operations, organizations can offer a yearly package of 3-5 crores to such professionals to handle the highest responsibility at the organizational level.

The above are just some of the top salary jobs in India today including few of the best government jobs. But these are not the only ones that offer a high remuneration package but also the most reputed job. The jobs like commercial pilots, executive chefs, architects, lawyers, software engineers, and aeronautical engineers are some of the job roles that enjoy highly lucrative salaries as well. A lot of hard work as well as smart work, passion, and attention to detail are factors that can help one rise to the top of their profession and earn a high income.