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Top 10 Technical Interview Questions for Digital marketing Freshers

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Digital Marketing is a constantly evolving field with trends changing sometimes by the day, if not in the hour. The only way for recruiters to ensure that you, a digital marketing fresher, can thrive in the company is to check your technical know-how.

Recruiters may ask you several questions on Social Media, Content, Analytics and more. But all they want to answer is one question – do you understand enough about the field to keep up with the recurring changes?

If you’re preparing for a digital marketing interview, then this article is the perfect place to get started.

Interview questions for Digital Marketing

Interview questions for Digital Marketing

The field of digital marketing is vast and wide with many channels. Mastering all the important digital marketing channels before your interview is simply not feasible. Ideally, you should have gained a strong understanding of the field with specialised knowledge in a specific channel.

As the interview draws closer, go through these 10 must-know digital marketing interview questions to make sure you have all your bases covered.

1. Describe the process of setting up and managing an online advertising campaign on platforms like Facebook or Google Ads.

Answer:- Interviewees should explain the steps involved in creating a successful online advertising campaign, including defining campaign objectives, targeting the right audience, selecting ad formats, and setting a budget. They should also emphasise the importance of continuous monitoring and optimization to maximise ROI.

2. How do you measure the effectiveness of a digital marketing campaign?

Answer:- A successful digital marketing campaign relies on accurate measurement and analysis. Interviewees should mention key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, click-through rates (CTR), and return on investment (ROI). Utilising tools like Google Analytics and other marketing automation platforms can provide valuable insights into campaign performance.

3. Explain how Ad Ranks are calculated?

Answer:- Ad Ranks in online advertising determine the position of an ad on a search engine results page. Ad Ranks are calculated based on the maximum bid for an ad, the ad’s quality score, and the expected impact of ad extensions and other ad formats. The formula for calculating Ad Rank is: Ad Rank = Bid Amount × Quality Score.

4. Explain the concept of A/B testing and its significance in digital marketing.

Answer:– A/B testing, also known as split testing, involves comparing two versions of a web page or marketing material to determine which performs better. Interviewees should explain its significance in optimising website elements, email campaigns, and ad creatives to improve conversion rates and user experience.

5. Can you explain the concept of PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising and its benefits?

Answer:- PPC advertising is a model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. It is commonly associated with platforms like Google Ads and allows businesses to bid on specific keywords relevant to their target audience. Interviewees should discuss the advantages of PPC, including immediate visibility, targeted audience reach, and the ability to control advertising costs.

6. What is RLSA, and how does it work?

Answer:- RLSA stands for Remarketing Lists for Search Ads. It is a feature in online advertising that allows advertisers to customise search ad campaigns for people who have previously visited their website. RLSA works by associating specific remarketing lists with search campaigns. When a user on the list performs a search, the associated campaign can be adjusted to show relevant ads or bid differently based on the user’s past interactions with the website.

7. What are the key elements of an effective email marketing strategy?

Answer:- Candidates should outline the essential components of an email marketing strategy, such as building a quality email list, segmenting the audience, crafting personalised and engaging content, and optimising email deliverability and open rates. Mentioning the importance of A/B testing for email subject lines and content variations will showcase a deeper understanding.

8. What is SEO, and how does it impact digital marketing efforts?

Answer:- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimising a website to improve its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). It involves various on-page and off-page techniques, such as keyword research, link building, and content optimization. Candidates should emphasise the significance of SEO in driving organic traffic and enhancing the overall online presence of a brand.

9. How do you optimise a website for better search engine rankings (on-page and off-page SEO techniques)?

Answer:- Candidates should discuss on-page optimization techniques like meta tags, header tags, and keyword placement. Additionally, they should highlight off-page techniques such as link building, guest blogging, and social bookmarking to improve website authority and rankings.

10. How can you use content marketing to generate leads and engage with the target audience?

Answer:- Candidates should describe the process of creating valuable and relevant content tailored to the target audience’s needs and preferences. This content can be in the form of blog posts, videos, infographics, and more. They should also discuss content distribution strategies, including social media promotion and email newsletters.


Conclusion For Digital Marketing Certification Course

Technical interviews can be challenging, especially for freshers entering the professional world. However, with proper preparation and understanding of the key technical interview questions for freshers, you can increase your chances of success.

Moreover, if you want guaranteed success in the field, you can always choose upGrad Campus Digital marketing certification course – our world-class online certification courses and live classes that will help you become job ready.

The Rise of Voice Search: Optimizing Your Digital Marketing Strategy

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In recent years, voice search has emerged as a prominent trend, transforming the way people interact with technology and search for information. As the popularity of voice assistants and devices like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant continues to grow, digital marketers must adapt their strategies to leverage this shift. This blog will explore the rising importance of voice search and provide actionable insights on how to optimize your digital marketing efforts in this evolving landscape.

Understanding the Shift towards Voice Search

Understanding the Shift towards Voice Search

Voice search refers to the practice of using spoken commands or queries to search the internet, rather than typing them into a search engine. With the rapid advancements in voice recognition technology, consumers are embracing the convenience and efficiency offered by voice search. It is estimated that by 2023, more than 50% of all searches will be voice-based. This transition calls for digital marketers to reevaluate their strategies and ensure their content is optimized for voice-based interactions.

Why Voice Search Matters for Digital Marketers

The rise of voice search presents significant implications for digital marketers. Voice queries tend to be more conversational, longer, and location-specific, leading to a shift in keyword optimization and content creation. Marketers who fail to adapt risk losing visibility and traffic, while those who optimize their strategies for voice search stand to gain a competitive edge.

Adapting Your Content for Voice Search

To optimize your digital marketing strategy for voice search, it is crucial to create voice-friendly content and optimize your website accordingly.

  • Crafting Voice-Friendly Content

    Voice search often involves natural language queries, so it’s essential to create content that aligns with conversational patterns. Focus on providing concise, informative answers to frequently asked questions and structuring your content in a way that caters to voice-based interactions. Additionally, consider the tone and style of your content to match the conversational nature of voice search.

  • Optimizing Your Website for Voice Search

    Make sure your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly, as voice searches are often performed on mobile devices. Optimize your site’s technical aspects, such as implementing schema markup for better search engine understanding. Furthermore, ensure your content is easy to navigate and accessible, improving the overall user experience.

  • Harnessing Local SEO for Voice Search

    Voice searches often include location-specific queries, making local SEO optimization vital. Claim your business listings on platforms like Google My Business and provide accurate and up-to-date information. Use location-based keywords and create content tailored to local queries to improve your visibility in voice search results.

  • Leveraging Structured Data Markup

    Implement structured data markup, such as, to provide search engines with additional context about your content. This can enhance the chances of your website appearing in featured snippets or rich results, increasing visibility and click-through rates in voice search.

The Role of Conversational Keywords

The Role of Conversational Keywords

Conversational keywords are key to optimize for voice search. Embrace long-tail conversational keywords that reflect natural language queries. These keywords often include question words like “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” and “how.” Incorporate these keywords strategically throughout your content to improve its relevance to voice search queries.

Understand user intent

Gain a clear understanding of the questions, concerns, and needs of your target audience. Research the common conversational queries they might use when searching for information or solutions.

Create conversational content

Structure your content in a conversational manner by using natural language and adopting a friendly tone. Write as if you’re having a conversation with the reader, addressing their questions and providing relevant information.

Anticipate likely queries like: –

  • What does the average person already know about this subject?
  • How does this subject affect people’s day-to-day lives?
  • When and where are people likely looking up this information?
  • How might one act on the information I plan on presenting?
  • Will the structure of this piece tell the reader everything they need to know?

Use long-tail keywords

Incorporate long-tail keywords and phrases that mirror the way people speak and ask questions. Long-tail keywords are more specific and capture the essence of conversational queries. They tend to be less competitive, allowing your content to rank higher for targeted searches.

Provide comprehensive answers

Aim to provide detailed and comprehensive answers to the questions within your content. Anticipate follow-up questions and address them proactively, offering valuable insights and information that satisfies the reader’s needs.

Monitor and adapt

Continuously monitor your content’s performance and analyse the conversational search queries that drive traffic to your site. Adjust your content strategy based on user engagement and search analytics to improve its effectiveness.

Engaging with Voice Search Devices and Assistants

Engaging with Voice Search Devices and Assistants

To fully optimize your digital marketing strategy for voice search, it’s important to engage with voice search devices and assistants.

Optimizing for Voice Assistants

Ensure your business information is accurate and up-to-date on voice assistant platforms like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. Claim your business on these platforms and provide relevant details such as business hours, contact information, and services offered. This helps voice assistants provide accurate information to users seeking voice-based recommendations.

Creating Voice-Activated Skills and Actions

For businesses operating in specific industries, creating voice-activated skills or actions can provide a unique opportunity to engage with users. Consider developing interactive voice experiences that align with your brand and offer value to your target audience. This can range from providing informative content to offering personalised recommendations or even enabling voice commerce functionalities.

Measuring and Analysing Voice Search Performance

Measuring and Analysing Voice Search Performance

To gauge the effectiveness of your voice search optimization efforts, it’s essential to measure and analyse performance metrics.

Tracking Voice Search Data

Utilise analytics tools to track and monitor voice search data. Look for insights such as the volume of voice searches, popular voice search queries, and the source of voice search traffic. This data will help you refine your strategy and identify areas for improvement.

Evaluating Conversion Rates and User Behavior

Analyse the conversion rates and user behaviour associated with voice search interactions. Determine whether voice search users have different conversion patterns compared to traditional search users. This knowledge can help you tailor your marketing efforts to better cater to voice search users’ needs and preferences.

Preparing for the Future of Voice Search

Preparing for the Future of Voice Search

To future-proof your digital marketing strategy, embrace voice search as an integral component and stay updated with the latest trends and technologies.

  • Staying Updated with Voice Search Trends

    Voice search technology is continually evolving, and staying informed about the latest trends is crucial. Follow industry blogs, attend conferences, and participate in webinars to stay updated with the latest developments in voice search. Engage with industry experts and participate in discussions to gain insights and ideas for optimizing your strategy.

  • Investing in Voice Search Optimization Tools

    Numerous tools and software solutions are available to help you optimize your digital marketing strategy for voice search. Invest in tools that offer keyword research, voice search analytics, and content optimization capabilities. These tools can streamline your efforts and provide valuable data to refine your strategy.

  • Experimenting with Emerging Technologies

    As voice search evolves, emerging technologies such as natural language processing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence will shape its future. Stay open to experimenting with these technologies and explore how they can enhance your voice search optimization efforts. Embrace voice search as an opportunity to innovate and differentiate your brand.

  • Continuously Evolving Your Strategy

    Voice search is an ever-changing landscape, and it’s important to continuously adapt and refine your strategy. Regularly evaluate your voice search performance metrics, monitor industry trends, and gather feedback from your audience. Use this information to make data-driven decisions and adjust your strategy accordingly.



The rise of voice search is transforming the way users interact with search engines and consume information. To optimize your digital marketing strategy in this evolving landscape, it’s crucial to understand the shift towards voice search and adapt your content, SEO, and engagement strategies accordingly. To stay ahead in this evolving landscape, upskilling yourself with the right knowledge and expertise is paramount. If you want to conquer this field enter upGrad Campus Digital Marketing Course – one of India’s leading education platforms for job-ready online certification courses.

Harnessing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Campaigns

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In today’s digital landscape, every single second, users create and consume an infinite flow of data and information: using phones to update social media status, submitting reviews of products, or asking Alexa to play a specific song or to find the best deal of an item.

These pieces of data can be quite valuable for businesses as it helps them to learn more about current and potential customers – what they like and dislike, what their interests are and what they do. These kinds of information help organisations learn more about their existing and potential consumers, including what they like and dislike, their hobbies, and what they do. However, a key challenge remains how to extract insights from this constant stream of data that is growing so rapidly?

A possible answer is ‘artificial intelligence’ (AI).

In this blog post, we will explore the various ways in which generative artificial intelligence can be harnessed to elevate marketing campaigns to new heights.

What Makes “Artificial Intelligence” so Intelligent

What Makes “Artificial Intelligence” so Intelligent

There are two key elements that make AI well-suited to deal with the vast volume and variety of data.

First, AI can make sense of the large amount of non-numerical data, such as everyday language consumers use in written (social media posts, product reviews) or in spoken content (videos, real-time conversations). This is ‘natural language processing’, aka NLP, and allows AI to understand what was said, how it was said and the context in which the words or phrases were used.

For example, AI can understand whether a review post discussed apple (the fruit) or Apple (the tech firm) and also discern the sentiment and emotions expressed by the creator of the review.

Second, AI uses a process called ‘machine learning’ which enables AI to learn by itself. Through remembering and storing everything it has analysed previously, AI continuously improves. The more data and information, the ‘smarter’ AI gets, meaning the more accurate and insightful its analyses become.

How AI Can Benefit Marketing Campaigns

How AI Can Benefit Marketing Campaigns

There are many ways AI can help to elevate marketing campaigns to new heights.

Building rich customer profiles

With AI, it is possible to understand customers’ emerging wants and needs in real time — as consumers express them online — and build and continuously update these profiles.

For example, E-commerce platforms leverage AI to collect and analyse customer data from various sources, including customer preferences, price points of items purchased, reviews provided, items in cart, etc. AI algorithms segment customers based on behaviour, analyse sentiment, and provide personalised recommendations.

Enhanced audience targeting

AI can significantly improve audience targeting by enabling marketers to create more accurate buyer personas. This allows marketers to deliver highly targeted and personalised messages to the right people at the right time, maximising the effectiveness of their campaigns.

For example, AI can identify the most valuable segments based on purchase intent and provide offers, discounts or other marketing communications that are most likely to resonate and convert leads into sales.

Chatbots and virtual assistants

Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI have become increasingly popular in recent years. These intelligent bots can engage with customers in real-time, answer their queries, and provide personalised recommendations.

By incorporating chatbots into marketing campaigns, businesses can enhance customer service, increase engagement, and even drive sales.

Content creation and optimisation

AI can assist marketers in creating and optimising content. NLP algorithms can analyse existing content and identify patterns that resonate with the target audience. This information can be used to create compelling copy, headlines, and calls-to-action.

AI can also optimise content by analysing user engagement metrics and recommending changes to improve its performance. This helps marketers create content that is more likely to resonate with their audience and drive desired actions.

Social media monitoring and sentiment analysis

AI can play a vital role in monitoring social media platforms and analysing sentiment around a brand or product. By analysing user-generated content, AI algorithms can identify trends, sentiments, and influencers in real-time. This information can help marketers understand public opinion, gauge the effectiveness of their campaigns, and make timely adjustments to their strategies.



Q: Are there any challenges of implementing AI in marketing campaigns?

A: Yes, there are challenges to consider when implementing AI in marketing campaigns. Data quality and privacy concerns must be addressed to ensure accurate insights and protect customer information. It is crucial to have skilled professionals who can manage and interpret AI-generated data. Additionally, transparency in AI algorithms and ethical considerations surrounding AI use are important for maintaining trust with customers.

Q: What are some examples of successful AI-driven marketing campaigns?

A: Several companies have implemented successful AI-driven marketing campaigns. For instance, Netflix utilises AI algorithms to recommend personalised content to its users, resulting in increased viewer engagement. Amazon’s recommendation system uses AI to suggest products based on user behaviour and purchase history, leading to higher conversion rates. These examples showcase the power of AI in delivering tailored marketing experiences.

Q: What are the benefits of using AI-powered chatbots in marketing campaigns?

A: AI-powered chatbots offer numerous benefits in marketing campaigns. They provide instant customer support, answer inquiries 24/7, and assist with product recommendations. Chatbots can also automate lead generation, offer personalised promotions, and gather valuable customer feedback. Their efficiency, scalability, and ability to handle multiple conversations simultaneously make them invaluable tools for enhancing customer experience.



Artificial intelligence has immense potential to transform marketing campaigns and revolutionise the way businesses engage with their target audience. However, it is crucial to remember that AI is a tool, and its effectiveness depends on the quality of data and the human expertise behind it. To truly harness the potential of artificial intelligence in marketing, businesses should combine it with human creativity, insights, and strategy to create compelling and impactful campaigns that resonate with their audience.

If you also want to learn the dynamic world of Artificial Intelligence, then upGrad Campus artificial intelligence course will be the best option for you.

Unlock the Power of Generative Artificial Intelligence with upGrad Campus Online Certification Course! Learn from industry experts, explore cutting-edge technologies, and gain hands-on experience through practical projects. Boost your career prospects with a comprehensive curriculum that covers machine learning, deep learning, and data analytics.

Enrol now and embrace the future of AI!

Disclaimer: The success of job placement / interview opportunity depends on various factors including but not limited to the individual’s qualifications, experience, and efforts in seeking employment. Our organization makes no guarantees or representations regarding the level or timing of job placement / interview opportunity. Relevant terms and conditions will apply for any guarantee provided by upGrad.

5 Social Media Metrics Every Digital Marketer Should Know

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In the dynamic field of digital marketing, where campaigns unfold at the speed of a double-tap, understanding the pulse of Social Media metrics has become the priority of every digital marketer.

Social Media Marketing is an excellent choice for cost effective branding to a targeted audience. According to a survey by Social Media Examiner, 87% of marketers consider measuring their return on investment (ROI) as one of the most critical objectives for Social Media Marketing. However, many digital marketers do not know how to track every single detail through Social Media metrics and use it for effective brand building.

In this blog, we will explore the 5 most important Social Media metrics and how to use them for a successful Digital Marketing career. But before going into details let’s get a brief understanding of what exactly Social Media metrics are.

What are Social Media Metrics?

What are Social Media Metrics

Social Media metrics are quantifiable data points that measure various aspects of Social Media performance and engagement.

These metrics provide valuable insights into the success and effectiveness of Social Media marketing efforts and help assess the impact of campaigns, content strategies, and overall brand presence on social platforms.

These metrics are specifically chosen by digital marketers depending on their goals, industry, and platforms used. But for choosing the right Social Media strategy, you first need to have good knowledge about the widely used metrics.

Most Prominent Social Media Metrics in 2023

Most Prominent Social Media Metrics in 2023

Here are five essential Social Media metrics every digital marketer should know, along with real-life examples that help illustrate their significance:

Engagement Rate: Engagement rate measures the level of interaction and involvement your audience has with your Social Media content.

It indicates how well your content resonates with your audience and can be calculated by dividing the total engagements (likes, comments, shares, etc.) by the total reach or impressions and multiplying by 100.

$$Engagement \ Rate = {(Total \ Engagements) \ \over Total \ Impressions} \ x100$$


For example, imagine you run a fashion brand and post a captivating image showcasing your latest collection on Instagram. If the post receives a high number of likes, comments, and shares compared to the number of people it reached, it signifies a strong engagement rate. This indicates that your content is compelling and resonating with your audience, potentially leading to increased brand visibility and customer loyalty.

Reach: Reach measures the total number of unique individuals who see your Social Media content. It helps gauge the size of your audience and the potential visibility of your brand message.

$$Reach = {(Impressions) \ \over \ Frequency} \ x100$$


For example, let’s say you are doing Social Media marketing for a local bakery. If you post an announcement about a special promotion, such as a buy-one-get-one-free deal on cupcakes, and the post reaches a significant portion of your followers as well as new potential customers, it signifies a wide reach. This suggests that your message has successfully reached a larger audience, increasing the chances of attracting more customers to your bakery.

Click-Through Rate (CTR): CTR measures the percentage of people who click on a link or call-to-action within your Social Media content. It helps assess the effectiveness of your content in driving traffic to your website or landing page.

$$Click-Through \ Rate \ (CTR) = {(Total \ Clicks ) \ \over Total \ Impressions} \ x100$$


For example, suppose you are running a digital advertising campaign on Facebook, promoting a new online course. If your ad generates a high CTR, it indicates that the ad copy, visuals, and call-to-action are compelling and motivating users to click through to learn more or enrol in the course. A high CTR suggests that your campaign is successfully capturing audience attention and driving traffic to your desired destination.

Conversion Rate: Conversion rates are the percentage of people who got converted as a client from the visits generated from running ads. These are mainly used to evaluate performance of websites.

$$Conversion \ Rate \ (CTR) = {(Total \ number \ of \ conversions) \ \over Total \ number \ of \ visitors} \ x100$$


For example, consider you are managing the Social Media presence of an e-commerce store. If you launch a Facebook ad campaign offering a limited-time discount code, and a significant percentage of users who clicked on the ad ended up making a purchase using the code, it indicates a high conversion rate. This implies that your campaign successfully influenced users to take the desired action of completing a purchase, resulting in tangible business outcomes

Social Media Follower Growth Rate: Follower growth rate measures the rate at which your Social Media audience is expanding over a specific period. It provides insights into the effectiveness of your content strategy in attracting and retaining followers.

$$Follower \ Growth \ Rate = {Followers \ Gained \ \over Base \ Follower \ Number} \ x100$$


For example: Suppose you manage the Twitter account for a tech startup. If your account consistently gains a significant number of new followers every month, it indicates a healthy follower growth rate. This suggests that your content, such as informative industry insights, engaging conversations, and valuable resources, is resonating with users and motivating them to follow your account for ongoing updates.

You may find rough information about metrics on YouTube and blogs, but if you want to get a deeper knowledge of the core of Social Media marketing then you should go for a proper Digital Marketing course from any good institute.


Digital Marketing Course with Placement - Conclusion

In conclusion, understanding and leveraging Social Media metrics is crucial for digital marketers to assess the effectiveness of their campaigns, optimise strategies, and drive business growth.

If you want to enhance your skills in digital marketing and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving industry, consider enrolling in the upGrad Campus Digital Marketing Course with Placement.

As most of the colleges are having session breaks, this is the best time to join a Digital Marketing course! If you have just completed your college, then you can join the course without wasting any time.

The Power of Influencer Marketing – Why Is It Essential for Business?

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In today’s hyper-connected world, where attention spans are fleeting and traditional marketing tactics are losing their impact, there is a new force that has emerged as a game-changer for businesses.This force is called Influencers.

With the explosion of social media, influencers hold sway over thousands, or even millions of devoted followers.These influencers possess the unique ability to captivate, inspire, and shape the opinions of their engaged audiences. Now imagine what they could do for your brand.

In this dynamic landscape, a rounded digital marketing training program will make you understand the importance of influencer marketing for businesses is not just a choice; it is a strategic necessity. But first, join us as we delve into the world of influencer marketing and uncover why it has become an indispensable tool for digital marketing.

What is Influencer Marketing?

What is influencer marketing

Influencer marketing refers to a strategic approach in which brands collaborate with individuals, known as influencers, to promote their products or services to a targeted audience. These are typically individuals who have established a dedicated following and possess the ability to influence the opinions, purchasing decisions, and behaviours of their followers. Influencers have an active and engaged community, and their endorsements can spark conversations, comments, likes, and shares, creating meaningful interactions around your brand. This gives brands a way to reach their target audience easily and have an enhanced credibility and trust.

By leveraging the power of personal and authentic connections, influencer marketing greatly benefits business. Let us see how.

Benefits of Influencer Marketing

Benefits of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has had such a strong impact on the business that today traditional advertising budgets are increasingly being reallocated towards influencer marketing. The Association of National Advertisers reported that 75% of advertisers use influencer marketing, and 43% plan to increase their influencer marketing budgets in the coming years.

Let’s see why brands are choosing influencer marketing over traditional marketing:

  • Increased Brand Awareness and Visibility: By partnering with influencers who have a significant following, you can expose your brand to a wider audience, leading to increased brand recognition and awareness.
  • Impactful Content Creation: Influencers are skilled content creators who understand their audience’s preferences. They can produce authentic and engaging content that resonates with their followers, making your brand message more relatable and impactful.
  • Access to New Markets and Audiences: Collaborating with influencers from different geographic locations or niche markets can help you tap into new customer segments and expand your brand’s reach to previously untapped markets.
  • Measurable ROI and Performance Tracking: Influencer marketing campaigns can be tracked and analysed, providing valuable data on key metrics such as reach, engagement, website traffic, and conversions. This allows you to measure the success of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions for future marketing strategies.

Future Trends in Influencer Marketing

Future Trends in Influencer Marketing

As influencer marketing continues to evolve, several exciting trends and innovations are shaping its future. These trends are driven by technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and the need for authenticity and transparency. Here are some key trends to watch out for:

  • AI-Driven Influencer Marketing Platforms: Artificial intelligence is revolutionising influencer marketing. AI-powered platforms can analyse vast amounts of data to identify the most suitable influencers for specific campaigns, automate content creation, and provide advanced analytics and performance tracking.
  • Micro-Influencers and Nano-Influencers: While macro-influencers have been popular, the focus is shifting towards micro-influencers and nano-influencers. These influencers have smaller but highly engaged audiences and can provide highly targeted reach to specific niche markets. Brands are recognizing the value of these influencers’ authentic connections and high engagement rates, making them an effective choice for niche campaigns.
  • Virtual Influencers and CGI Creations: Virtual influencers, in the form of computer-generated characters with lifelike appearances, are emerging as a new trend in influencer marketing. These virtual influencers offer complete control over their messaging, aesthetics, and brand alignment. Additionally, CGI creations can be used to produce unique and engaging content, pushing the boundaries of creativity, and capturing audience attention.
  • Performance-Based Influencer Marketing: Brands are shifting towards performance-based influencer marketing, where influencers are compensated based on specific campaign objectives and measurable results. This includes promoting the brand and selling it via promo codes, wherein the influencer is compensated for each sale that used the promo code.

Influencer marketing is a growing field and is a great opportunity for students who are going for a digital marketing course. Let us see how influencer marketing can lead you to success.

Influencer Marketing as A Career Choice

Influencer Marketing as A Career Choice

According to an analysis by MarketsandMarkets, the market size for influencer marketing platforms worldwide is anticipated to reach 24.1 dollars billion by 2025,.

Influencer marketing has the opportunities for financial success and can be a great choice specially during your digital marketing training.

Here are few ways you can earn through influencer marketing: –

Sponsored Posts: Some brands pay influencers to create content promoting their products or services. This can include product reviews, endorsements, or featuring the brand in a lifestyle post.

Affiliate Marketing: Influencers can earn a commission for driving sales or leads to a brand’s website through unique affiliate links or promo codes in their own pages or feeds.

Brand Collaborations: Brands may collaborate with influencers on long-term partnerships, where the influencer becomes a brand ambassador.

Brand Partnerships: Influencers can partner with brands to co-create products or collaborate on exclusive merchandise lines.

Events and Speaking Engagements: Influencers with a strong personal brand and expertise in their niche can be invited to speak at events, conferences, or workshops.

Content Licensing: Influencers can monetize their content by licensing it for commercial use. Brands or media agencies may be interested in using the influencer’s high-quality photos, videos, or other creative assets for their own marketing campaigns.

Consulting and Coaching: Influecers who have established themselves as experts in their field can offer consulting services or coaching programs to individuals or brands looking to grow their online presence.

If you are looking for a successful career in influencer marketing, here is your way to reach new heights.


Conclusion - Digital Marketing Course

With these examples, it’s clear that influencer marketing holds immense potential for success in the digital age. As the field of influencer marketing continues to evolve, staying updated with the latest trends and innovations is crucial. This is where upGrad Campus digital marketing course shines. upGrad Campus provides a comprehensive and cutting-edge curriculum that equips aspiring digital marketers with the knowledge and skills to harness the power of influencer marketing and excel in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Mastering SEO: A Comprehensive Guide to Rank Your Career

Let us suppose you moved into a new flat and decided to invite your friends to a housewarming party. However, your friends weren’t able to locate your home.Wouldn’t that put a damper to your plans?

Brands face the same challenge when their potential audience isn’t unable to locate them, despite their best marketing efforts.

Enter SEO, aka Search Engine Optimization.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through everything you need to know about SEO best practices usually recommended by the best Digital Marketing courses, and how including these can take your website to the next level. So, buckle up, and let’s get started.

What is SEO: Why Is It Important for Your Career?

What is SEO: Why Is It Important for Your Career?


Imagine spending hours crafting a blog post or creating a stunning website, only to find that it’s buried deep in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Isn’t it frustrating?

You may have hired a website developer but the website is not properly optimised according to SEO norms. Hence, without the link or the name, no visitors can view your website. That’s why SEO matters.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a set of practices to optimise your content with the goal of increasing your online visibility, attracting more visitors to your website, and ranking your page on SERP.

Whether you’re a blogger, a business owner, or a digital marketer, mastering SEO is essential to stand out in today’s online world. But SEO isn’t important only for businesses.

As an SEO practitioner, you have an opportunity to earn as much as 15 LPA, provided you take the right Digital marketing course with placement training. Moreover, SEO is a constantly evolving field, and by staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices, you can maintain a competitive edge in your industry.

Now that you understand why SEO is important, let’s dive into some practical tips for mastering SEO.

Keyword Research and Analysis

Keyword Research & Analysis


The most important aspect of SEO is keywords. Keywords are phrases that website visitors enter in the search engine (like Google, Bing) to find your website.

In SEO, keyword research is a crucial process of identifying keywords that are relevant to your business and target audience. The goal of keyword research is to find the “right” keywords that will drive significant traffic to your website, while also having relatively low competition with other brands. Deep research in choosing keywords and rightly placing it can increase the relevancy, authority, and search volume of the content.

Pro-tip: You can also use several tools for your keyword research such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs.

These tools will give you insights into the search volume, competition, and difficulty of different keywords, allowing you to choose the most relevant and valuable ones for your business.

Commonly used SEO terms – On Page & Off Page

Commonly used SEO terms - On Page & Off Page


On-page SEO refers to any activity on your website that directly improves the page to higher its ranking. It includes optimising your content, HTML source code, and website structure. It includes Page crawling and indexing which are activities that enable search engines to discover and analyse your web content. More on this will be covered in the next Digital Marketing blog.

Here are some factors that impact On-Page SEO:

  1. Title Tag: The title tag is a critical on-page SEO factor consisting of around 55 characters that should accurately describe the content of the page and include relevant keywords.
  2. Meta Description: The meta description is a short summary of the page’s content that appears in search engine results pages. It should be around 155 characters and provide a compelling reason for users to click on the link.
  3. Header Tags: Header tags structure the content of a web page and make it easier for search engines to understand the main topics and subtopics covered with rightly placed keywords.
  4. Content Quality: The quality of the content on the page can make or break your SEO efforts. It should be relevant, original within 4% of plagiarism, useful, and engaging for the user, and provide comprehensive coverage of the topic.
  5. Image Optimisation: Images should be optimised for size and quality, and include alt text that describes the image and includes relevant keywords.
  6. Keyword Usage: Using relevant keywords and phrases throughout the content, URL, meta tags, and image alt tags can help search engines understand the topic of the page. However, it’s important to avoid overusing keywords, as this can negatively impact the page’s ranking.
  7. Internal Linking: Internal linking helps search engines understand the relationships between pages on a website and improves the user experience by making it easier to navigate.
  8. Site Speed: Site speed is a critical on-page SEO factor that can impact both user experience and search engine rankings. Your website should open within 2 seconds to reduce the bounce rate.
  9. Mobile Responsiveness: With more users accessing the internet on mobile devices, mobile responsiveness is an essential on-page SEO factor. Your website should feel as user friendly on phone screen as on laptop or desktop screen.

Now let’s come to Off-page optimization.

Off-page SEO refers to the plan of action to boost your content on other websites across the web. The goal is to get other sites to mention your website and increase the number of links to your website on the web.

Here are some important factors which impact Off-page SEO:

  1. Backlinks: Backlinks, also called “incoming links”, “inbound links,” or “one way links”, are links from one website to a page on another website through an anchor text. The page that contains the backlink to your website should have relevance, quality, and authority for search engines to vote for it.
  2. Social Media: When you’re posting on social media, include relevant information and keywords in captions, alt-text, subtitles, and closed captions of every post. This is a great way to direct traffic to your website through social media.
  3. Online Directories: Listing your website in online directories, such as Yelp or Google My Business, can help increase the visibility of your website in local search results and improve your website’s authority.
  4. Guest Blogging: Guest blogging involves writing and publishing articles on other websites which can help you establish yourself as an authority in your industry and earn backlinks to your website.
  5. Brand Mentions: Even if a website doesn’t link back to your website through URL, a mention of your brand can still have a positive impact on off-page SEO.
  6. Social Bookmarking: Social bookmarking involves submitting your content to social bookmarking websites like Reddit, Pinterest,Tumblr, etc. which can help increase the visibility of your content and potentially lead to more backlinks.

Having a solid understanding of on-page and off-page optimisation techniques through a Digital Marketing course is essential for anyone looking to build a successful career in the Digital Marketing field.

Technical SEO: Site Structure, URL Structure, and Sitemaps

Technical SEO: Site Structure, URL Structure, and Sitemaps

Technical SEO is the cornerstone of a high ranking website. A website with technical issues can lead to poor search engine rankings, low traffic, and a poor user experience.

Technical SEO involves:

  1. Site Structure: The site structure refers to the way a website’s pages are organised and linked to one another. A well-organised site structure is essential for both search engines and users, as it makes it easier for them to navigate and understand the website’s content.
  2. URL Structure: URLs should be short, descriptive, and easy to read for both search engines and users. URLs that are too long, contain unnecessary parameters, or use dynamic variables can be challenging for search engines to crawl and index.
  3. Sitemaps: Sitemaps are essential for search engines as they make it easier for them to crawl and index a website’s pages. A sitemap should be submitted to search engines to ensure that all pages are properly indexed.

A well-optimised website is necessary to provide a better user experience, leading to increased engagement, lower bounce rates, and higher user satisfaction.

SEO Professional Career in India & Salary

SEO Professional Career in India & Salary


SEO is a growing field in India, with many opportunities for professionals to build their career. With the right Digital marketing courses, SEO professionals in India can earn an average salary of 3.5 LPA per year, with senior professionals earning up to 15 LPA per year.

To build a career in SEO, it’s essential to have a strong understanding of digital marketing and SEO best practices. Pursuing a digital marketing course can help you develop the skills and knowledge you need to excel in this field.



Mastering SEO is an essential skill for anyone looking to establish a successful career in digital marketing. If you want to build a successful career in SEO, you should go for the upGrad Campus digital marketing course with placement training. One of the most comprehensive Digital Marketing courses, this program covers all aspects of SEO and equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the digital marketing industry.

Disclaimer: The success of job placement / interview opportunity depends on various factors including but not limited to the individual’s qualifications, experience, and efforts in seeking employment. Our organization makes no guarantees or representations regarding the level or timing of job placement / interview opportunity. Relevant terms and conditions will apply for any guarantee provided by upGrad.

Essential Soft Skills For Digital Marketers

Table of Contents
  1. What are Soft Skills?
  2. The most in-demand Soft Skills For Digital Marketers
  3. How to identify and improve your soft skills
  4. Conclusion

Soft Skills Matter!

“Soft skills are the hard currency of success in a world where interpersonal skills are more valuable than technical skills.” 
– John C. Maxwell (Bestselling authors of New York Times)

Everybody knows that to get and keep a job you require technical skills. Doctors need to know how to treat patients, However, are they enough? Sure, doctors need to have complete medical know-how to treat patients. But they also need to have a good bedside manner and make patients comfortable.

Likewise Digital Marketers today must not only know how to boost the business digitally, but also possess soft skills to network, communicate and effectively implement their ideas.

Technical skills may open doors, but your soft skills are what makes you approachable and more successful. A strong set of soft skills will make you a valuable Digital Marketer. Additionally, it helps you in transitioning into new roles more easily.

Employers are now seeking a combination of both hard and soft skills to ensure they have the ideal employee for the job. Hard skills may get you the job, but soft skills will take you to the top.

What exactly are Soft Skills?

What exactly are Soft Skills?

Soft skills are a set of personal attributes and abilities that enable individuals to communicate, collaborate, and perform more efficiently and effectively. Unlike hard skills, which are technical and job-specific, soft skills are general and applicable across all profiles as well as valued by employers. Soft skills are essential for personal and professional development, as they help individuals build stronger relationships, manage time more effectively, and become better leaders.

In-demand Soft Skills For Digital Marketers

The Most in-demand Soft Skills For Digital Marketers

While soft skills are important in any field, they play a bigger role in Digital Marketing. Here’s how.

Communication: The ability to convey information succinctly, listen actively, and collaborate with others is mandatory in any workplace. Effective communication is imperative for in-house teams to make user-friendly content on websites or social media.

Adaptability: With growing technology, being able to learn new skills, read core and Meta updates, pivot when necessary, and embrace new ideas is a valuable trait in any job.

Multitasking: Ability to perform multiple tasks – handling multiple Social Media accounts, checking insights, deriving SEO strategies simultaneously is a highly valued skill in today’s fast-paced world, where people often have to juggle multiple responsibilities at once.

Emotional intelligence: Emotional intelligence encompasses skills such as empathy, self-awareness, and relationship-building. Having this trait is especially important when it comes to understanding your target audience and planning campaigns to hit the right note.

Critical thinking: Competence to analyse and evaluate data, think critically, and solve complex problems are highly valued traits. Critical thinking skills are very important for digital marketing in industries such as technology, finance, and healthcare. It’s important because the better you are at critical thinking, the more likely you’ll be able to identify opportunities and solve problems creatively

Leadership: Digital Marketing campaigns are only as good as the teams executing them. And teams need individuals who can inspire, motivate, and guide members to achieve their goals. Leaders have qualities that are unseen in others like – Crisis Management, making your team comfortable even at the time of the biggest mistake committed by a team member, giving credits to team, promoting face as team not as the individual personality, etc.

Creativity: As technology continues to automate certain tasks, the ability to think creatively and come up with new ideas will become increasingly important. This skill is especially valuable in fields such as design, marketing, and advertising.

Creativity imposes Imagination & Visualization of a situation

Time management: With increasing workloads and tight deadlines, the ability to manage time effectively is crucial. Time management skills include setting priorities, making monthly calendars and staying organised.

Collaboration: As workplaces become more diverse and team-oriented, the ability to collaborate effectively with others is becoming increasingly important. This includes skills such as active listening, giving and receiving feedback, and working towards common goals.

Honing these skills can help individuals succeed in their Digital Marketing careers and stand out in this competitive job market.

How to identify and improve your existing soft skills?

How to identify and improve your existing soft skills?

Throughout your education or career, you’ve probably worked in a team. Are you good at teamwork? Would you include it on the skills section of your resume? Not sure? Let’s discuss how to identify your soft skills.

It is hard to identify your own soft skills, so ask your friends, coworkers, and even your past employers. You can ask them about specific examples of your soft skills and when you used them well. You may discover new things about yourself.

Improving soft skills are crucial for personal and professional development. Here are some ways to do so:

Practise active listening: Improve your active listening skills by giving your full attention, asking clarifying questions, and summarising what you’ve heard.

Seek critique: Feedback from colleagues, managers, or mentors on your soft skills will help understand your areas for improvement.

Read and write regularly: Reading and writing can improve your communication skills. You can read books, articles, and blogs etc. and practice writing emails, reports, or proposals.

Attend workshops and training: Attend workshops, training sessions, or seminars on soft skills to gain new insights and techniques to improve your skills.

Practice empathy: You can improve your empathy by putting yourself in others’ shoes, acknowledging their feelings, and responding appropriately.

Learn to manage time: To improve your time management skills, you can create a schedule, set realistic goals, and eliminate distractions.

Join a group or community: Join a group or community that aligns with your interests or goals.

Remember that improving your soft skills is a continuous process. It takes time and effort to develop and maintain these skills, but the benefits are reflective enough in your personal and professional life.

The more you are updated, the more empowered is your potential.


Soft skills are essential to foster a healthy work environment around you. Even though these can be learned through training and development programs, soft skills cannot be excelled in a day as it is a field where you push yourself to be better every day.

Complement your soft skills with our digital marketing certification course online. Our course equips you with all the essential skills necessary to understand and implement digital marketing campaigns with confidence.

The Future of Marketing: Navigating the Digital Landscape

Table of Contents

The world of marketing has drastically changed, driven forward to new heights by the digital revolution. As we enter a new era dominated by technology and data, the future of marketing lies in being able to analyse how people behave online. This has redefined how companies engage with their consumers. To succeed in this new era, it’s crucial for businesses to adapt to the changes in the digital landscape.

One way for freshers to prepare better for the future is through digital marketing courses with placement. India has some of the best digital marketing courses which can allow students to build up their skills and enhance their CVs. Digital marketing training is thus crucial if you wish to enter the future of marketing confidently and undeterred.

In this article we’ll examine how digital marketing has influenced the market, career opportunities in this domain, different opportunities and the salient features of upGrad Campus’s digital marketing course online.

Introduction to Digital Marketing

Introduction to Digital Marketing

In our digital era, marketing has taken on a whole new meaning. Grey are the days of traditional advertising methods such as print media and radio spots. Today, even small-scale companies are turning to Digital Marketing in order to effectively reach their target audience. Digital Marketing isn’t just a powerful tool for businesses, but an essential skill for youth and working professionals of millennials and Gen Z. It provides a platform to build engaging relationships with customers, allows you to get creative with trends, and helps you stay in-the-know about the latest updates. In this blog, we will discuss how Digital Marketing has changed the landscape of advertising.

Digital Marketing – A Quick Fact Check

Having said how Digital Marketing is growing with the trends, let’s do a quick fact check on its demand. 

According to a report by Expert Market Research,the advanced advertising and Digital Marketing profession scope in the Indian market will be valued at $ 24.1B by 2028, which is currently valued at $ 4.5B. Indeed, the growth of Digital Marketing can easily be seen with the advent of ad platforms like Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Meta Ads, which are available to help in business growth by reaching their target audience. As compared to the conventional model of advertisement, Digital Marketing has proven to be the best advertisement tool with minimal budget and proper insights that will act as an important factor in planning long-term business growth strategies. 

Besides, the use of Analytics and Data Science allows marketers to gain insights into the effectiveness of their campaigns and target the right audience on the right channels. Also, the use of AI and Machine Learning technologies in Digital Marketing further increases the efficiency of campaigns. Brands now have access to a whole range of AI-driven marketing tools such as chatbots and Predictive Analytics to help them drive more engagement and sales. Altogether, it is obvious that Digital Marketing has come a long way in just a short span of time. As its growth continues, the implementation of Digital Marketing tools is becoming increasingly common among any business around the world. 

Getting into all the above facts, it’s easy to realise how the Digital Marketing industry is growing fast, and the demand for professionals is rapidly increasing.That’s why it’s important to select the right Digital Marketing courses, training and certifications which can help you succeed in this field and boost your career prospects.

Read More : upGrad Campus’s Ultimate Guide on Digital marketing

Careers in Digital Marketing

A career in Digital Marketing is a great option if you want to work with a wide range of topics and technologies, and the pay can be very attractive. Some common roles in this field are: 

✔ Content Developer

✔ Digital Marketing Strategist

✔ Media Planner

✔ Campaign Manager

✔ Social Media Manager

SEO Executive

✔ Email Marketer 

and many more. 

Here’s sky is the limit as you don’t have to gain the professional trust of 3 – 7 years to get the promotion with a good hike. Having productive insight can let you grow.

Job Opportunities in Digital Marketing

Opportunities in Digital Marketing

A great shift has been created due to this digital era in which every business wants to have an in-house Digital Marketing professional; but the availability of such professionals is lesser than the demand. Companies across all industries, from small businesses to large multinationals, are turning to Digital Marketing to promote their brands.

Placement & Salary

The salary packages for Digital Marketing professionals vary depending on experience and qualifications, but freshers can expect to earn between 4 LPA to 6 LPA. The right qualifications and Digital Marketing Course With Placement can make all the difference, leading to higher salaries and better job opportunities.

upGrad Campus Digital Marketing Certification Course

upGrad Campus Digital Marketing Course

Are you interested in availing these opportunities and becoming a Digital Marketing professional? With upGrad Campus’ online Digital Marketing program, you can do just that! As a digital marketer, it is essential that you stay ahead of the curve. upGrad Campus’ Digital Marketing Course With Placement covers the entire spectrum, from Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to Social Media to Digital Analytics and more. As part of the program, you’ll be exposed to a range of topics and concepts. Listed below are some of the key benefits offered by upGrad Campus’ Digital Marketing course.

Watch: Digital Marketing course from upGrad Campus

Salient features of the program

1. Comprehensive and Updated Curriculum

The upGrad Campus Digital Marketing Certification Course provides in-depth learning and offers comprehensive coverage of the fundamentals of Digital Marketing. The curriculum is regularly updated with the latest tools and technologies to ensure that you are fully equipped to tackle the challenges of the industry.

2. Accessible and Interactive Learning Platform

Every upGrad Campus student has access to a simulated online environment, providing 24/7 online assistance through mentor and expert assistance. Our courses are designed in a way so that each user learns at their own pace and in the comfort of their home.

3. Experiential Learning Opportunities

upGrad Campus’ Digital Marketing Certification Course also offers hands-on projects and activities to ensure experiential learning and to instill a comprehensive understanding of the Digital Marketing trends and strategies. Learning the nuances of digital marketing with our program includes the use of up to 46 different tools. This helps to further strengthen students’ knowledge and prepare them for the best possible job or internship opportunities. 

4.  Career Support System

Our Placement Plus programs provide you with the necessary career support, including certified mentor guidance, industry expert advice and valuable tips for helping you to develop your career pathway. These add-on courses are aimed at helping you unlock job opportunities with leading companies all around the world. With Placement Plus, our experts will assist you with getting up to 3 assured interviews. Both Placement Plus and Internship Plus cover soft skills training, resume building, mock interviews and GD preparation that ultimately help you land your dream job as a digital marketer.

Also Read : 10 Tips on How to Advance Your Digital Marketing Career

Upgrade Your CV and Boost Your Skills with upGrad Campus’s Best Digital Marketing Course

The future of marketing is quite thrilling. In the ever-expanding landscape of digital marketing, it is clear that success or failure is determined by adaptability, innovation, and a deep understanding of the changing consumer landscape!

upGrad Campus’ digital marketing training gives freshers a unique insight into the industry, and provides them with all the necessary skills needed to effectively leverage the tools and trends in this domain. What makes this one of the best digital marketing courses is that students will get to meet and interact with titans of the industry. This provides them an incredible opportunity to network and connect with others. 

Take the next step towards building a bright and prosperous future! Check out upGrad Campus’ Digital Marketing Course with Placements and enroll now. Speak to any of our experts to understand your digital marketing course eligibility and sign up today. The future of digital marketing is now! Are you ready to make an impression? 

Watch: Digital Marketing for Beginners | Masterclass | upGrad Campus

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. What is the Digital Landscape in Digital Marketing? 

A: Interestingly, the digital landscape in marketing and advertising is always changing. It refers to the environment and context in which digital marketing activities take place in the virtual space, encompassing various different aspects, such as digital channels, technologies, and platforms to reach and engage with target audiences.  

2. How is Digital Marketing Changing the Landscape of Marketing? 

A: Digital marketing has, and continues to significantly change the landscape and future of marketing in numerous ways. It has allowed businesses to harness the power of data-driven decision-making, enabled brands to personalise their marketing campaigns and even expanded the reach of marketing to a global audience. This provides more opportunities for companies of all sizes to compete.   

3. What is the Future of Digital Marketing in India? 

A: While the digital market in India is still in its nascent stages, the future of marketing holds great promise! This is led by our increasing internet penetration even in rural areas, as well as growing smartphone usage. India’s drive to become more digitally savvy has brought more customers into the fold; opening newer markets for brands to capitalise on the growing online presence. 

4. What is the Future of Digital Marketing in India in 2024? 

A: By 2024, the digital market in India would have expanded even more. We can expect greater digital adoption by customers with a larger emphasis on online shopping and retail.

Disclaimer: The success of job placement / interview opportunity depends on various factors including but not limited to the individual’s qualifications, experience, and efforts in seeking employment. Our organization makes no guarantees or representations regarding the level or timing of job placement / interview opportunity. Relevant terms and conditions will apply for any guarantee provided by upGrad.




Top 11 Benefits of Digital Marketing for Businesses & Students

At the cusp of 2023 – well into the 21st Century – there is almost nobody who hasn’t been faced by a piece of Digital Marketing. Be it a blog, a post, an advertisement on Youtube or even on Spotify. Whether you’re privy to it or not – this world is run by Digital Marketing.

Most of you might already know what Digital Marketing is, but for those of you who’re new here – let’s discuss.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the method of marketing products or services using digital platforms and devices. Digital marketing involves the application of techniques and sharing information for the purposes of promoting new products and services and engaging with customers through online platforms. So what does the Future of Digital Marketing look like?

The Future and Scope of Digital Marketing

At the pace at which Digital Marketing is growing, it is predicted that by 2025 there will be zero tolerance for poor Digital experiences. The Covid-19 pandemic really pushed the envelope for a better digital infrastructure – with Traditional Marketing out of the question, every company relied heavily on Digital Marketing.

But that’s not all. Read further to see what are the benefits of Digital Marketing.

Top 11 Benefits of Digital Marketing

Top 11 Benefits of Digital Marketing

By now you may have realised that digital marketing is vital for almost every company, industry, sector. You can no longer solely rely on traditional marketing to reach your audience – especially when you’re aiming for a global reach. If you’re not sold yet – let us show you the 11 best benefits of Digital Marketing.

Reaching a Global Audience

4.83 Billion people use some form of social media. That is more than half the world’s population.Throw in Content Marketing, Email Marketing and Search Engine Marketing and you can easily reach any corner of the world.

Marketing to a niche audience

Using tools like Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing, you can actually ensure that your Ad reaches the audience of your choice.

Increased ROI

ROI is calculated by measuring how much profit the company gained based on the initial investment. Running campaigns on digital platforms like Google Ads, Instagram, Facebook etc. are much more cost effective and ensure a higher view rate.

Trackable and Measurable Results

Using Digital Marketing and the tools that come with it – like Google Analytics – you can effectively track all your campaigns end to end.

Improved Conversion Rates

Since you can specifically target the audience that is interested in your brand, the chances of them actually purchasing your product is higher.

Increase Social Currency

Social media channels allow you to increase your influence as a brand and create a better reputation in the market.

Interactive Marketing

In Digital Marketing there is room for two-way communication between the brand and the consumer.

Scope for A/B Testing

Using Digital Marketing you can split your audience into different groups and test different Ads on these groups to check in one campaign itself – which Ad performs better.

Remarketing Opportunities

You can specifically market your products to the people who have already shown interest in your brand, using Digital Marketing. This technique is also called Rebranding.

Better Customer Experience

Digital Marketing gives you the opportunity to customise your marketing efforts to suit different groups of people. This calls for a better customer experience.

Higher Engagement

Digital mediums allow the brand to engage with the audience one on one.

Benefits of Digital Marketing for Students

Benefits of Digital Marketing for Students

Digital Marketing is one the most in-demand jobs right now making it the perfect time to start your Digital Marketing journey. upGrad Campus offers a holistic Digital Marketing course that can help you kick-start your career in this competitive field. Take a look at a few of the benefits of a Digital Marketing course with us and working in this field:

  • No Specific Educational Background is Required
  • Outrageously High Demand for Digital Marketers
  • High-Paying Jobs
  • Fast-Growing Industry
  • Get Better Job Security
  • Diverse Career Paths
  • Entrepreneurship Opportunities
  • Freelance Job Opportunities
  • You Can Explore Different Sectors
  • Work in a Diverse Environment

If you want a more comprehensive guide of what is the use of doing a Digital Marketing course you can check out our ‘Ultimate guide on Digital Marketing’.

Benefits of Digital Marketing in India

If you think you need to go abroad to flourish in Digital Marketing – you’re mistaken!
Digital Marketing is flourishing in India – here are the benefits of digital marketing in India:

  • India is one of the top 4 internet users in the world
  • More than 67% of Indians use Social Media
  • Lucrative Salary packages for Freshers, with an average of 6 LPAs
  • India’s has a stronger tech background compared to countries in the West
  • The estimated market value of Digital Marketing in India is 567 Billion INR

In India the field of Digital Marketing is only going to flourish, as the government itself has been increasing its efforts towards this field.

Indian Government’s push for a Digital India

Digital India is a campaign launched by the Indian government, to ensure a better online infrastructure and better online services to the citizens of India. This push for digital literacy is going to increase the demand and scope both for Digital Marketers in India.



We hoped this article helped you understand the importance of Digital Marketing both as a student and as a company. If this article has got you interested in Digital Marketing you can check out our Digital Marketing certification course and kickstart your career in this field.

upGrad Campus’s Ultimate Guide on Digital marketing

Table of Contents

Instagram reels, Facebook shares, Influencers. Do you think this is all there is to Digital Marketing? You’re in for a surprise, pal!

Luckily for you, we have the ultimate guide on Digital Marketing that will help you understand where you stand and where you need to go in the long and ever-changing field of Digital Marketing. This blog covers everything you need to know about Digital Marketing, starting with the most important question – what is Digital Marketing?

What is Digital Marketing?

In today’s world, it’s impossible to find a person who wouldn’t have been subjected to Digital Marketing at all. But while everyone has been exposed to it, not everyone understands the meaning of Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing is an umbrella term covering a single or a combination of activities which allows brands to connect with their customers/target audience. Simply put, it covers any piece of online communication – email/social media ad/search engine result, etc. – that allows users to find and connect with a brand.

Sounds confusing? The best way to understand what Digital Marketing is is by exploring the different Digital Marketing channels.

What are the types of Digital Marketing?

What are the types of Digital Marketing?

There are many types of Digital Marketing channels. The most widely used ones are:

Social Media Marketing (SMM): A Digital Marketing type that is most recognizable is perhaps Social Media Marketing. Social Media Channels like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin, Twitter, etc. are used to build brand awareness amongst your target audience and to interact with them, sometimes, in a one-to-one manner.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): This type of Digital Marketing involves building searchable content on your website and other web pages. The end goal is that your brand name should appear on top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), when users search for particular keywords in Search Engines like Google, Bing, etc. Let’s face it – nobody really looks at any results beyond the third page. So the idea is that your brand should make an appearance as early as possible on the first page itself.

Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC): You must have seen several ads in the form of images, banners and sometimes occurring as search results when you search for a particular topic. These are all forms of PPC. In this Digital Marketing type, the brand pays the website/search engine where the ad is displayed, only if the viewer clicks on the ad. Hence, the name Pay Per Click.

Email Marketing: Email has been and continues to be one of the most powerful tools in Digital Marketing. It has widespread reach, is easy to design and versatile enough to include all types of content. That is why brands make use of email marketing to communicate with their audiences.

Affiliate Marketing: In affiliate marketing, brands pay a commission to affiliates to talk up the brand’s product or service on the affiliate’s website. The affiliate could be an individual or another company itself.

Although there are new channels that are evolving every other day, most of them fall under one of the above 5 types of Digital Marketing.

But, we still haven’t addressed a very important question yet – why is Digital Marketing important?

Importance of Digital Marketing

To understand the importance of Digital Marketing, one must understand what are the benefits of Digital Marketing. There are many benefits of Digital Marketing, for brands and individuals alike:

  1. Owing to the fact that the internet is accessible to everyone and is not restricted to locations, brands are able to reach a larger audience via Digital Marketing.
  2. One of the most important benefits of Digital Marketing is the ROI. With even a small budget, you can reach a larger audience.
  3. When it comes to traditional marketing vs. Digital Marketing, you can directly measure the results of a Digital Marketing campaign, which the former does not allow for.
  4. With Digital marketing, you can perform A/B testing. You can run two campaigns – campaign A and campaign B – each across a small set of audiences and see which one performs better. You can then scale up the campaign to a larger audience.
  5. Digital marketing allows consumers to find and connect with their brands on a one-on-one basis.
  6. Digital marketing employs a diverse set of skills – creativity, communication, design, technology, problem-solving, data analysis and more, thereby offering a range of job opportunities.

The benefits of Digital Marketing extend well and beyond the above list. We will expand them further in our subsequent blogs. But first, let’s understand what skills you need to become a Digital Marketer.

Digital Marketer Skills That Freshers Need

For every type of Digital Marketing channel, there is a range of skills to learn. It can be quite daunting for a fresher to understand which skills to pick up, especially considering that Digital Marketing trends change by the day.

As a general rule of thumb, you should familiarize yourself with:

  1. Data Analysis:
    As mentioned earlier, you can measure the performance of Digital Marketing campaigns. So data is something you will be constantly working with. You need to have the ability to clean data, analyze data (e.g. user demographics), derive meaningful insights and present them in a way that is easy to make marketing decisions.

    Tools & Platforms to know: Google Analytics, MS Excel, and more.

  2. SEO & SEM: In their own right, both Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) help brands to rank higher on Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Whereas SEO focuses on doing so with free content like the brand’s own website, backlinks, etc. SEM achieves this objective with paid promotions.

    Tools & Platforms to know: Google Ads, SEMRush, Google Analytics,, Serpstat and more.

  3. Social Media Marketing (SMM): In marketing there is a popular saying – be where your customers are. And that is exactly what social media allows brands to do. Social media initially began as a simple platform for people to connect with one another. But in the hands of Digital Marketers, it has expanded to so much more. Today, social media marketing includes regularly posting quality content on the various (and relevant) channels, running YouTube/Instagram/Facebook/Linkedin ads, collaborating with influencers, online reputation management by way of responding to comments and queries, and so much more.

    Tools & Platforms to know: Facebook Ads Manager, Twitter Analytics, Hootsuite, Mention,
    Tweetdeck and more.

  4. Content Creation: What is a digital marketing strategy that is more important than the others? In a word, content! There is a reason why they say Content is King. If your content doesn’t have the ability to attract your audience, then all other Digital Marketing efforts are pointless. As a Digital Marketer, you will be expected to understand various types of content (blogs/video scripts/ebooks/social media content, even email), and have a solid foundation in at least a couple of these.

    Tools & Platforms to know: WordPress, Mailchimp, Inshot, Canva, etc.

  5. Communication & Visualization skills: As a Digital Marketer, it is expected of you to have superior communications skills and the ability to visualize ideas. Your language skills need not be restricted to English alone. As marketing strategies are evolving in multiple languages, it helps to have a good grasp of one or more regional languages. Further, you must also have an eye for design aesthetics so that your campaigns perform well.

    Skills to know: Graphic Designing, Writing

Knowing all these skills will allow you to come up with a holistic strategy of Digital Marketing as you work for a brand.

Seems a lot? Take a deep breath and let go. Then rest assured that all these skills are easily learnable at upGrad Campus. Our Digital Marketing Certification course teaches all of the above and more!

Digital Marketer Skills That Freshers Need

Just some of the benefits of Digital Marketing course offered by upGrad Campus include:

✔ Designed and structured for beginners
✔ You can self-study at your own pace and get help from mentors when needed
✔ You get exposure to industry experts
✔ You can work on projects on SEO/SEM/SMM/Web Analytics/WordPress and more!
✔ You get lucrative placement and career opportunities in the field upon completing the course

Digital Marketing Career Opportunities

Digital Marketing Career Opportunities

As of 2020, the Digital Marketing sector was valued at a whopping 353 billion dollars. There is practically no brand today that doesn’t have an online presence. So the opportunities available to a Digital Marketer are as many as there are brands, organisations and marketing agencies today!

What is a Digital Marketer career path?

The skills you pick up and choose to specialize in determine your career path as a Digital Marketer. In general, the career path of a Digital Marketer looks as follows:

  • SEO Specialist → SEO Manager → Digital Marketing Director
  • Search Engine Marketing Specialist → Digital Marketing Specialist → Digital Marketing Manager
  • Social Media Specialist → Social Media Manager → Communications Director
  • Email Marketing Specialist → Marketing Research Analyst → Digital Marketing Lead
  • Copywriter → Content Strategist → Content Manager

At the starting level, whichever career path you choose, you can earn 4-5 LPA. At senior positions, managers today are earning 12~15 LPA.

You can learn more about the Digital Marketing Career Path from an experienced Digital Marketer herself. Check out our Masterclass recording by Archna Lalwani, a Marketing Consultant from IIM Indore as she covers the various opportunities available to you as a Digital Marketer.

Digital Marketing Job Trends in India

To know which skills you should be focussing on, you also need to be aware of the latest Digital Marketing trends in India. Some of the changes that are expected in this thriving field are:

  • Personalization will be key. Today more and more users are looking for a personalized experience as they connect with brands. To deliver this personalized experience, brands will heavily depend on AI for Chatbots, automation in email marketing and more.
  • NFTs and Cryptocurrency. Non-fungible tokens and cryptocurrency will find their application in digital marketing, with brands using these digital assets for accepting payments and as giveaways.
  • Metaverse will be bigger than ever. As more users start building their online presence in the Metaverse, brands will also try to occupy as much real estate as possible, and what will follow is Digital Marketing.
  • Voice assistants everywhere. Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant won’t be the only players on the field. Voice assistants may end up being the default way to search and interact with brands.
  • AR and VR. AR filters have already found their way into Instagram. Brands will explore new ways to engage audiences with both Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Digital Marketing Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How is Digital Marketing different from Inbound Marketing?
    It is easy to confuse Digital Marketing with Inbound Marketing as both are closely related. However, the objective of each of these types of marketing is different. This in turn makes the strategy of Digital Marketing very different from that of Inbound Marketing. Inbound marketing is all about building experiences and content that attracts customers to the brand. This may seem similar to Digital Marketing which also relies on content and experiences to attract customers to the various channels. However, where Digital Marketing works towards specific platform goals (e.g. getting impressions on social media channels), Inbound Marketing is a more holistic approach to getting qualified leads. Put this way, Inbound Marketing uses Digital Marketing tactics to meet its milestones across digital channels.
  2. What is the difference between B2B and B2C marketing?
    B2B marketing refers to Business-to-Business marketing, where one business’s client is another business. Examples include manufacturers of car parts with clients such as an automobile company or perhaps an IT company that sells its software to banks and other institutions. In B2C marketing, the client is always an individual. Many businesses, like restaurants, clothes brands, and even services like Ola and Zomato cater to individuals and are inherently B2C in nature.

    Until a few years ago, B2B relied more on interpersonal relationships than concentrated marketing efforts to get more clients. But with the explosion of Digital Marketing and technology, B2B brands rely equally on Digital Marketing to the same end.

    Because their audiences are drastically different, there is a lot of contrast between B2B versus B2C Digital Marketing. Since most B2C offerings are short-term buys, B2C messaging tends to be catchy and offer-based with an emotional connection to the consumers. B2B brands on the other hand expect a long-term relationship with their customers and hence, they tend to be more evidence-based offering long-term benefits to the consumers. Where B2C content has to be more “talkable/memorable” amongst the consumers to attract them, B2B content has to be more “downloadable/shareable” for executives to make decisions.
    So you have to design your marketing strategy, creatives and campaigns according to your audience – whether it is B2B or B2C.

  3. Will Digital Marketing thrive in the recession?
    This is a common question that occurs in the life of every marketer. Marketing for businesses is an expense, and come recession, cutting marketing budgets seems like a reasonable action. However, Digital Marketing has changed the game for businesses. Digital marketing allows you to perform many activities – generating new leads to bring in new business, remarketing to old leads, building revenue through easy shopping avenues and more. Each of these objectives are achieved with much smaller budgets and a well-defined target audience, making the marketing expenses very low compared to traditional marketing avenues. So Digital Marketing is definitely the need of the hour during a recession.

    Furthermore, considering that technology is not moving out of our day-to-day lives anytime soon, nor will Digital Marketing. This means that there is abundant scope for brands to employ Digital Marketing professionals to come up with new touchpoints for interacting with their consumers.



Digital Marketing is a thriving industry with abundant opportunities. It expects little from you in terms of background and gives you the chance to explore newer strategies, skills and audiences and flex your creative side too! If you’re interested in becoming a full-time Digital Marketer, then our Digital Marketing Certification Program is just the place to start. With marketing experts from popular brands, one-on-one mentoring, hands-on projects and more, this course is the perfect stepping stone for your career.

Was there something more you wanted to know about Digital Marketing? Let us know in the comments below.

*The placement figures represent the number of students placed by upGrad. Past record is no guarantee of future job prospects. The success of job placement/interview opportunity depends on various factors including but not limited to the individual's performance in the program, the placement eligibility criteria, qualifications, experience, and efforts in seeking employment. Our organization makes no guarantees or representations regarding the level or timing of job placement/interview opportunity. Relevant terms and conditions will apply for any guarantee provided by upGrad.